

1916 - Jacque Fresco was born:
Jacque Fresco was born on March 13, 1916 and grew up in a Bensonhurst which is a Brooklyn borough of New York City. Fresco's father, an agriculturalist born in Constantinople which is Modern-day Instanbul, Turkey; Jacque's father was born nearly 43 years before the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, he was laid off almost immediately after the onset of the Great Depression. His mother Lena, who emigrated from Jerusalem, was a stay-at-home mom who took up freelance sewing to make money. He had an older brother and a younger sister.

1920 - Frieda Fresco:
Fresco's younger sister was born.

1922 - Jacque Fresco's Grandfather influenced him he said:
Jacque Fresco's grandfather said to him that people came from all over the world and made America. He said, “An Arab named Algebra gave us algebra. Egyptians had the earliest large library and they gave us a lot of wonderful ideas in mathematics.” And so he told him that if you pledge allegiance to one country, you're not giving the other counties credit. In that area, his grandfather was okay according to him which makes you wonder what he didn't like about his grandfather.

1923 - Brother David Fresco introduces Jacque Fresco Atheism:
After seeing "The 10 Commandments" by Cecil B. DeMille, his older brother, David, taught him atheism. Jacque still for a brief period began to explore other religions and eventually he drifted away from religion altogether.

1925 - Jacque Fresco's claims to have invented Rubber fan blades:
Fresco at the age of 9 (Jacque himself said 13) claims he created a fan with rubber blades instead of metal ones so that no one could hurt themselves because someone from his family got hurt. He presented the idea to a store and a month later, they stole his idea after the store rejected him. But swan fans were not created until the 1930's.

1926 - Jacque Fresco's religion candle:
Fresco claimed at 10, he designed a special candle for a religious sect in New York City. Back in the day he says, this group of people were not permitted to put out a candle on their holy days, so he designed one that would self-extinguish at any hour they desired.

1927 - Jacque Fresco believed in Metropolis and claims he created a Bat hearing device:
Jacque Fresco in his lectures would often state that a Resource Based Economy was possible before the great depression but said what he advocated failed in Brazil in the same year and is being attempted again. Just google "Brasilia Syndrome" and look for the book "125 Utopias and why they failed".

At the age of 11, he said that he made a device for deaf people to hear from getting his influence from bats but probably never had homemade hearing aids for himself.

Also, he admits he was influenced by watching the movie 'Metropolis'.

1928 - Jacque Fresco saw a gear, his interest in planes and Principal Issac Bildersee:
When Jacque was about 12 years old, he was looking at a gear on a table. He also saw the cities of the future, but most likely stole the idea from Atlantis. He also in general showed interest in the future when watching a movie a year before called Metropolis.

Fresco wanted to know how airplanes flew, as a kid. So he asked his mother, father and his relatives. They had no information. So he finally went to the library and got out a book called "The Wright Brothers" and he was very anxious, because for years he wanted to know. He opened that book with great anxiety. And it starts out, “It was a sunny day in May, and Mrs. Orville Wright was hanging clothing on the line.” Jacque didn't want to know that. That bothered him and near the end of the book, they killed a pigeon and they put wiring in its wings to keep them extended. And they moved the wings up and back to find the center of gravity and launched it. That was information. Then when he went back to school and looked at the books, most of them were "Sunny Day In May". So he began to read and scratch the irrelevant information and look for substance. I can't find this book that he's talking about and I can't even find it in the recommended reading that's promoted from the Venus Project website, you would think it would be there some he said he found useful information in it.

Jacque was fascinated by aircraft and once walked hours to an airport when he was young to see a real airplane only to find near the airport there was a river in-between. This gave him a hunger. Later he visited relatives and they took him to see an airplane in Ventnor, PA. Not being able to have full access to airplanes when he was young instilled a motivation to look for more information. Jacque went to the library and read everything he could on airplanes and design. He would go to airports for two years. He even said in Sept. 9, 1977 in one of his lectures that he use to work at the airport as a kid.

