
Friday, December 26, 2014

Everyone is apart of the Zeitgeist Movement


"For a person to be technically considered a Member of The Zeitgeist Movement they must be active in a Chapter. If a Chapter doesn't exist in their respective region, a prospective Member would found one. This is very simple in a preliminary stages as all it requires is a website or community group of any kind/ size. It has to start somewhere. Naturally, they need to have the ability to communicate with the other Chapters. At this time, the Internet is the bridge for this communication.  As time moves forward and the Chapter grows, periodic Meetings should be conducted in live and virtual (online) settings."

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Matt Berkowitz v GCA & Gilbert Ismail

Expression of concern about TZM’s infrastructure and public image: pseudoscience and grand conspiracy thinking abound
There has been growing concern within a significant portion of The Zeitgeist Movement’s (TZM) membership about the lack of adherence to and understanding of the scientific process amongst many of the more vocal members within the organization. This includes the founder, Peter Joseph, himself.
While TZM proclaims to be about “the application of the scientific method for social concern”, there is a significant prevalence of pseudoscientific views and conspiratorial thinking that are displayed by such prominent spokesmen for the movement.
While this problem has existed for some time within TZM – in no small part catalyzed by the first “Zeitgeist” film of the documentary trilogy, as well as similar but more muted problems with “Zeitgeist: Addendum” – the problem has become most apparent after now-former global lecture team member, Matt Berkowitz, released a lecture called “How to Know What’s True: Assessing Scientific Research”. The comments section of the video (now removed dictatorially by Peter, and subsequently uploaded to a different channel: displayed the general misunderstandings and projections of science of many TZM supporters.
Recent events have forced Matt Berkowitz to stop his activism under the TZM umbrella. It is clear that a rigorous standard of scientific evidence and understanding of the scientific process is not embraced by the administrative body of TZM. And despite constant efforts to improve and reconcile this situation both privately and publicly, no resolution has been reached.
This letter is simply being published to express the extreme concern that many current and now-formerly active TZM members share. The signatories below indicate such people who are no longer capable of or will have great difficulty in associating with TZM, not because of the general content it puts forward, but due to the infrastructural, administrative, and PR problems expressed here. We warn that if the administrative body of TZM continues to operate with such pseudoscientific / anti-scientific / conspiratorial overtones and associations that the movement will continue to not be taken seriously by any reputable person or organization. There is additionally the problem of alienating the more scientifically literate members and overall decreasing the quality of the membership base as a whole, which has already occurred.
What we recommend for TZM to reform itself (even though many of us feel this unlikely at this point):
1)   There needs to be more quality control: both within the administrative body of TZM (for example, the Global Chapters Administration) and within public speakers for TZM. This may be accomplished by enforcing some sort of science competency / critical thinking test as a prerequisite for participation.
2)   When supporting the “Natural Law Resource-Based Economy” (NLRBE), rely on the most robust, high-quality peer-reviewed evidence possible, embracing scientific consensus wherever it exists, and not avoiding issues that are socially contentious but not scientifically contentious, especially when they relate to the sustainability goals of an NLRBE.
Adam Lucas, TZM UK
Adam Moloney, TZM Maidstone, UK Coordinator
Ahnaf Habib, TZM Toronto
Alessio Campus, TZM UK
Alfonso Basulto, ex-TZM Tijuana, Mexico Coordinator
Andrew Lenberg, ex-TZM ASU University Chapter Coordinator
Andrew Ponton, ex-TZM Brisbane, Australia Coordinator
Andy Keel, TZM UK
Axel Cantón, TZM Argentina
Carlos M. Arias Moreno, TZM Spain Coordinator
Casey Davidson, TZM Australia National Coordinator
Christopher Gray, ex-TZM Louisiana Coordinator
Christopher S. Jannette, ex-TZM Global Moderator
Ciarán Ó Floinn, TZM Ireland
Cuauhtemoc "Nick" Flores, ex-TZM Dallas
Dan Smith, TZM UK
Dany Ehrenbrink, TZM Ireland Co-Coordinator
Dave Thawley, TZM UK Coordinator
David Tonner, ex-TZM Edmonton Coordinator
David Zwolski, ex-TZM Australia National Coordinator
Dean Langley, ex-TZM London, UK
Dean Kearns, TZM Ireland National Coordinator
Derek Patrick, [ex-]TZM Malaysia
Drayton Brown, TZM UK
Elad Amir, TZM UK
Exel Zeitgeister, TZM Argentina
Gabriel Sebastián López, TZM Argentina
Garry Aird, TZM UK
Glen Miles, TZM Michigan
Gustavo Garay, TZM Argentina
Ian Massey, TZM UK
Isabel Cristina, TZM Colombia National Coordinator
James Hill, TZM Australia Coordinator
João Carreira, TZM Portugal
James Costello, ex-TZM Ottawa, ON
James Exarcopoulos, TZM UK
Jamison Small, TZM Arizona Coordinator
Jared Wright, TZM Wisconsin
Jason Lloyd, ex-TZM France National Coordinator
Javier Rodriguez, TZM Argentina National Coordinator
Jeremy Butts, TZM Texas
Jim Hammell, TZM London, ON Coordinator
Joaquín Aramendía, TZM Argentina
Jonny Queen, TZM UK
José Llanes, TZM Argentina
Josh Hanchar, TZM Indiana
Josh Tewell, TZM Texas
Joshua Lossner, TZM Iowa
Kari McGregor, ex-TZM Australia National Coordinator, ex-TZM GCA
Karri Ojala, TZM Finland
Leo Eddie Riveron, TZM Illinois
Leonardo Falaschini, ex-TZM Argentina
Mads Tofthøj Rasmussen, TZM Denmark
Marc Rice, TZM UK
Marío Coss, ex-TZM Arizona
Markus Nylund ex-TZM Finland
Matias Castro, TZM Argentina
Matt Berkowitz, ex-TZM Global Lecture Team and ex-TZM Vancouver Coordinator
Matthew Szczublewski, TZM San Diego
Miguel Oliveira, TZM GCA (currently inactive)
Miles Ransaw, TZM Edmonton
Niels Böge Nothdurft, [maybe ex-]TZM Denmark
Noah Herbst-Aylesworth, TZM Calgary
Nole Mailey, ex-TZM GCA
Olivia Tarasewicz, TZM Calgary Coordinator
Oskar Gonzalez, ex-TZM Texas Coordinator
Paul Fenley III ex-TZM Oklahoma Coordinator
Pete Cullen, TZM Northern Ireland Coordinator
Pieter de Beer, ex-TZM South Africa
Philip Blair, TZM UK and Northern Ireland Coordinator
Rachel Yapp, ex-TZM Vancouver Coordinator
Rasmus S. Rydstrøm-Poulsen, TZM Calgary Coordinator
Richard Mergler, TZM Austin
Rodrigo Alcocer, TZM Bolivia National Coordinator
Ron Joniak, TZM Illinois
Rony Macarone TZM, Cornwall, Ontario
Ryan Salisbury, ex-TZM Research Team
Saget Agrawal, TZM India
Samora Tomás, TZM Azores
Sérgio Fontinhas, ex-TZM Portugal
Steve McGarry, TZM UK
Victor Lara, TZM Argentina
Victor Liste, TZM Argentina
William Griffin, ex-TZM San Diego Coordinator
William Liddell, TZM UK
If your name is not on here and you would like it to be, please e-mail: mattb(at)zeitgeistvancouver(dot)com.

