
Friday, April 28, 2017

RBE = The Circle

The Circle (2017)

PG-13 | DramaSci-Fi & Thriller 
The Circle Poster
A woman lands a dream job at a powerful tech company called the Circle, only to uncover an agenda that will affect the lives of all of humanity.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Peter Joseph is a Performance Artist

You spoke to Alex Jones before and it didn't go too well, right?
It's interesting to see Alex's development and distortion, because I think when he started he had genuine sense and he hadn't been polluted by his popularity and his wealth and so on. When I spoke with him I really tried to leave the things that would divide us to the side. You know, he has a religious disposition and he does have some terribly irrational views that are impulsive, and he's built this persona that he has to keep perpetuating. I put that kind of stuff aside and I tried to talk to him, and he basically turned around and said I supported the new-world order. Then he just went crazy. 
It was proved with recent news about this lawsuit [in which Jones's lawyer argued that he is a "performance artist" and that his on-air persona is an act] that he really does put on an act, and there's only a threshold of things that he really believes [Jones has since said he believes "in the overall political programme I am promoting"]. I would never go back on his show again, regardless of popularity.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Peter Joseph goes after Max Keiser

Monday, April 17, 2017

Peter Joseph goes after Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Peter Joseph doesn't know how old is Capitalism

Peter Joseph says capitalism has been around thousands of years at 6:08 WTF? from TZM

Monday, April 3, 2017

Gravitas Ventures promotes Zeitgeist trilogy

Peter Joseph Sells Out Zeitgeist Movement: Gravitas Ventures

Zeitgeist: The Movie (2007) is a treatment on Mythology and Belief in society today presenting uncommon perspectives of common cultural issues. Chapter 1 presents historical data relating to the astronomical/astrological origins of the Judeo-Christian theology. Chapter 2 presents a alternative view of the events of Sept. 11th 2001. Chapter 3 presents a shotgun tour through the subjects of Central Banking, War Pretexts, Banking Panics, the Military Industrial Complex, Media Culture and ultimately the mental neurosis and deadly addiction known as Power.
  • Provider Channel

  • Release date

    • 2007
  • Running time

    • 1:56:39
  • Language

    • English

Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008) features former "Economic Hit-Man" and New York Times bestselling author, John Perkins, along with The Venus Project, an organization for social redesign created by Industrial Designer Jacque Fresco. Broken into four chapters, the 1st explains "Fractional Reserve Banking" and how Debt and Bankruptcy are inevitable realities. The 2nd exposes various levels of international corruption via the financial/corporate system. The 3rd then considers solutions to current social woes and the 4th gives a philosophical view with the hope to inspire change in the viewer.
  • Provider Channel

  • Release date

    • 2008
  • Running time

    • 2:03:09
  • Language

    • English

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011) focuses on "Monetary-Market Economics" and its repercussions. Chapter 1 is treatment on "Human Nature", noting that our social traditions are out of line with what constitutes positive human development. Chapter 2 details the core flaws of our economic system and how it is destroying us and the planet. Chapter 3 begins a thought exercise where our modern scientific understanding is considered as the starting point for human decision-making and Chapter 4 sets predictions of what is to come as society becomes more destabilized due to our outdated practices.
  • Provider Channel

  • Release date

    • 2011
  • Running time

    • 2:41:15
  • Language

    • English