Fresco refused to pledge allegiance to the flag one day and was taken by the ear to see the Principal Issac Bildersee. The principal asked Jacque why he was refusing to pledge to the flag and listened to his answer with the examples Jacque’s grandfather provided. Fresco also told him that everyone once thought the earth was flat but that doesn’t make it so. He let Fresco express his view further after he asked what he thought about his educational process and the teaching of history for example. Jacque asked if he could be honest and explained how all in the history books always did the “right” thing, they didn’t look like real people and that people learn from making mistakes. The principal called his mother in to tell her he was going to take Jacque to the store and buy him lab equipment/books he wanted to read. He then let Fresco study on his own with the requirement of reporting to him what he was learning. Jacque was beaten up by other students in school because of the special attention he was getting from the principal. This privilege was eventually taken away after the principal died from a heart attack a year and a half later.

1929 - Truant Officer tells Jacque to stop skipping school and his Playground experience:
He played hooky for six weeks after leaving school and the truant officer was sitting on his doorsteps when he came home. He always left home with books, but he never went to school. Truant officer said, “What do you do when you're not in school?" Jacque Fresco told him that he went to the science museum; to the library and read what he wanted to read. Truant Officer said, “What do you do at home?” Jacque replied, “I have a little lab.” he said, “Can I see it?” Truant officer said, “Under one condition, that you don't tell my mother who you are. Otherwise there's going to be trouble.” said Fresco making things more suspicious for his parents and the Truant Officer agreed. Jacque showed him his lab and he stated, “What you're doing is good. I can't criticize you. But you can do me a favor if you want to. Show up Monday, just to show that I did my job. Then you can continue as you are doing.” Fresco saw him as a nice guy too – very young. And he understood Jacque's intentions, which was very rare for him. Jacque did check in at school as he requested but did not go back after that.

It was during that period when, while swinging on a bar at a playground, the young Fresco fell over and split his lip. “I held it together and ran to the nearest doctor,” Jacque said. Fresco eventually paid the doctor by building several cabinets for him.

1930 - Jacque Fresco's walk on the Brooklyn Bridge:
After Jacque dropped out of school at age 14, he witnessed cops stopping on the Brooklyn Bridge where someone was passed out drunk. Fresco was behind a pillar and heard them talk about how the gentleman they saw would probably throw up in the car and mess it up, so they picked him up and threw him off to his death. This was during the Great Depression which began a year ago and this helped shape Jacque’s attitudes of how economic conditions change values. Fresco also left home because he saw his parents as "pissants" for some reason, hitchhiking and 'jumping' trains as one of the so-called "Wild Boys of the Road".

1931 - Jacque met Einstein he said, couldn't save Pearl Harbor and reflects as an Amateur:
One day, he noticed Albert Einstein's sister exiting a theater at Radio City because of her hair standing out to him, supposedly it was exactly like his. Albert Einstein lived in New Jersey and I couldn't find a theater with that name in that state which makes me wonder if he was referring to the Music Hall in New York. If he was, construction was still taking place in this decade. But any ways, Fresco walked up to her and asked if he could visit him but his sister didn't come to the United States until 1939. I'll let you guys do your research on that though.

Fresco during this time period too tried to save people from the Pearl Harbor attacks because he somehow knew something horrible was going to happen but the FBI didn't listen to him. He also was drawing wings of planes already it seems.

Jacque entered a contest when he was young and imitated different accents in each nationality because already at 15, he was exposed to all different type of people and cultures, chiseling for a price of a bucket of apples. Fresco won he said and was supposed to get a monetary prize and they said you want a job or the money. He said a job and they never followed through, never got any money either he claimed.