More background on this whole affair (questions by Teemu K of TZM Finland, answers by Matt B)

Update (Nov. 4): “Due to recent events and the letter of concern about TZM’s infrastructure and public image, the GCA (Global Chapters Administration) is inviting all concerned members to come to the next GCA meeting this next Tuesday (Nov 11) on Team Speak at 21 UTC (GCA room) to discuss solutions to the issues raised by the letter.

We advise everyone to come prepared in order to keep the meeting short, civil & effective."

Update (Nov. 11): The meeting occurred and while there was initial agreement that the problems identified in this letter are legitimate, there was little indication that the GCA is willing to make the necessary broad structural changes. Time will tell if they will.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Lucy Li resigns from the Venus Project

Having read Sue’s response to my comments and invitation for further discussions, I would like to share my thoughts and my experience in this organisation and how I feel where it is going.

I appreciate you (Sue) take the time trying to clear my misunderstandings. However, from the response I can see, unless you are willing to shift your point of observing from a TVP Activism member, to a broader perspective and examine TVP as an organisation, as well as looking deeper into the core of the issue, you may not be able to see my points. In other words, it is hard for us to communicate.

Sue: As has been mentioned various times now, TVPA has no influence over the decisions made by TVP. Concerning TVP and how I personally view it, I’d be interested to have it explained to me why is it my view that has to change and not the one of the person who fails to understand where we are trying to go and how we are trying to do that?

Lucy: I have never complained about TVPA and I said I had pleasant experience in all the teams I worked with. I have made it clear that my issue is with this organisation as a whole, mainly the top. When I say changing your view, it means put yourself into Roxanne’s shoes and think about issues on that level. But I can see you are not comfortable to do so.

My Experience in TVP

In general, I found the organisation is tightly controlled by its founders, who have absolute authority in making decisions. The rules they set for the volunteers and the guidelines for work made me feeling uncomfortable and I believe it put off a lot of people as well. That is why they come and go without even starting work. Working with other volunteers is generally pleasant. However, I have to say my communication and interaction with the teams here is very limited.

I stayed because I wanted to bring this project into reality. I felt it is the future of the world. I did not follow the guidelines. I followed my inner callings and acted with my intuition. I know that many people here think this kind of stuff is rubbish. But everyone have his own ways. Why get people to try one single way, instead of 100? I used my way but when I have to step out of the line to create a Chinese website, I communicated in advance to the authorities in this organisation and explained the reason of doing so. I was neither encouraged nor stopped. I knew I was pushing boundaries but I had to. I do not keep close contact with people here except participating POC meetings and organizing translations on Pootle in the past. And I rarely participate any Skype chats.

Sue: In these two paragraphs we have a very clear example of the misunderstandings that can arise due to lack of communication with the other teams, lack of attendance to the monthly update meetings and also a certain lack of understanding of what TVP and an RBE is about. And that’s not criticizing anyone at all, simply stating a fact.

Is it not logical that the two people who know most about an RBE be the ones to direct the way things go when it’s directly related to them? Regarding TVPA, Jacque and Roxanne set no “rules”, they inform us they would prefer us not to do certain things, such as creating separate websites or create NPOs but they cannot stop people from doing these things against their wishes. They suggest things like all POCs should read The Best That Money Can’t Buy, but they don’t say it’s mandatory. However, anyone wishing to be a POC should be able to see the importance of having studied as much TVP material as possible.

Lucy: “Directly related to them?” Yes, true. But it is also directly related to everyone, isn’t it? It is about the future of the civilization. Have you already give up your rights to have a say? Yes, Jacque is the founder. But the reason it brings everyone to work together is not because this is Jacque’s project, it is because it is the project for everyone. Do you have a say about how the organisation operates? Or in which direction does it go? Maybe not. Then you just follow the “invisible”rules.

Sue: I’m really sorry to have to say this too but, “inner callings” and “intuition” are not very scientific for managing things for TVPA. If we were to talk about associative memory that might be another matter but what we “feel” isn’t necessarily a good guideline to follow.

Lucy: Well, you and I have different spiritual understandings. It is my way of doing things and I was never going to managing anything for TVPA. I do not live in structures. And I see the world that we are living in is shifting from a world of rigid structures to a world of flowing creativity. We live in different “world” so we use different “operating system” so to speak.

