
Monday, April 24, 2017

Peter Joseph is a Performance Artist

You spoke to Alex Jones before and it didn't go too well, right?
It's interesting to see Alex's development and distortion, because I think when he started he had genuine sense and he hadn't been polluted by his popularity and his wealth and so on. When I spoke with him I really tried to leave the things that would divide us to the side. You know, he has a religious disposition and he does have some terribly irrational views that are impulsive, and he's built this persona that he has to keep perpetuating. I put that kind of stuff aside and I tried to talk to him, and he basically turned around and said I supported the new-world order. Then he just went crazy. 
It was proved with recent news about this lawsuit [in which Jones's lawyer argued that he is a "performance artist" and that his on-air persona is an act] that he really does put on an act, and there's only a threshold of things that he really believes [Jones has since said he believes "in the overall political programme I am promoting"]. I would never go back on his show again, regardless of popularity.