1932 - Jacque Fresco's Communist days:
During the Great Depression, there were many people speaking in the street on soap boxes. Fresco, at 16, heard a man talking about Communism. He looked at Fresco and said, “Go away sonny boy, this is not for you.” So Jacque said he wanted to hear what he had to say.” He said, “Why?” Fresco stated, “Because I don't believe what the Democrats say about the Republicans or the Republicans say about the Democrats and what they say about communism. I want to hear what Communism is from a communist. Where can I get more information?” He said, “Go to the YCL.” Jacque replied, “What's that?” He said, “the Young Communist League.” Fresco said, “Where are they?” He gave Jacque an address and he went there and there were kids/young adults there at the age of 7-19. They were reading very deep books and they were talking sensibly. So Jacque said "gee, they're very different than other kids." So after the meeting, Fresco raised his hand and said “how are you going to prevent corruption under communism?” They replied, “Well we're all good people.” Fresco said, “I don't doubt that, but how will you prevent corruption?” The YCL was getting annoyed with Fresco since he was asking vague questions and they stated, “Well when that time comes, we'll work on it.” Jacque said, “How are you going to prevent people taking advantage of other people and living in bigger houses? And how are you going to house the masses of people?” They said, “Oh when that time comes, we'll work on it.” But I think Jacque was influenced by the Soviet Micro Districts. Jacque said, “Let's start a technical branch at the Communist Party and work on these things now.” They proclaimed “you're deviating from the teachings of Marx.” Fresco said “I'm trying to add things.” They said “you'll have to leave.” So the vice-president of the Young Communist League said “let's hear him out” and they asked both of them to leave. The vice president and Fresco stayed friends until he died.

1933 - Jacque Fresco left home again:
He returned to New York, only to leave for good at the age of 17 after pamphlets titled “Come to California, Lots of Jobs” were airdropped upon the city. Naturally, he detested the 7-cent-per-hour farm labor jobs..

1934 - Plays with high heels and hitchhiked To Florida:
When he was about 18 and in a hardware store, Jacque noticed that when women walked down the street in high heels, the guys inside the store would walk outside to see them. So Fresco got some friends of his together and made a record of a girl walking down the street – just the heels. Then they played it outside the store that brought the men outside. That's when Jacque realized pranks can be used to help him think mechanistically – that people do not respond to the real world but they respond to associative memory. It was also said that he developed some experimental equipment for behavioral scientist by the name of Keller Breland. What was created is unknown.

As Jacque was hitch-hiking to Florida which I'm not sure why he did since he was supposed to go to California, he saw an old man walking with his worldly goods on his shoulder in a blanket at the end of a stick. He was shuffling very slowly. So Fresco called out to him. Jacque wanted to help him carry that load because he could hardly walk. Fresco called out several times and he seemed also hard of hearing, he didn't have any bat hearing aids to provide this guy. When he turned around, Jacque could see he had a severe case of acromegaly – elephant man disease. Fresco got to the nearest police station and asked if he could sleep there. Police Officers agreed after first finger printing him to make sure he was not wanted for anything.

1935 - Jacque Fresco gets into the aircraft industry:
Jacque was a part-time designer of modernistic plastic window displays while in Florida I guess. At 19, he finally hitched-hiked to California “to get into the aircraft industry”. With a bunch of futuristic drawings of saucer-like aircraft as his credentials, he surprisingly landed a job in the design department of Douglas Aircraft which is odd because you wouldn't think a company would hire someone that comes off as a conspiracy theorist. He claimed to be the originator saucer-like designs even though the term was coined in June 19, 1930. But years before this, an article said he decided to make his first flying saucer when he was 16. Also, the first documented patent for a lenticular flying machine was submitted by Romanian inventor Henri Coanda. He made a functional small scale model which was flown in 1932 and a patent was granted for it in 1935.

1936 - Jacque Fresco was influenced by H.G. Wells:
One of his favorite movies seems to be "Things To Come" and even though Jacque Fresco says he's against the Illuminati, he wants nWo.

1937 - South Pacific island adventure:
Jacque quit Douglas Aircraft because there were safety design disagreements which lead to his next adventure. So he took a boat job (what he did is not actually confirmed) until he found something better and decided to go on a boat trip because he didn't know anything about sex according to a Portugal lecture he gave in his World lecturing tour and drifted on a Polynesian island in the South Pacific where the natives wore no clothing. He said the males didn’t stare at the female body, but rather looked into their eyes when engaging them. During sex, they stroked the entire body. "When you pet a dog, you don’t stop at the balls–you stroke the entire dog" said Jacque. They didn’t brag about sexual conquests he said and it appeared to be as natural as any other activity among them. Fresco stated that he use to see 13 and 14 year olds have sex. Even being exposed to this type of community, he still had fetishes himself.

1938 - After Douglas Aircraft:
After this trip he had, he worked for Rotor Craft Helicopter Company for a brief period of time. I don't know much about this company.