In the last couple of years, I had several people from different organisations contacting me to express their interests of building a TVP city/community. Out of these, I found one with creditability and the ability to do so. This was the best chance we could possibly dream of. The organisation is under the supervision of the Development and Reform department of Chinese central government and specialize in funding and investing. Its officials are government officials and high level bankers. They were interested in the project and wanted to know how to build the city. They were not interested in get technologies and information that TVP was unwilling to disclose. They were not interested in getting profits in anyway. If you watched Jeremy Rifkin’s speech at google+ you will know China commit billions of dollars for his proposal. With the rapid development of the country, there are many problems with today's cities in China. They are looking for solutions and they are willing to commit to new ideas.

Sue: Something here doesn’t add up for me. An organization wiling to consider spending the billions needed to build a city are happy to communicate through a POC with Jacque and Roxanne? If they have that kind of money, why didn’t they visit Venus themselves and perhaps pay your ticket too Lucy? You’re not going to talk about billions unless it’s with the person who knows most about the project.

Lucy: “They will provide office and funding for full time staff needed. They can also provide funding for people from TVP so they can travel to China to provide education or organize exhibition etc. They think we must provide more material for research and education.” (Quote from my e-mail to Roxanne).

They have offered everything and what they get is a big NO, although nicely put. By the way, can Jacque and Roxanne speak Chinese? Maybe not. And these people can not speak much English. If they choose someone to faciliate the communication, it isn’t logical that POC should be the first one on the list? Or they should find a translator because there is something Roxanne does not want the people who work for them to know?

( Just to give you more evidence to see if my story can add up, I have provided some screen shot of the e-mails regarding the project. The link is on the original document)

When I expressed their interests to Roxanne, she was very keen but only want these people directly dealing with them. However, the organisation asked me to help them to communicate with TVP. They believe that I understand TVP and have no problem communicate with both sides. Feeling a bit awkward, I passed their request to TVP but did not get a yes or No, which I took as an OK. However, there was nothing at all for us to evaluate the project. All I was offered was Jacque’s book, “The Best Money Can’t Buy”, which has not been translated into Chinese.

Along with the lack of information, I felt diminished enthusiasm. In fact, it had completely disappeared. Roxanne said they wanted the first city to be built in America where Jacque can directly supervise. Looking back, I cannot help wondering, for someone who wants to go beyond the boundaries of the countries, is it important to differentiate whether the first city will be built in America or in China? Aren’t we all on Plant Earth? With the modern technology we have, is it not possible to guide someone in distance?

Sue: I can’t speak to this as I don’t know what happened here.

With absolutely no information to work on, we decide while waiting for the initial schematic plan they said someone was going to fund, we will set up an NPO and employ people to do the translation for the book and other materials so more information can be available. By the way, this is another thing that goes against the guidelines. However, if you do not registered as NPO in China, you cannot legally get donations – means they cannot provide us funding for employing people to help. However, this didn’t happen. They finally decided to pull out completely. I was deeply disappointed. It took a lot of effort to take things this far. However, I was not going to give up. If one thing does not work, I will try something else. Just as I was thinking to start the translation of Jacque’s book to get back on my feet, I received the document Sue sent us for signing. Something triggered and suddenly everything has become clear as day. The resignation letters from two POCs that followed confirmed it even more.

Sue: Many teams have no donations and work by using there ingenuity to devise methods of creating events such as screenings. The idea behind the monthly meetups is to share these ideas and help everyone’s teams.

The letters of resignation from two POCs are full of misunderstandings and projections. Infact, one couldn’t even be a resignation as he had already been removed from TVPA. Basing your own decisions on other people’s actions without understanding both sides of the story is to act with a lack of critical thinking. It’s acting on your “feelings”.

Lucy: I don’t base my decision on others people ‘s actions. The POC you removed was not even my contact so I think you have jumped into your conclusion based on perhaps your feelings. My decision has nothing to do with angry at someone or sympathy with someone. I explained clearly in my letter. I will add a bit more which I shared in POC General chat.

From my observation and experience, I have come to conclusion that what TVP as an organisation is doing now has already deviated from the essence of RBE. I personally do not think they can incorporate that spirit into the project anymore. I have given my reasons and facts in my article if you read them carefully you may “see” it. 

Essence is the key for RBE. It is the life force of a RBE city just like the soul of a person. When essence is there, it will bring the city to life and naturally bring everything together in a whole system that functions as an organic entity. Within this self-sustainable and interconnected environment, value system forms accordingly to be part of the system. You can teach your value systems but until people can live in an environment that are compatible with these values, they will not truly own it. Churches has been teaching their followers for thousands of years, how many of them become enlightened? Only direct experience can bring true understanding. When a true RBE city being built, it will allow many people to experience what a society can be and should be, and remember what they already knew deep in their consciousness. It will awaken humanity to understand its true potential.

The contact person once made a comment that he felt Roxanne wanting to control, having an egoistic purpose but claiming to be helping the world.

Sue: This is just so twisted I find it hard to even address it. If Jacque and Roxanne lived in luxury with expensive cars and jewelry, flashy clothes and luxury holidays, I might think they are self interested. However, as anyone who has visited Venus, or even seen photos of it can see, they live quite modestly and work every single day, without holidays or days off, to get this direction known. It’s a statement made by someone who since he entered the candidate process has pushed his own ideas for an alternative community of some kind and has become frustrated when they haven’t been jumped on as the panacea to helping TVP. At 98 and 60+, just what do people think Jacque and Roxanne are getting out of this? To be rich in the future? lolz.

Lucy: I quoted what other people said and I am not responsible for his feelings. I don’t know why you relates ego to material things. I don’t think it is relevant here. Egoistic means self-centered. It is a mindset that do not see others as connected with oneself and do not willing to lend a helping hand with nothing in return.

I ignored those comments at the time as I was keen to make things happen. Or maybe I trained myself to work in such condition for too long and did not think it was a big problem. I attributed their decision of pulling out to other reasons such as policies. Now I see what happened. One thing is for sure. They did not see enthusiasm and trust from an organisation who claims to promote a new way of living and thinking. They saw control and self-serving --- the stuff we see everywhere in this world. That was probably not what they expected.

