The Zeitgeist Movement and Marxism
Just how dead is TZM? from r/TZM
The Zeitgeist Movement is the activist arm of The Venus Project... it seems to be dead.— Becerra Rubén Darío (@BecerraRuben) April 9, 2020
What the zeitgeist movement needs is a Leninist type of vanguard party. Hate to break it to everyone but ideas alone will not do and any spontaneous uprisings with no clear vision and strict goals is highly at risk to fail and sink into a terrible regression.
— Sweet&TenderHooligan (@DizCharmingMan) June 9, 2020
Anybody on the left aware of the Zeitgeist movement?
— Voting for the meteor 🌎💥☄️ (@JoeyDeLuca11) July 15, 2020