1939 - Jacque Fresco's adventure in California and some more stuff he was working on:
Jacque took residence at various locations in Hermosa Beach and throughout Los Angeles. Fresco established the Scientific Research Laboratories in Elysian Park, Los Angeles. Later moved to Los Feliz, near Hollywood and taught technical illustration.

Jacque has shown pictures of what his Art & Cultural Centers would look like in a RBE but we can clearly see that his design was stolen from the JFK airport which began its construction in the same year. So yeah. Also, it was claimed that he was working on systems for noiseless and pollution free aircrafts too. Fresco claimed he was trying to eliminate sonic booms for Raymond De-Icer Co and set up electrostatic system controls for aircraft.

1940 - Jacque Fresco's Technocracy experience:
The Technocracy movement is a social movement which arose in the early 20th century. Technocracy was popular in the USA for a brief period in the early 1930's, it thrived during the Great Depression. The Technocrats proposed replacing politicians and business people with scientists and engineers who had the technical expertise to manage the economy. Jacque’s designs appeared in a technocracy magazine several times. Jacque resigned after several months after conversing with Scott, the chief engineer, when he stated to Fresco that the oriental mind could not grasp technology and that “negros” ought to start their own section if they were interested. You would think his main objection would be against energy credits which goes against the RBE idea he seem to already had brewing in his head, getting goods and services without a price tag, debt, barter or any form of servitude wasn't the message he wanted to spread in Technocracy for some reason. It took multiple publications of his designs in their magazines to realize they were racist? Then he says he was offended by the fact that there were applications that had a part asking what a person's race was, so who knows if Fresco's story is true. According to his logic, every company would have been and still is racist because every application ask for your race.

1942 - United States Army:
Jacque was drafted into the United States Army. He was soon given technical design duties for the Army Air Force at Wright Field design laboratories in Dayton, Ohio. There he would produce many designs, of which one was a "radical variable camber wing" with which he attempted to optimize flight control by allowing the pilot to adjust the thickness of the wings during lift and flight. Three years later, he patented it himself.

1943 - Jacque Fresco meets R. Buckminster Fuller:
Jacque Fresco was introduced to Bucky Fuller by Dr. Dickenson, a guy his school principal knew in school knew (I guess they were still in communication coming back as a zombie dying in 1929 to help in Jacque's journey, Fresco said he was around 14 years old at the time too which is even funnier) for a ride in his Dymaxion car and you can tell that Jacque's car designs are influenced if not a complete copycat from Bucky's design. Fresco asked him what Dymaxion meant. He said, “The highest form that can be attained.” Bucky had a V-8 engine in it and it had a rear wheel with square windows. It was streamlined as compared to other cars and Jacque was very impressed. And Fresco said, “This car has a lot of pick up. ...Women too.” Bucky would drive by and women would look at the car. Fresco considered him strange most likely due to jealousy. In his office, Bucky put a telephone on the end of a long pivoted projection so he could move it from one desk to the other. And then he had an idea which he showed Jacque where a blimp carries a bomb over an area and drops it to blast a hole and that's the foundation for the building. Fresco said, “Bucky, we can put the bomb in the ground like dynamite and blow the hole. You don't need a blimp to drop it. And he said, “I'm older than you.” He also had the Dymaxion house at the time and was made by Beach Aircraft Company. It was a prefabricated unit. Jacque mentioned it was similar to a merry-go-round suspended from a pole with cables. He said, “Yeah, that's where I got the idea. Fresco said, “So then you believe that all ideas are serially developed?” He said, “Yes they are, to a large extent.” But he also believed he was a mystic in regards to invention. He felt he was here for a purpose to benefit people and Fresco didn't like how Bucky thought about himself and you can see why. Bucky gave Fresco a book that he wrote called "Nine Chains to the Moon" – a very influential book. It gave him a way of picturing things that he couldn't picture before. Bucky said, “If you took everybody on Earth and stood them head over heel, they would make nine chains to the moon.” That gave Jacque a way of picturing vast numbers and vast systems, they were only numerical before that. And in his book, he talked of the Earth. He said, “A lot of people say they wouldn't travel on a spaceship, but we're on a spaceship traveling through the universe.” He coined the term, “Spaceship Earth.” And Jacque said, “Do you know anything about Technocracy?” He said, “Why yes. That's an impractical idea that would never work.” Fresco said, “What's the matter with it?” He said, “It's authoritarian.” The same could be said about the Venus Project since there would be a Survey Committee.