With this realization, I believe I have complete the full circle here. There is a final hurdle that not up to me to change. I wish to share my thoughts here, and hopefully someone can see the need for change, although I won’t hold my breath for it. I also want to share some “inside” information (issue three) so people like me can make more informed decisions.

Issue One: The Structure of the organisation

The structure in this organisation is very traditional, although its purpose is to promote a new way of thinking. The authorities on the top give guidelines and instructions. The volunteers do their work within certain boundaries. When an opportunity comes up, the top will decide its value and how to deal with it. Creativity and ideas is only appreciated or encouraged when they are in line with what the authority wants.

The type of organisation I wish to see is different. I want to see the focus shift from “the top” to the bottom. “The top” should serve the bottom, giving advice and support. Encourage people’s new ideas and creativity, appreciate their efforts and forgive their mistakes. Help them to understand more along the way so the torch of the Venus Project can be passed on one day.

The world is changing and everyone should be able to see the trend. The Pyramid structure is collapsing everywhere. Authorities are losing their powers and people’s voice are heard more and more. It is the age of internet. It starts with information but it will eventually come to every aspects of life. You can see this from Jeremy Rifkin’s work. A world of equality and freedom is coming near. What support a pyramid structure we have today is the resource in their control. For an organisation that does not have such resources in a monetary system, how far can it go? What support the pyramid in TVP is the respect that people have for Jacque and their desire to help bring the Venus Project into reality. But some do not only admire Jacque, they want to be like him. Then the pyramid structure becomes a problem. They either left quietly or push their ideas so hard that it shakes the structure. Then there is fear of chaos and more need to control. But control rarely brings long last order. When things need to be changed and come to balance, there will be chaos. To avoid chaos by remaining control does not solve any problem but only create more.

To maintain the pyramid structure, you will see people come and go. Come with enthusiasm and left with disappointment. A new world needs people who can think and create independently. You need a system to facilitate the development of these qualities. The structure should be minimum so I agree with what Steven Black said in his resignation letter – automate the system.

Sue: Fine, that’s what we are moving towards, but who is going to create the automating system, in what areas would this be specifically and what do we do in the meantime?

It is OK to keep POCs as Point of Contact. Anyone who know the system here can volunteer for it. They do not need to be expert in RBE or TVP, all they do is to help people with information if they wish to participate joint efforts. They should not be in charge of the progress of a county of city, nor should they know everything that happened there. You probably only need POCs for different languages not region. When the system become efficient enough, there may be no need for POCs.

Sue: What evidence is there for this statement and by what process of thought is this idea arrived at? The rest of the above has already been mainly addressed by others as well as myself in previous replies.

Lucy: The process of thought is same as this: everyone can reach divine through their spirituality. You don’t need a priest as middle man.

People should be allowed to have their own groups as long as their purpose is to promote this direction. They should not need an approval to do what they think is the best. Yes, some might do something that the Jacque and Roxanne does not like. They could make mistakes. But that is life. As the metaphors I give in my previous comment about the fish and flower, you can have a controlled environment to keep everything the way you want. But if you want the world to have it, you need to let go of control. Most of us volunteers are not interested in guarding a fish bowl or even an aquarium so more people can come to admire the creation. We want the creation to survive the real world and prosper so it can bring real benefit to the world, not just entertain people with fancy ideas.

Mistakes can be made it’s true and we all make them. However, one of the ideas behind having teams that are connected with each other and hold regular meetings is precisely to help avoid these mistakes. As I said in the original TVPA 103 doc, we already saw how people going their own way lead to many misconceptions being shared as RBE ideas. I can’t believe this needs repeating.

Issue Two: Science and Spirituality

The values and visions of TVP attract a lot of spiritual people. However, since Jacque emphasizes more on scientific method, spiritual topics become questionable. Plus people often relate spirituality to religion so they believe it contradicts with what TVP promotes.

Sue: These are projections people create themselves. We can do little about it except direct people to what Jacque says about spirituality and religion.

However, Spirituality is not religion and not in conflict with science.

Sue: As the word spirituality has a different meaning for everybody this is a statement that confirms nothing. “ "The Venus Project is a translation of all religions: The end of war, the end of poverty, the brotherhood of humanity, and if that isn't spiritual, like I've said before, I don't know what is." ~ Jacque Fresco, TVP teamspeak seminar, January 15 2012”

Lucy: It is great that he said that, but I think TVP has not done a great job to convey that message to people. That is why there are so many misunderstandings and projections around as you said. So I am here to make the point clear.

True spirituality give people the freedom to be their own authority. They respect life and its diversity and believe we are all one in the core. And this is where all the values that TVP promote origins. Truly spiritual people does not go around recruit people to believe something or join an organisation. They respect other people’s own choices and their own time of awakening. Spirituality is about inner world. It is about how to become a truly caring and responsible human being. It is about realizing one’s own potential. Spiritual people commit in personal growth and help to create a better world.

Sue: The aim of an activist for TVP shouldn’t be to “recruit” people but share the information about a different option for solving the problems we face. If someone an activist speaks to then wishes to join and help build a team then that’s wonderful. If an activist thinks it’s about recruitment, they aren’t doing it right!

Lucy: I was talkina bout spirituality not TVP. Sure, it applies to TVP too.

However, I agree with the approach that TVP take in this respect, which is to focus on values and scientific approach. It can avoid falling into the trap of religion and can be accepted by almost everyone. Also we warn people to be aware of any type of “saviour figure”, be it a religion leader or secret ETs. To believe something exist, does not mean you should count on them to be saviours. Any form of worship or blindly following authorities create a pyramid structure and will not bring the society forward. However, personal growth (including spirituality) should be respected if not encouraged. People should not feel that a part of them need to be hidden because it is not “mainstream” in this community.

