

Charles Robinson: Who are you?

A former member of the Zeitgeist Movement and former supporter of the Venus Project. From time to time, I rubberneck to see what's going on. I've been on the internet long enough too to know when things are about to disappear and this is why I created this little project.

Charles Robinson: But Peter Joseph said there is no such thing as members.

Yeah and he's going to say there is no such thing as chapters either.

Charles Robinson: Are there videos or audio about the Zeitgeist Movement and/or the Venus Project that you wish were still up?

I recently noticed the take down of the GentleMachine channel that had a lot of videos of the Zeitgeist Movement and the Venus Project being exposed/joked about. I will be uploading those again here if they are 100 MBs or smaller and I can date stamp them. But the videos that were too long or not date stamped will be uploaded on Archive over time. YouTube is just getting more strict in general and I already caught fatigue when Peter Joseph himself flagged everything down which I was attempting to re-upload. Yeah, he was still doing this in 2019. But I'll give it another try. There were even videos and audio that were out earlier last decade that I never got to really put my ears or eyes to too:
There are probably more videos/audio I missed out on in the past. Oh, there are forum threads I wish I had access to as well which was unable to catch. Some, but not all.

Charles Robinson: Archiving tweets too I see.

Peter Joseph deletes and tweets so much, I wanted to archive those too. Honestly, it's the only thing that shows any signs of a pulse when it comes the Zeitgeist Movement in general.

Charles Robinson: What do you think about InterReflections?

Don't care for it to be honest and I think he lost most of his viewers, the views from his new movie YouTube channel definitely reflects that. I agree with the reviews that came out after he officially released the film online. Yes, I watched it. People moved on.

Charles Robinson: What is Peter Joseph's last name?

Honestly, I don't know why he hides his last name since his brother doesn't and his films are just as controversial if not more. But I don't care about his family and don't think any critic of TZM ever did. In your interview with him, he said we can call him whatever he wants but watch how triggered he gets when you call him by his real name. All of sudden, you're getting legal threats which is comical to me.

Charles Robinson: Do you think the Zeitgeist Movement or the Venus Project are cults?

You be the judge.

Is all your blogging being backed up in case someone from TZM or TVP tries to censor you?

I'm backing up as much as I can now. Feel free to join in.

Charles Robinson: Why are the comments disabled?

Been there, done that. I actually engaged with some TZM members in 2019 on X then got blocked and suspended, I guess it's just time to move on. Burger King got suspended too, dang. I should have known better, of course they were going to try to shut me up. If you're annoyed with him as I am, I would just report his offensive tweets like I'm sure he did with my tweets and report the offensive tweets of his followers too. But if anyone wants to pick up from where I left off, this site will remain.

Charles Robinson: Did you hear about him getting banned from X?

Yeah and I think it's hilarious that he's trying to say only Joe Rogan bots (I laughed out loud) report him on X instantly all of the sudden as if he was never reported on X out of the decade he was on the platform and hasn't said distasteful things before about him or others in the past. I think he's misleading his audience once you realize what he decided to post 4 days ago before he got banned. He's a founder of a "movement" advocating violence that constantly claims they are non-violent this and non-violent that. I'll be surprised if he gets his account back through any appeal process. TZMGLOBAL still remains, TZM will still be ignored and people have already moved on. I'll make sure his past tweets are backed up just in case. If he goes down the same road evading X ban like this with same previous rhetoric, that will go bye bye too.

Charles Robinson: He just deleted TZMGLOBAL from X, did you hear?

And I just got my X back too, Elon Musk is on a mission. This guy has been a thorn of his side for years and he owns X now? I moved on though, I made my points. I think he saw the writing on the wall too and realized that most of his followers were going to disappear because a good chunk of them were bots (ironic) probably as people I'm sure stopped following him in any platform over time as well. It's probably another diva moment from him as Burger King use to call his rage quits, I wouldn't be surprised if he came back again. I mean, I'm sure he's going to need social media to promote another movie. In the meantime, enjoy the TZM X Files.

Charles Robinson: He activated his account again, you were right. When do you think he'll quit again?

Who knows and at this point, I lost count. I see he's trying to revive somewhat of his Culture In Decline series but can't log into his YouTube channel to upload his new content? Maybe it has something to do with bot followers he had years ago on that account? Bruh..