Then he said, “You see that person over there?” and he was telling Fresco all about people without knowing them. Jacque said, “How do you do that?” He said, “You can tell by the shape of their head.” Phrenology. And Jacque said, “Well, I wouldn't be that sure if I were you, because I would talk to them first. Give them a chance to fit into that category. Maybe you're right. But talk to them because environment does have a lot of effect on people.” And he said, “No. There are some people that are takers and some that are givers, and some that are conformists,” and he went on with a lot of that kind of thing at that time. Jacque also tried to talk about social ideas with him at the time but he couldn't get anywhere at all with Buckminister Fuller.

1944 - Life after the United States Army and invented a specialized bed:
Fresco was discharged because he said he did not want to contribute to projects like the Manhattan Project and in the same year, Jacque invented some type of specialized bed (enclosed sanitary sleeping chamber) which I think was influenced by BF Skinner's specialized crib for his daughter.

1945 - The Trend Home and other stuff:
Fresco was commissioned by Earl Muntz and Mike Shore to design housing that was low cost. Muntz invested $500,000 seed money in the project. Fresco along with his associates Harry Giaretto and Eli Catran conceived, designed and engineered a project house called the Trend Home which came in 12 variation. Built mostly of aluminum and glass, it was on prominent display at Stage 8 of the Warner Bros. Sunset Lot in Hollywood for three months. It took only 10 men eight hours according to him to construct the Trend Home which I have trouble believing since he was still struggling to make his dome buildings over a decade. He also supposedly worked on pre-fabricated industrial buildings for Houser Industrial Co. and helped create smoking pipes for the Volk Pipe company that condensed nicotine in the barrel lowering temperature of smoke.

1946 - Revell Plastic and Jacque's Lab:
Fresco said he was the Co-creator of Revel Plastics (or just the creator) but I can only find proof that he worked for them at some capacity. During this time period though; he created a draftsman rack and some type of tray and it appears he was able to put a patent in for a specific wing of a plane. This was all done from Jacques's small office roughly a mile northeast of Hollywood that existed for around a decade. Fresco said that he was evicted because he couldn't keep up with paying his rent as he was investing most of his money on his inventions at that time. Then sometimes he said that he lost his laboratory because the city wanted to build the Golden State Freeway. Then in an article, he said he wanted to leave to "escape the Los Angeles smog". So I'm not sure which story is true.

1948 - Cybernetics introduced to the world and who created Velcro:
Cybernetics took off with a book called "The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society" by Norbert Weiner and this terminology was not introduced by Jacque Fresco as Roxanne Meadows says when mentioning on the side why Jacque's project went from Sociocyberneering to the Venus Project. Fresco even said he met him once.

Roxanne Meadows said in an interview with a former Venus Project supporter that Jacque created Velcro when this isn't true. During a walk in the woods in this year, Swiss engineer and outdoorsman, George de Mestral, caught hundreds of burrs in his clothes and his dog's fur. He wondered how they attached themselves. De Mestral observed the burrs under a microscope and the rest is history.

Also, Roxanne Meadows was born on April 11th of this year. She started working with Jacque in 1975 or 1976 she said, but I think this was in 1981 as she said in Future By Design and I doubt it took William Gazecki 6 years to create that film. Maybe it was 1978, who knows.

1949 - 3D Images:
Jacque kept on trying to invent things and was commissioned by Hollywood producer Jack Moss to develop technology for viewing 3D images without the use of glasses. It was presented to Technicolor and they expressed interest but were unsatisfied with the image fading at 30°. They said, “Get it bigger and call us.” Then Moss forgot about him and Jacque Fresco admits that was a failure himself too. The person that we know for giving us 3D movies is the NASA physicist by the name of Valerie Thomas.