There are nearly 250 people in our discussion group. Some hate metaphysics and the others are into New Age stuff. So I asked people to respect the differences and no personal attack is allowed. People are free to express themselves in discussions as long as they respect each other. But they are asked not to share their spiritual teachings or information there because they must respect the fact that these kind of information are “Junk mail” for many others in the group.

Issue Three: the “right” city

When we discussed about the project in December last year (2013), Roxanne said that there was a group who were interested in funding them for an initial “schematic” plan. So to get something to evaluate the project is “not something that we can help you at this time”. Now when I read this, I wonder who is helping who? Aren’t we supposed to be a team?

In the e-mail, I replied “The detailed plan for the evaluation is for the actual funding to start the project of building the city. If this is not available now, then it means we are in an earlier stage of developing the idea. They have agreed to help us to promote the idea and set up a research and development center. So we can still ask for funding for this “schematic” plan as part of the preparation or development process. However, since you mentioned that someone else is going to pay and do it, I wonder if it is just a matter of waiting for the result. I would assume since TVP is non-for-profit and a global initiative, once a plan is done, it should be available for all the interested parties. It would be a waste of the resources to make preliminary plan for every city that need to be built.” (Quote from my e-mail)

To this, Roxanne replied, “If our funding comes through we will be doing the schematic plans here in Florida. They have to be done with the consulting and in conjunction with Jacque Fresco. The first city would be an initiative taken on by The Venus Project. We have a very specific end goal that it not based on Politics, religion or metaphysics but on the methods of science directed toward the way we live to deal with problem solving. At this stage we are really not interested in “city” design only or making them open source, at this stage. Our main goal is education and a very specific education. If we built beautiful, efficient cities and brought in people with the same values then we would make very little progress.”

She went on challenge how much I knew about the Venus Project because I used a “sensitive” word in my reply, “What we are going to do here is not just to build a city. It is a new social design/experiment. The people who get involved must understand this and adopt a different value system. They must understand cooperation is emphasized in this new society, not competition. To get people to raise their consciousness from separation to oneness is not an overnight job. It is probably harder than building a city.” (Quote from my e-mail)

“We recently had people approach us to design a city for the teachings of Oneness University but to us it would be a step backwards and not achieve the aims that The Venus Project is striving for but maintain and perpetuate old values. I am not saying this is what you are doing by using the same word but that word does not have a precise meaning. I honestly don’t know how much you have studied on The Venus Project.” (Quote from Roxanne’s reply)

I hastened to reply that I do not support any organised spiritual teachings although I do agree with the principles they teach. I explained in details about my understanding with regard to the Venus Project, and to which she replied, “We are in agreement”. I thought that would mean I had passed the “open source” test and everything is OK. But she never contacts me again regarding the “schematic” plan although I asked her to keep me informed of the progress. When I contacted her just recently to clarify the issues about the book before I start translating and informed her that the organisation had pull out from their support, she seemed a bit surprised, “I am glad you are still helping out and working with POCs”. Nothing had been asked about the organisation or what happened.

Look through all these correspondences again, I can understand her surprise. I still stubbornly believed that something can be done here. I did not realized that in her mind she has rejected and discarded my help long time ago when she knew that this organisation from China wanted to participate in the development of the city and build it in China instead of giving them the funding so they can do their own project. I was so disappointed with the organisation’s pulling out and wondered why, and now I can see they understood it much earlier than I did as an external party.

I appreciate the importance of the first city and their desire to realize Jacque’s vision as best as they possibly can. If that is the only reason (to which I doubt), I can acknowledge it is a good intention. However, in my opinion, there are still great limitations in their thinking here.

“The first city would be an initiative taken on by The Venus Project.” I thought if Jacque helps to build a TVP city in China, this would be a TVP’s initiative. At least, it should be the joint initiative by both TVP and the Chinese organization. I thought this was part of TVP’s goal – to build TVP cities all over the world. Then what can be counted as TVP initiative now? Do they mean the money should be given to TVP so they can own the project? If that is the case, they greatly diminish the chance of a TVP city being built. Things are not always working out the way you imaged. As long as the project is for the charitable purpose (not for profit) and can have enough guidance from Jacque, is it really matter who initiated?

“At this stage we are really not interested in “city” design only or making them open source, at this stage.” Although science give us the most efficient way of solving problems, it should not be the reason to create a conformed world. Unity in diversity is the principle of the universe. Every country has different social and cultural environment, only in real life experiment you can have the best of learning. Because of these differences, people will adopt to the new value system through different learning curves. Cities will be operated in different environment. No matter what a great example you make in America, it can be a quite different thing in another country. So why reject the opportunity to try, to learn and to progress?

I do not know what the story was with those who were going to give funding for the initial “schematic” plan. I don’t know how many opportunities have to pass by before something happens. I don’t know how many country or organisation will meet the criteria to get into a tomorrow’s world for EVERYONE. I don’t know why they cannot see that there are a lot of bright young minds in today’s world and they are totally capable and mean to help with building these cities, which will not be prefect but will progress as they learn and improve. Do they worry that their reputation will get ruined if something go wrong? Is this reputation more important than the evolvement of the civilization? I wonder why the seed of this flower cannot be planted wherever it is needed to give it a chance to grow, but has to be in “Jacque and Roxanne’s garden”. Is this the Venus Project I support? It doesn’t sound like it.

I agree that education is very important and if we put people into a beautifully designed city without changing their value systems, it won’t work. However, what can be a better educational tool for people if they live in a real life RBE city? Environment do change people. I think we all agree on that. Living in a sustainable city without a monetary system will dramatically change people’s behaviour and their values. It is a totally different world. Their way of relating to people, their attitude towards material wealth and their ability to understand the importance of sustainability will be far better than what we can get from our best educational tools.

Sue: How can TVP give free reign over the building of the first city to people who are probably still deeply entrenched in this system? Jacque speaks about having been approached by people over the years who eventually wanted to make the city for egotistical reasons and profit. The ony way to ensure that this is done in the manner Jacque has been working on for decades is for them to be the decision makers. If they are no longer with us, then it should be people who have the deepest understanding possible about an RBE who carry the project forward.