1950 - Frank Scully:
Frank Scully met Jacque and viewed his designs 10 years [2] before supposedly. Scully presented Jacque with the claims to alien technology and sightings he had in his book, which Fresco said he systematically disproved but Scully’s book was published in this year which led to sales of 62,000 copies in several printings leading to Frank becoming a minor national celebrity. His name was later used for Dana Scully in the X-Files, due to the name “Scully” being well known in UFO lore at the time and Jacque for this reason tried to claim him as a follower when I don't think this was the case. When he tried to submit his own UFO models, they were rejected.

1951 - The Day the Earth Stood Still and Air Bags:
The SciFi movie that inspired Jacque's "The Choice Is Ours" movie. In case you don't believe me.

Fresco in an interview from November 16, 1989 is credited for inventing airbags and he lets that float out there. What actually happened is that there were air-filled bladders that were in use as early as this year. The airbag specifically for automobile use is credited to John W. Hetrick and he filed for an airbag patent on August 5th, 1952 that was granted by the United States Patent Office on August 18th, 1953.

1952 - Jacque is a convict expert, I guess:
He for some reason credited himself with he refers to his colleague and work associate of Donald Powell Wilson of Los Angeles who was a psychologist that wrote "My Six Convicts". I'm not sure why Jacque is needed for someone's autobiography.

1953 - Jacque's son was born and Project Moonbase:
Fresco's second wife, Patricia, gave birth to a son, Richard. He was an army private.

Jacque worked as a model and special effects designer for science fiction movies. He worked on a television show called "Ring Around the Moon" which became the film "Project Moonbase".

1954 - Walt Disney rejected Jacque Fresco and Carl Sagan's prediction:
Fresco said that 10 years [3] before Walt Disney started to work on the Epcot concept, that he went to his office to propose his blueprints and was rejected; hinting that Walt Disney ripped him off. Let's just ignore phase 4. In reality, Disney was influenced by Ebenezer Howard.

Carl Sagan at this time also predicted that the Venus Project would be nothing but a swamp as well.

1955 - Left California to Miami to become a 'Psychologist Consultant':
Fresco moved to Miami, Florida and at the time living on a boat. Instead of being an Art School instructor, he opened a business as a psychological consultant but had no formal schooling in the subject. After receiving a 'barrage of criticism' from the American Psychological Association, Jacque stopped that business. In a newspaper article from that time period, Fresco claimed to have a degree from Sierra University, Los Angeles, California, which is unverified. Later on his life, he couldn't even get an honorary degree. All I know about his first wife is that she remained in Los Angeles.

1956 - Jacque Fresco's daughter was born and he worked on the "The Naked Eye":
Her name was Bambi Fresco.

Fresco also worked as a technical adviser in the film industry, most notably for Lou Stoumen's 1956 documentary "The Naked Eye".

1957 - Jacque Fresco divorced his second wife:
Jacque divorced his second wife and remained unmarried thereafter. The information about his first wife is unknown at this point.

1958 - Jacque Fresco's daughter experiment and David Fresco's son was born:
When Fresco was in the KKK, he thought that shooting a blank bullet at his daughter with some explosive in a cigarette in her mouth (to confuse a KKK friend of his thinking that Jacque actually made the shot) at the age of 2 was a great way to dismantle the Miami Klu Klux Klan chapter which we're supposed to believe. Also, he did something with a pig.

David's son, Victor Fresco, was born. He also had a brother by the name of Michael Fresco.

1960 - Jacque Fresco tried to submit his vehicle idea to the Ford Foundation:
Jacque created a three-wheel low cost motor vehicle developed for Miami Motor Co., consisting of only 32 parts as well which would at the time only cost $700 to mass-produce and I think he tried to pitch this to the Ford Foundation. But I'm not sure if he ever did any type of business with Ford.

1961 - Trend Home 2.0:
With Pietro Belluschi and C. Frederick Wise, Fresco designed a supposedly more sophisticated sequel to his earlier Trend Home, known as the “Sandwich House.” Consisting of mostly prefabricated components, partitions and aluminum, it sold for $2,950 or $7,500 with foundation and all internal installations.

1962 - Carl Sagan on Jacque Fresco:
When Carl Sagan was 27, he described Venus, Florida as a large swamp and called Fresco a dinosaur.