Lucy: This is a very typical thinking where one gives his/her own power to know and change to someone that they perceive as knowing everything. So they are just happy to trust these individuals to be the decision makers instead of seeking understanding themselves. The decision making in a RBE society should be reached by many if not all who understand and can contribute through scientific ways of communication. To count on one or two person to make right decision and the majority is happy to stay in ignorance is the very reason that Humanity plunged to darkness in the first place.

Sue: Just as we are moving towards a system where money becomes obsolete, we are also moving towards a system that can be open source. We are not living in such a society yet and so cannot a) stop using money or b) make everything open source.

Lucy: The progress of a civilization is never a clear cut of one type of system totally collapse and then a new one is born. Capitalism started somewhere when many other places were still in the old system. So will be the transition for RBE. It has to co-exist.

Jacque said himself, we have to “outgrown” the old system. How? When the old is there, the new one is born and grows and eventually makes the old obsolete. This is not changing a light bulb. Changing to a new one when old is broken. civilization need continuity.

We are trying to bring about a new system in an environment with monetary system. As I said if you want to have them co-exist, you have to deal with the issue of money. Can someone be corrupted? Sure. It is a possibility. So for that possibility, we should give up trying? I have given the metaphor about the fish and flower and I think I have made my points very clear in both documents.

"If you have beautiful tropical fish in your fish tank, you can always keep it nice and clean. In other words, it can be perfect. However, not many people get to see it. If you want the whole world to enjoy them, they will have to live in the ocean where there are sharks and jellyfish and other staff you may not like. If you create beautiful flowers, you can keep them perfect in your garden. But if you want them grow all over the field, you may have to tolerate the weeds and other stuff out there."

My resignation

I have been working for TVP for more than 3 years now. I organised discussion groups and work teams. I designed our website myself and paid for the costs associated with it. I wrote articles and organised team of translators. We used Pootle to translate the website here so it had a Chinese version. We then created a tab on our Chinese website to link to it and put various articles on the website so the like mind people who never heard of the Venus Project can have an opportunity using this “bridge” to get to know it. We translated many videos and uploaded to different Chinese social websites. I never imaged when we finally bring someone who want to build a TVP city and was told that “it is not open source”.

Judging by how the organisation treats its people and how it organizes itself, I would image the city they build (if they do) and have total control of will be more or less the same. Unless, in my opinion, the leaders become wiser or have a wiser leader, it is the real situation of blind leading blind. Values are not what you teach through books, it is something you demonstrate in everyday life. If someone have a rigid mind that cannot understand diversity, or does not see that serving the world is serving the self because we are all connected, I really cannot see how the values that TVP promote can be expressed. Even someone comes along to invest and satisfies all the criteria, the city is not going to be a real TVP city. It is going to be a city without a soul, or in TVP’s words, a city with beautiful design but without the right values.

I think that many people who work for the Venus Project believe that they are serving the world. Well, it is not true, at least not at this stage. They are serving this organisation call TVP, which at this stage is not ready to serve the world. For whatever the reason, the organisation attracts volunteers with a charitable concepts and goals, but do not wish to serve the world in a charitable way, not at this stage. I share this information so people like me can be more informed for their choices because I think most people are kept in the dark with regards to how the things are progressing on the top.

Jacque was way ahead of most people in his life. However, things are rapid changing. Humanity is catching up and more and more people have seen the vision. For me, TVP is only a brand now. A brand without a wise leader will worth nothing. The concept of RBE, can inspire any creative mind to see the city in their hearts. They only need to look deeper and trust themselves. Divine inspiration is not anyone’s asset. If they do not pass the seed on, it will be given to those who are ready.

Sue: Ouch! See the city in their hearts? I thought we had it clear that it’s not about the city but the mind set, the values we hold and understanding why we behave as we do so we can learn to change negative behaviour patterns. Trust themselves? How can someone who is not well enough informed trust themselves to understand what needs to be done? Divine inspiration? I’d really rather not go into that :(

Lucy: How do you think Jacque see the city? from someone’s books? lectures? educational videos? Was Jacque well enough informed when he envision the city? I’d say he was very a brave person who trusted himself when he was facing so much ridicule:-)

I believe I have done what I can for this organisation and I see there is no need to be a POC anymore.

Sue: Lucy, I personally know you have done a great amount for TVP and sincerely thank you for having continued despite time zone difficulties and so on. I am truly sorry you felt the need to leave us. I would like to think that in the future you will hear/ see/ read more information that will help clear your misconceptions and will welcome you back “with open arms” as they say, if you should decide to join us again.

Lucy: Sue, I really appreciate that. However, I know you and I have different views regarding these key issues. I respect your opinion although I do not agree. Surely I do not think mine is misconceptions but this is a subjective thing so there is no point to argue. I thank you for your appreciation and it has been a pleasure working with you and others in the team.

Sometimes, the biggest challenge is not the accomplishment that you achieve, but to go beyond your limitations.

Sue: Indeed :)

Lucy: To go beyond his limitations, one must first “see” it.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tanoro quits the Zeitgeist Movement

Credit: Justin Templer Sr.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Steven Black resigns from the Venus Project

Letter of Resignation

This is a letter I never imagined I would write. However, I am inquisitive of my environment, and I understand things about TVP now that many others before me do as well. I only wish I had been wiser and did not need to feel the flame first hand.

Firstly, I do think that The Venus Project (hereafter known as TVP) is putting out a lot of thought provoking content about an alternative way of managing the Earth's resources and applying the scientific method to human society so I still encourage people to learn about the possibilities. However, the organization itself is not going to advance beyond its current level without serious reorganization, from top (Roxanne) to bottom (TVP-Activism(A)), which I see as highly unlikely, but necessary.

The document you all have been asked to “sign” by Sue, seems to be a direct attack on me, Steven Black, and also to a lesser extent a ‘warning’ to the group of people I’ve been collaborating with. This becomes rather evident since I was removed from the Skype and FB groups without any warning, notification or even an explanation after the fact. Below is a copy of a msg thread between Sue and myself:


There has been no further response from Sue and none of the other admins have made an attempt to clear this up with me either. As such, I no longer feel a need to point out everything that is flawed with TVP and TVPA. Rather, it should all be obvious to anyone with a critical mind. My suggestion is that everyone becomes very inquisitive. Ask questions until you can’t think of any more questions to ask. Questions are only viewed as a threat to authority. However, questions are necessary for creating a world of access and abundance, where every human can have their needs met and reach their full potential.
“I have a lot to consider and think about, and I want to research and look into this more deeply and come to my own conclusion about it after studying it for myself, and if I come to similar conclusions or arrive at new conclusions then I want to try and articulate that as best as possible and improve upon and evolve my understandings. I want to know it so deeply that I can explain it to other people and share with others in society. We ask ourselves, “Why is the world the way that it is”?” - The Thinker
Consider the following questions and how you would answer them as a POC with regards to TVP and TVPA: What values would people of an RBE have and how would they be described? How are we going to get to an RBE? Are there other directions we can take and also achieve success? How are decisions made in TVP? Who is going to make decisions regarding the development of an RBE? Can we simulate an RBE environment now? What is the purpose of teams? What successful approaches were there in developing teams? How large are the administrators’ teams? What are the backgrounds of the admins? Are they qualified to facilitate learning about the variety of topics required to understand an RBE? Are there other approaches we should consider regarding XYZ? What are existing sustainable communities doing, and is there anything we can learn from them? Why is it that an idea as great as RBE has gone nowhere in the past 40 years? Why do people keep quitting/leaving TVP and TVPA? Are Jacque and Roxanne really the best people to run this operation/organization? Who else would be great to have involved in this project? Have they been approached? What were their responses to the Aims and Proposals of TVP? Why do Jacque and Roxanne keep kicking out people who are the most serious about this direction? Is it sane to keep trying the same thing for 40+ years? Has technological development during this time allowed for more up to date and improved solutions? When were the last updates to the TVP city made? Are there even official blueprints of the cities being proposed? Or are these just concepts? Why doesn't TVPA use any of the TZM educational materials? Is The Zeitgeist Movement's Natural Law/Resource Based Economy so different than TVP's? If so, how?

These are some of the many questions I have thought, and asking any of them is likely to upset some people. These are rational and logical questions that are important for our advancement forward. You all should be able to add hundreds more if you know how to think. I can go on for hours about what else needs to be asked and answered before we attempt to build a “test city”. A city with the purpose of discovering questions/answers that can be asked/answered now is a waste of resources and will likely do poorly compared to dealing with them now.

If TVP is trying to change the world’s value orientation, wouldn’t it seem logical to foster a collaborative environment rather than a competitive one? Yet, the environment in which TVPA has created for us to grow and learn in, closely resembles that which we are trying to get away from, and the predictable negative behaviour is manifesting as a result. How can we change the world when people who want to create a collaborative world cannot even work together? We all have a long way to go in updating our value system. What is the detailed value system TVP proposes? This is going to be a lifelong process for all of us, which is especially difficult to achieve while participating in modern society. This is part of the motivation for creating small communities now. It will allow us to more easily rediscover ourselves.

Consider the following:
“One of the first thinkers that tried to provide some distinction between philosophy and sophism was a man named Isocrates. Isocrates wrote a piece called, “Against the Sophists” where he elaborated upon several criticisms that he had of what the sophists were doing. In “Against the Sophists” Isocrates claims that these people are essentially charlatans who were making promises upon which they could not deliver -- they claim to be much wiser than they actually were. Isocrates questions why they would demand payment up front if they were so wise and confident in their ability to teach virtue and justice. He asks why they would not simply take payment in one sum at the end. Isocrates points out that it is far easier to teach a person a few strategies of rhetorical trickery than it is teach the real, solid rules for filtering through to a greater approximation of truth and the communication of that truth through clear visual language.” -Excerpt from another work
I do not intend to attack TVP or TVPA. These questions should help advance the project. Additionally, I think that what TVPA is doing is a fine introductory program into understanding a new economic system. I would rate it at level 0-1. But once you clear level 1, what are you going to do next? We don’t need more hosts. We need Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to spread the information efficiently. This is another proposal/suggestion that was viewed as an attack. Our goal should be to eliminate all “work” within the group. Eliminate the need for admins, not create more. Automation, automation, automation ‒ until there is nothing left to automate. I have offered to lead all the of the project proposals I have created, so it would add no work to the other volunteers.

So, who the hell am I to say these things and to think I understand RBE? I have been studying science, engineering, statistical trends, nature, among many other things since I was a child. I had been developing social solutions, studying many of the alternatives that exist for economies, long before I discovered TVP, the organization, not to be confused with the solution. The ideas are not as unique or original as some people believe. They use Resource Based Economy, I use science, sustainability, access, need-fulfillment and community. Semantics.

I am not interested in recruiting anyone from TVP[A]. Most people I am working with have approached me with questions and concerns about TVP[A]. When you reach the point where you have learned as much as you can from TVP[A], and you are starting to get frustrated, then you’re ready for the next level. I have proposed solutions to TVP and TVPA. However, those attempts were often rejected without explanation. This is very typical. You are likely to be ignored if they are not interested in what the part that approaches them is saying or proposing. If we are wrong in our thoughts or directions, we would like to be shown where, so we can make necessary corrections. We are not trying to create an alternative, but simply offer a more complete and improved solution that we can work towards. From the beginning I have said that I will support/advocate for TVP as long as it is the most complete and logical solution. If I find something better, then I will change. I have since found a more complete solution for which I am now helping to advance. If I did not, I would consider myself a TVP cult follower because I would be denying reality.