1963 - Jacque Fresco's father died and he created a comb:
His father, Isaac Fresco, was born in 1880 and around 1905, immigrated from Istanbul to New York where he worked as a horticulturalist. Then he passed away in 1963.

Jacque Fresco submitted a patent for a comb. Believe it or not, he used to have hair.

1964 - Project Americana:.
It looks like he started this project three years before. But supposedly Vice President Hubert Humphrey asked Jacque to write a proposal to make President Johnson look good. The plan was called Project Americana, a 10 Year Plan [4] for America’s Social Change. It was claimed by a TVP supporter that this was something started in 1955 but this project itself is heavily questioned. 10 seems to be the magic number if he rewind a year and to 1941. The plan included, among other things, methods for aiding struggling nations by erecting prefabricated factories that would produce prefabricated products for buildings, installation of cultural centers and a new curriculum for schooling which he thought technology existed back then to do. Jacque gave the plan to Hubert Humphrey and later asked why he removed all of the social aspects of the project which Humphrey replied that he would put them in later after he was elected and also stated, “You don’t understand politics, Jacque.” After removing many of the social ideas, they changed the name from "Project Americana" to “The Great Society.” But the project went nowhere though.

1965 - The Jet Ski lie:
Fresco is credited for designing speedboats for Louis Newter and he claimed to be the person who invented the first Jet Ski, but it was Clayton Jacobson II that came up with the first prototype of the watercraft of this year which he later sold the rights to Kawasaki in the 70's. Also, he said he created the Twin Pontoon Outboard Surf Rider that is 10′ long weighing at 160 lbs. without a motor developed for someone by the name of Joe Abaloe.

1966 - Jacque Fresco Enterprises, INC and Star Trek:
During this period, Fresco supported his projects by designing prefabricated aluminum devices through "Jacque Fresco Enterprises Inc." which was short lived.

Star Trek was first aired on September 8th which later proved that a RBE could not be achieved.

1967 - Other "inventions":
This year, patents that I saw were submitted were for the record reel dispenser for magnetic tapes and a smoker's pipe rack. But I can list all the other stuff that was said that he came up with as people try find out more about what he supposedly contributed to society:
  • Hundreds of medical devices supposedly that Jacque said Dr. Irving Fixel took from him which I find hard believing since I can't find patents before 1970 when Jacque was coming up with these ideas. Also, Jacque R. Fresco is not Jacque Fresco. Seriously.
  • An electrostatic anti-icing system
  • Something called the Sonomix which was designed to mix food with ultrasonic sound rather than blades.
  • An "enclosed sanitary system" in which one could watch television while lying in bed within a hermetically-sealed chamber.
  • A multi-functional saw.
  • 180° hinge which I doubt was originated by him.
  • Landing pads for skyscrapers that incline for landing and take off.
  • Supposedly a high impact safety helmet.
  • An ultraviolet lamp that could "snap" together without the need for traditional assembly supposedly.
  • He also supposedly created numerous extruded aluminum devices such as utilitarian draftsman racks, cigarette holder, a pencil rack, draftsman scale and dual straightedge.
  • He created something called structural Y-Frame shelters for Allan Sanford and I don't know what that is. When I search for this, I can only find A-frame shelters.
  • Experimental electronic devices for The Parkinson’s Institute of Miami which I can believe he was attempting to do or was interested in doing since this is why and how he passed away. Perhaps he was motivated by doing this because someone in his family passed away because of the disease itself.
1968 - Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth:
Bucky published his book which most likely influenced Fresco's SciFi book the next year. You can tell he was heavily influenced by him.

1969 - Jacque Fresco co-authored "Looking Forward":
Jacque Fresco and Kenneth Keyes Jr. wrote this book. The first half of the book talks about how technology can save the world promoting a Resource Based Economy and the second half was dedicated to theorizing about the possible social implications of a central network knowledge bank also known as Corcen which would be used to bring about a "humanized man-machine symbiosis" and a speculative look at the future revolving around the experiences of the fictional characters; Scott and Hella. Also, the beginning of the book talks about implanting chips into babies but says in his society that we would still have our privacy? So there's that. It makes you wonder how Peter Joseph missed this since he himself expressed how much he was against microchipping people in his first film. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