Jacque has contributed so much to the world and I have no intention of saying anything negative about him. It is just important that we all realize our weaknesses. Learn what you can from TVP, but don’t shut yourself off from the rest of the world. There are thousands of sources of useful information out there. Many organizations trying to bring about the world, I feel/think, we are all envisioning similarly (in more romantic language, “save the world”). The more information we have, the better the solutions will be.

I picked up some useful skills during my time with TVPA and I hope I have had a positive impact on some people’s futures here. While I am no longer allowed to participate, I do not attempt to restrict (nor could I, as a matter of fact) those that work with me from continuing to work with TVP or any other organization or personal projects for that matter.

I am working on a podcast series called, “Inside TVP” that shines light on how the organization works, and gives viewers an idea of what it may be like to work with them. It will, of course, be from a limited perspective. However, I have tried to be as objective as possible, and do not wish to create an inaccurate image of TVP. I started this series before my removal. The goal is to point out areas for improvement and remove the delusion that TVP is our “savior”, but rather another organization with good intentions and ideas, that is faced with serious limitations, both internal and external. I am willing to cooperate with capable people who share the common purpose of creating a thriving world of abundance for all.

I hope to see you all in a better world,

Steven Black
Skype ID: blackst6

Friday, October 31, 2014

Riitta Veijalainen resigns from the Venus Project

Dear fellow TVP followers, supporters and volunteers,

With a heavy heart I must inform you, that as a result of the recent incidents, I have come to the conclusion that I can no longer continue to be a part of TVP Activism (TVPA) or support The Venus Project (TVP).
And to make it absolutely clear, I still fully support the idea of a sustainable future, and will continue to work on bringing it closer to a reality in any way I possibly can. However, I strongly disagree with the methods TVP and TVPA use to carry out their operations.

I could say a lot about what I see is not ‘right’ with either one of the before-mentioned organizations, but will save the more detailed analysis and possible discussions until later (should some of you be interested in participating in such discussions), as of right now I don't have the time nor the energy to compile such documentation out of the numerous bits and pieces of material that I have access to + I also don't see it serving a purpose if presented to you as a stand-alone document.

Instead, I will try to briefly address some of the recent incidents, and hopefully shed some light onto them, as I believe most of you are pretty much unaware of what's been going on lately. So, here goes.
For months now there's been a growing sense of alarm in my mind regarding the viability of both TVP, and especially TVPA as a way of making tangible changes that would take us closer to a sustainable way of living. I have voiced most of my concerns related to TVPA and how it's being run to the admins, mostly to no avail. I've also discussed these concerns with other POCs and activists, and as a result of those conversations, a group of like-minded people was formed. In that group we discussed possible ways of improving things within TVPA, which lead into proposing changes - which in turn have mostly been discarded or watered-down by the admins.

Because of these activities of ours (which I still in no way see as any kind of ‘threat’ to TVP/TVPA or as something we as activists/volunteers are not allowed to take part in), the admins have chosen to see and treat us - and especially one of us, Steven Black - as some kind of troublemakers, who act in discordance with TVP/TVPA. When in fact we've been trying very hard to help and collaborate. And without a doubt Steven has been one of the most active and productive members of TVPA, when it comes to attendance, organizing activities, creating realistic proposals, possible improvements and solutions. But from my personal perspective it seems like this kind of active engagement and attempts to make things happen is not acceptable within TVPA, especially when such activities do not follow the beaten path, but instead include bold, new ideas, that address the needs of people now - instead of focusing on some distant future time that may or may not ever happen the way it has been presented by TVP. For me the best possible solution to problems has always been (and still is) prevention - not waiting until something has already gone terribly wrong. Therefore I have been actively collaborating with others in order to create a solid, research and evidence based foundation for intentional communities that are focused both on meeting people’s needs and also addressing the many problems the world is facing now.

To make a long story short, this has lead to a campaign of attempting to smear (so far only) Steven's reputation, question his intentions and integrity, without providing evidence to support the claims - which has resulted in some rather unpleasant incidents and activities, into which I will not go in any more details at this point. Suffice it to say that in my mind such activities could not be further from being intelligent, mature, or even in any way show any ability or willingness to collaborate and seriously consider different options. But they have brought into light the fact that some of the TVPA members have a long way to understanding how an efficient and truly collaborative team or a community would function.

The culmination point for me personally was Thursday, October 30th, when one of the TVPA admins, Sue Everatt (also known as VixiReturns on FB), sent a link to a document called TVP Activism 103 - which to me is mostly incomprehensible rubbish. I fail to see the purpose of the document - unless it's some sort of an 'offense is the best defence' approach, in which case it suddenly makes at least some sense. I also don't agree with how various things are presented in it. Since Steven already touches upon many of the questions, problems and contradictions in his response / letter of resignation, I won't repeat them here. Instead, I invite you to take a close and hard look at all of this yourself, ask questions and be adamant about finding adequate answers to them, and draw your own conclusions - hopefully based on the evidence before your own eyes.

I have tried very hard to be a ‘good team player’ and adjust to the prevailing environment & atmosphere within TVPA, but I do have my limits. And as a result of all of this + many other things we are going to bring forth in the near future, I have reached those limits, and can no longer continue to be a part of TVPA. I never wanted to burn any bridges (and still don’t) but I also have to take responsibility of my own health (physical, mental and emotional), and because of that I feel I need to distance myself from an environment I experience as toxic and unproductive - not to mention going against TVP’s own core teachings. If this causes some kind of emotional disturbance to some of you, and as a result of it you choose to remove, block, ban or unfriend me at the various social media & communications platforms, I'll try to understand...

Should you be interested in staying connected and/or learning more of what I might have to say regarding to what has already happened, and maybe even more importantly, what is going to take place in the future, do stay in touch... one way or another. My door is always open to you, and I welcome your possible questions, comments, feedback and criticism - as long as they are presented in a mature and a reasonable manner.


Riitta Veijalainen
Skype ID: riittavirolainen

P.S. For those of you who are interested in digging deeper into things, here’s a link to a document where the POC and TVP Activism Restructuring document (referred to in the TVP Activism 103) is being analysed: