
Monday, January 21, 2013

Letter from dear leader Fresco

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

This was a letter sent by YouTube user JacqueFresco to lengthyounarther:
"In this response I clarify the role of innovators, correct your claim of a "State", address anarchism in both a free enterprise and an RBE, and replace the price mechanism with new methods.


The concept of ownership is not only tricky, it is unjustifiable. No argument can demonstrate the validity of the concept. Even if the validity could be demonstrated, it has no authority. This is because human life is not governed by intellect, by which concepts are validated. Human life, and all life, operates *ESSENTIALLY.* -Meaning that everything occurs necessarily. To say, "I own this," or, "This is my property!" really has no basis in the reality of human life. Without a single governmental sovereign state and its laws, "property" and "ownership" has no means of persisting. In the free-for-all enterprise system, property becomes what Hobbes described. Property is anything and everything that one can wield power over, even the bodies of others. Indeed, at some point, it could become essential, i.e. necessary, to own the "property" of another person, as well as the person, regardless of whether it is voluntary or not. No intellectual agreement will change this. If it becomes necessary, it will happen. To believe that anarchism is possible in a free enterprise is not only a dangerous thought, it is overloaded with a dumptruck of problems, and with burden of explanation for the contrary of this claim.

The scientific perspective reveals that property and ownership do not exist, but instead exist within the delusions of human imagination. "Ownership" and "Property" are the products of humans attempting to conceptualize phenomena in the world they experience. The closest description of the same phenomena, in scientific terms, is to describe the movement of material by the behavior of the human organism, often referred to as power or control. If property and ownership is rooted merely in power and control, then the basis of property and ownership is war and victory, NOT consent and contract. And if it is war and victory, then no one "earns" their property. The concept of "Earn" is again a delusion of the human imagination, and does not actually exist in a world that operates *essentially". Anything "earned" is subject to the encroaching power and control of someone else.

The result is: no one has any "right" to anything whatsoever, OR the alternative is: every person has every right to everything. Ownership is inapplicable to an RBE. Instead, "Usership" exists as a purely natural and demonstrable concept. Usership occurs at all levels of nature, whereas ownership does not. All resources are not the property of a "central authority" as you say. What is the central authority you speak of? The authority is the algorithms built into the computer systems with which humans have an interface for input and feedback. The flow of information is the government. The global technological complex facilitates this flow. Money is no longer necessary as an information processing technology. All processing occurs in a different technology, and in the terms of new metrics of accounting - no longer by Price.

Regarding the projects of innovators, When you say, "the ideas it approves", what do you mean by "it"? There is no "IT". The approval of projects comes from the degree to which a project satisfies criteria. This criteria is predicated upon principles upon which all people will likely agree, one being: minimum expenditure : maximum gain. See Fuller's concept of Ephemeralization. This is the formula for abundance. Expenditure and gain is measured only in scientific units (the only means by which one can be sure to yield practical results). And if an innovator cannot fashion his project in these terms, then how the hell is he going to succeed? and what the hell is he trying to produce? In a free market, projects are not defined in terms of units that measure the project's contribution to the social system. This is why I say it is haphazard. Instead, they are measured in financial terms used only for individual self-preservation, not system gain and system preservation. As you said, "Entrepreneurs do not need the assent of the world state to act. They can act whenever they manage to voluntarily exchange for goods." However, the projects of these entrepreneurs have unaccounted costs that they do not pay for. Therefore, they essentially steal from other people without anyone realizing it, usually not until much later. Fortunately, in an RBE, these costs are accounted for by calculating the total gains and losses for the total system, according to the information available at that time.
In "vetoing" ideas/projects, innovation is not stifled. This is due to our estimations of how people will behave when their basic needs are satiated. If our estimations of human nature are correct, then under proper conditions people will become innovative, creative, and productive. A population of self-actualized people will give rise to projects with a wide range of variations, just as it occurs in a free market. These projects will have varying performance ratios. Those at the top (those with min. expenditure and max. gain) will be granted execution. Just as in a free enterprise where projects with minimum expenditure and maximum gain (for both producer and consumer) ultimately prevail over other projects.

The very fact that a person's proposal is rejected gives them incentive to improve it! Bolster their intellectual capital (for which all information is free!) so that their project can once again be proposed with improved performance ratios.

If an accepted project failed, then it was a waste indeed. (In fact, the accounting system considers all projects as waste until the projects succeed). But it can't be any more wasteful than a free enterprise where so much information is monopolized and secretive. In an RBE, all information is shared. Therefore, waste from failed projects will be far less often and the decision systems are far less likely to be in error. There also won't be duplicated projects.

In a free enterprise, where an entrepreneurs project fails, not all of his capital is reallocated. Indeed, much (not all) of the material, human, and financial capital is reallocated. However, so much of it loses value. And sometimes the material capital has no utility and hence destroyed. In addition, much of the information capital is not reallocated. Research information is often destroyed.

When an entrepreneur does succeed, society is not always better off. I'm not sure society is better off by an entrepreneur successfully selling toys and candy (or fastfood, alcohol, tobacco, etc. anything adverse to health). They succeed at this because they have situated themselves to answer demand. However, there are tremendous costs unaccounted for in this affair. Regardless of such costs, society is not improved by these industries. These industries are essentially parasitic. They prey on irrational demand. Though such demand is perfectly natural, it does not contribute to the health of the social system.

Meanwhile, in an RBE, though there is likely also irrational demand, there is no incentive to answer it! This is because there is no exclusive individual profit that benefits self-preservation. No one's life is secured or maximized by developing a project to produce lollipops; not the creator nor the consumer. Therefore, there arises a tendency to only answer rational demand, in which the innovator satisfies his complex needs by seeing his project come to fruition, and consumers satisfy a need by the utility of the product. Feel free to give me an example in which an innovator will have incentive to produce a product objectively detrimental to people or the environment.

An innovator has incentive to improve inter-continental transportation simply because his needs are satisfied by conquering the problem, or because he simply wants improved transportation for his own utility. Execution of this project benefits both himself and anyone else wherever it is utilized. The innovator does not need to "own the fruits of his labor" because his self-preservation does not depend on it. His existence is assured and secure by the providence of abundance and the innovators that manage to conceive of production and distribution systems with superior performance ratios. The only vested interest an innovator might have is the imperative of having his own complex needs satisfied. Therefore, such vested interest might lead him to sabotaging the project of another innovator who's project proves superior due to his enormous intellectual capital. However, the innovator, seeking to sabotage the other, will sabotage his own existence, because he loses out on the benefits the other innovator could have provided via his superior project. However, even if this did happen, a similar project with second best performance ratio falls next in line for execution. And the sabotaging innovator may be no closer to having his project executed than before. Therefore, the more prudent answer is simply to improve his own design. The likelihood of sabotage is up to you to judge.

Furthermore, the only differential advantage that might exist arises from an innovator's intellectual capital. This is because he accumulates nothing else, and therefore cannot harness anything else other than his own sheer intellectual competence against anyone else. Lastly, there is simply no more self-preservation orientation. Instead, people become oriented toward self-actualization/cultivation. All interest turns toward that when basic needs are satiated.

There is no "appeal" to the "state." A project is granted execution if it succeeds in maximizing its performance ratio above others. Submission of the specifications of the project and its performance ratios activates sequences in the technological complex that initiate the development of the project. Ripples flow through the entire global technological complex as the innovator inerfaces with the consultation system, and the project nears its completion. Availability of the innovation is announced. Utilization can thus commence. Coordination, synchronicity, interactivity, only possible by instant information and automated processing systems.


Regarding the calculation problem. There are several methods proposed for overcoming the problem. One has been to obligate a consumer to work in proportion to the sumtotal of their consumption of resources. Essentially, they are billed in terms of work hours. They could be assigned to general management of data processing centers, or more ideally, assigned to problem solving, i.e. reversing the scarcity of those resources they consume. Thus, the degree to which they value their free time and the degree to which they value consuming a particular item will determine how much they consume. Due to great abundance and low cost, work hours would still be very little. Perhaps 4 hours a week. Items priced in Milliseconds of work time, the amount depending upon their absolute scarcity. With this method, corruption is much less possible, because there is no currency that is traded. The only problems might be one person stealing items from another person who has been billed for those items, so that the other person can avoid going to work. BUT, because all items for individual consumption are produced on demand, therefore reducing people's tendency to stockup, the chances of a person having the opportunity to steal another person's items is quite low, because a person will demand the item and use it soon after.

Another proposal has been to implement an artificial daily, weekly, or monthly point system, in which points symbolically represent a person's consumption, waste, reuse, and generation of resources. This is similar to the Technocracy system in which energy credits are proposed. In this case, a person is given a set amount of points, and as production capacity and efficiency increases, everyone's purchasing power (points) increase in proportion. Eventually, it is believed that the abundance of resources used to satiate basic needs will be so great, that the points a person is given would far exceed what they would ever practically consume. With such a point system, consumption rates can be calculated against the supply of resources. Some items may still have high cost, due to inefficiencies of production or scarce resources, and people would indeed be limited by the point/credit limit. However, it is precisely this high cost that motivates innovators to submit their projects for execution, if they believe they can reduce the costs by powerful innovations. Such innovation projects do not subtract from the individual innovator's point allowance. Instead, the project is taken on by the system, in a separate domain of valuation and criteria. Resources used for projects are more likely to be less abundant and more vulnerable to exhaustion. The resources withdrawn for Projects are calculated by a difference system of appraisal. Therefore, the individual point system no longer applies. This method is better, but efficacious only if resources are as abundant as estimated. However evidence today suggests that even the presently existing production capacity is sufficient to satiate the basic needs of people. Therefore, thanks to Captialism, we can now satiate people's basic needs all over the world, and now reorganize our social system so that it may anarchistically rests in the hands of the higher levels of human nature, in which new needs, tendencies, and behavior eclipses the historical self-preservation that once interfered with social cooperation and individual cultivation. We believe Capitalism has produced sufficient security for the reorganization we propose.

Lastly, another proposal answers the calculation problem, and could incorporate the point system mentioned above, though not necessarily. In this case, supply is tracked in two ways. One way is to seek to always maintain a supply always above a fixed threshold. For instance, maintaining a secure supply iron would consist of measuring the total supply of iron against the average of all withdrawal. The availability of a resource can then be accounted and conveyed in various ways. One way would be to tag every item/resource with a availability expectancy. For example, perhaps, given the rates of consumption for a shower head, and given the consumption rate of all other items that draw from the same raw and recycled resources, a shower head might have an availability expectancy of 5 years before the supply begins to fall below the secure threshold. By that time a new innovation will be needed to render unnecessary the materials used in the shower head by either obsoleting such a technology or developing substitute materials. As a supply is threatened and approaching the secure threshold, this becomes an issue of public alarm. Such indications prompt the projects of innovators, which are completely voluntary. A shower head is perhaps a poor example, because its necessity is disputable. In a voluntary system, rescuing shower heads may be no one's priority. Therefore, my next point is indicated. In such a system, not only is rational demand answered, the innovations that emerge will most likely be oriented toward necessities. Innovators would more likely feel prompted to find substitute material for food automation systems rather than a shower head, because their own existence is threatened by neglecting the food problem, and because the projects of those innovations are more likely to be favored in the cost-benefit analysis criteria.

Furthermore, merely indicating estimated/projected availability expectancy is not enough. A concrete measurement of an item's burden on total supply must be measured and indicated, much like a Price does. If our premise is accurate, then it should be possible to account for all resources on the planet by conducting a survey of global conditions. If an inventory can really be composed, then measuring the resources withdrawn in producing an item should be possible to measure by means of deduction. Therefore, the aforementioned shower head will have an additional tag that indicates the percentage of resources withdrawn from the total supply. This would be expressed in a numerical sequence dependent upon the composition of the shower head, as well as the scientific understanding of the time. The best expression is still something to be debated, but can be worked out just as all other scientific standards have been. I'm sure you can theoretically conceive of a chart that communicates the composition of the shower head and the individual percentages that it withdraws from the respective resources of the global supply. But because a chart would be inconvenient, all of the percentages can be unified as one single numerical expression by *weighting* the quantities withdrawn to the relative quantities in the total global supply for each resource. Therefore, a cumulative weighted percentage can be given to every single item produced, as long as we can account for all production input and account for the total quantities of all resources. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, innovators will be prompted to propose projects that reduce the resource withdrawal percentages if such percentages begin to rise above safe thresholds. As long as sufficient information and feedback can be supplied, Innovators become the immune system protecting against scarcity.

Though items will be tagged with other calculated information, only those mentioned above are among the proposals intended to replace the functions of prices.

Lastly, items that depend upon scarce resources are less likely to be consumed on the individual level, not only because there would likely be a social stigma against doing so, but because of time factors. The excavation and recovery of scarce resources is often more difficult. Production of goods requiring such scarce resources will also utilize recycling systems as much as possible. Therefore, the production process for items using scarce resources will be of longer duration than items that use abundant resources. Therefore, because much of an RBE is a computerized "que economy," consumers will be dissuaded from ordering such goods by their OWN decision! This is because, TIME is finite. Time comparisons become a new, important metric of valuation. If a consumer places an order for a item that uses scarce resources, and the wait time is announced as 3 days, then they will most likely find an alternative, or perhaps, if they foresee themselves needing to order the item often, even going to work on eliminating that problem by submitting designs for a similar item that uses less scarce resources, if they happen to be motivated to do so. However, again, the use of scarce resources in innovation projects is a different scenario than in the scenario of individual consumption. If gains are great enough, lengthy production times might be tolerated by the innovators who have been granted execution of their project.


Though a free market may not have artificial scarcity, it does restrain the levy of abundance for all people by keeping profit exclusive and keeping the control of resources diffuse This is not to mention it guarantees social turbulence due to its darwinistic imperatives of self-preservation, and many other problems about which economists know nothing. Knowing how to solve such problems is the only way to design a social system to operate without dysfunction, and absence of consideration for these problems is the weakness of a free enterprise. Cumulatively, an RBE solves more total system problems than a free enterprise because an RBE's considerations are broader in scope. Thus its sumtotal gains are greater. Such is broader and greater because we look at all phenomena of the earth as precisely a system. This is unlike economists who look at only isolated phenomena. When the earth is viewed as a system, new priorities emerge and new methods for social management become necessary. Economists are unscientific because they fail to look at all aspects of the earth as a total system.


There is no state. An RBE is anarchistic. It is an anarchy of innovators whose individual power resides only in their competence and intellectual capital. These innovators are emergent just like capitalists. The difference is that innovators are far more transitory because they develop no individual state (b/c they have no property, no self-preservation, and no material differential advantage). Their inventions, their ideas, their proposals, their discoveries are quickly superseded by other innovators pursuing their own project driven by the most resilient and powerful motive: passion onset by complex needs. On the other hand, in a free enterprise, there exists a multiplicity of capitalist states. Though indeed they are superseded by others, their static presence exists far longer than the the projects of innovators in an RBE. The longer the static presence of a single capitalist's state, the greater the detriment to a society. It is a detriment for the same reason national/political states are a detriment. The multiplicity of capitalist states function analogously to the current situation of political states. The only difference is that capitalist states war economically (though political states are learning to do this too). (And I wouldn't doubt capitalist states would war militaristically if left to themselves after political states were abolished). Nevertheless, any static existence is detrimental to the social system. The only thing that must remain static is the mechanism that assures everything else will remain emergent and changing. And that is the foundation of an RBE. An RBE exalts the mechanism that assures no formation of static entities. To assure this mechanism rules, human operation has to be reorganized along the lines drawn by TVP.

That which you have referred to as a "state" is really not an entity. If anything, it is a mode of operation in human relations, a social algorithm, that is supported by a global infrastructure of technology. In other words, the infrastructure becomes the "laws of physics" of society, so to speak. And as all people have access to information, and as all have access to the infrastructure (much like open-source phenomena of today), the infrastructure is never vulnerable to monopoly of use, manipulation, or corruption.
The foregoing has been a description of aspects of a conservative RBE.

I would like to move to criticism of a free enterprise at some point. Weaknesses of a free enterprise are far numerous than an RBE, and I'm curious to hear your defense."

Monday, January 14, 2013

Nate Dinwiddie threatens People

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Peter Joseph tries to bring back the forum

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Friday, January 4, 2013

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Kari McGregor's resignation letter

Kari McGregor resignation letter from the TZM Australian chapter
Tuesday 1st January 2013

Dear all fellow Zeitgeist Movement volunteers,

It is with great sadness that I inform you all that I am leaving the Zeitgeist Movement in its entirety.

I would like to thank all of the hard-working and dedicated volunteers of the Movement for all of your efforts, strength, and support over the years. You are what makes the Movement what it is philosophically and practically, regardless of the level of your engagement with its structure. The philosophy of the Movement stays with me, and I will continue to walk my talk to the greatest extent possible - with such possibilities increasing each day as we all work for the future our planet deserves.

With the ethos I possess you may wonder why it is that I choose to leave the Movement I once thought would be the vehicle to transition us to a new paradigm of sustainability and inter-and intra-generational equity. I have many answers, and it will take me time to express them all. I will begin with my overall reasoning, followed by some background of my responsibilities and experiences, and then go on to detail some of the flaws I have become aware of that I consider to be irremediable at this stage.

I have come to understand that the Movement is destined for failure if we do not rectify the issues that are causing cracks to appear in our structure and function. I have attempted, on many occasions, and with great persistence, humility, and creativity, to address these issues, and the result, for me, has been harassment and bullying. I have come to understand that in this structural climate there is no avenue for me to effect positive change within the Movement because the problems generate from its founder and foundations, and permeate every facet of the Movement. It is, therefore, time for me to move on and dedicate my time to the cause in a manner separate from the structure of the Movement.

1. Background

I have long been working as an agent of change, to use the buzz-phrase of the moment. Back in my teens and early twenties I was involved in direct action activism (probably the reason I have always wondered why TZM claims to do activism when the actions of volunteers don't seem at all activist to my eyes). I started with animal rights, and went through environmental activism, and became active in the stop the war movement and human rights groups - I have not truly left any of these causes behind although my approach has evolved. One of my bigger projects was co-founding a Food not Bombs collective while I was at university. My first professional job after university was as a coordinator of a national non-profit organization, where I learned the tools and tricks of non-profit management and promoting the cause on a professional level. Ten years have gone by since I left the non-profit world for teaching - a profession I found myself in almost by accident, but have had a decade-long love affair with. I have learnt so much through my interactions with the university of life, along with the universities in which I have taught, and have so many diverse people to thank for my current worldview and passion for sustainability.
I have been a supporter of The Zeitgeist Movement since its inception in 2008. As I was overseas at the time - working in South-East Asia - I did not become an active volunteer within any particular chapter until my return to Australia in 2010. Since I became formally active within the Movement my voluntary responsibilities within the Movement thus far have developed as follows:

1.1 Local:
• Volunteer in the Adelaide and Sydney local chapters - assisting with local awareness-activism, campaigns, organizing events including Z-Day and the media festival, and delivering workshops and presentations.

1.2 National:
• Shared responsibilities for coordination of TZM Australia with my life partner, David Z, including fielding new chapter applications and assisting with development of chapters. Ongoing responsibilities involved support of the Australian local chapters throughout their development.

• Spokesperson for national chapter, delivering presentations at various events and conferences across Australia.

• Project team coordinator for the Australian content-development team - the team responsible for developing content for lectures, presentations, workshops, newsletters, and promotional materials for both our PR front and issue-awareness.

• Editor for Spirit of the Times magazine, a magazine established by a team of TZM volunteers (but which is aimed at a broader demographic, hence does not mention TZM) which is now available via several different channels both online and offline.

I have left all of these responsibilities aside from the Spirit of the Times magazine, which I will continue to work with as it is gaining traction with a readership outside the Movement - i.e. not just preaching to the choir.
The Australian chapter is currently in the process of deciding its next steps in light of recent events that have threatened the continuation of our four years of hard work and dedication as a team.

1.3 Global:

• GCA representative for the Asia-Pacific region with David Z alongside representatives of other regions - Gilbert Ismail, Miguel Oliveira, Nelson Alvarez, Victor Mora (added July/August), and Jorge Forero (added July/August). GCA responsibilities involved fielding new chapter applications and assisting with development of chapters. Ongoing responsibilities involved support of the Asia-Pacific chapters throughout their development.

Asia-Pacific chapters that I have supported in their development since taking on the GCA responsibility are:
o Australia
o New Zealand
o India
o Singapore

Asia-Pacific chapters that I have assisted in their development to become official chapters, and then supported through their ongoing development are:
o Philippines
o Israel
o Kazakhstan
o China
o Malaysia
o Syria

Asia-Pacific chapters currently undergoing development are:
o Japan
o Taiwan
o South Korea
o Lebanon
o Sri Lanka
o Georgia

In addition I have also worked on a series of internal documents for chapter development, including editing the series of protocols released in 2011, and the 2012 Chapters Guide, to which I also contributed a few sections of content. I have taken steps to establish and orient a replacement for myself in this role so that the pace and quality of development will not suffer.

• Global Core Team member alongside the following TZM volunteers:

o Peter Joseph
o Gilbert Ismail
o Jen Wilding (left team google-group considerably before its apparent closure)
o Jason Lord (left team google-group considerably before its apparent closure)
o Brandy Hume
o Cliff Faber (announced his resignation from the team in November)
o Matt Berkowitz
o Nelson Alvarez
o Konrad Sauer (request for his removal from the team came from the Brazilian chapter, but was not carried out)
o Ben McLeish
o Tom Williams
o James Phillips
o Miguel Oliveira
o Federico Pistono
o David Z (announced his resignation from the team in November)
o Andres Delgado (added by Miguel after formation of the team)
o Victor Mora (Added to the team recently by Miguel)
o Jorge Forero (Added to the team recently by Miguel)

The core team exists, or existed - I am no longer sure which is the appropriate term - for the purpose of streamlining and developing the structure and function of the Movement in response to the recognition that we are losing membership and traction.

The google-group for this team no longer exists, as I have heard, although I was not directly informed of its dissolution. I had originally established the google-group myself, although I handed ownership of the group to Peter once I had decided, in November, to leave. I acted on the good faith that I would be allowed to leave the group of my own accord once I had completed my work with the GCA - a point which I communicated to the team at the time. Unfortunately I found the group no longer accessible to me on 09/12/2012.

2. Reasons for my departure from TZM

2.1 Flaws in the pyramid structure

Whilst describing itself publicly as a horizontal and holographic movement, TZM, in reality, operates with a pyramid structure - the structure most commonly used in the corporate world.
The traditional pyramid structure functions with several tiers of power and responsibility, and with the highest tier of power and responsibility inhabited by only one individual. This is a structure that can function effectively in a small organization where the workload is light - if the individual/s toward the upper tiers are highly competent in their work. However, as the organization grows in size and workload it becomes impossible for small numbers of people with a large degree of power and responsibility to complete their work to the same standard as before. Bottlenecks are created, slowing the pace of work, with much completed sub-optimally. Some work is neglected or ignored due to the incapacity to process it through the tight bottleneck.

In TZM we have a pyramid structure where the base of the pyramid has grown to a size that is unmanageable for those in the upper tiers of coordination - even if they were sufficiently competent to manage the workload, which they are not. Instead of reassessing this structure it has been defended as is, to the ultimate detriment of both structure and function of the Movement. In this way we have been ineffective in our efforts to streamline and develop the structure and functionality of the Movement as volunteers are faced with perpetual roadblocks and bottlenecks. The result is frustration and the departure of many volunteers who present solutions whilst the structural problems remain.

2.1a Communication

Within the Movement's pyramid structure it is concerning that all of the tools of communication for the global TZM network are in the hands of three people - Peter Joseph, Gilbert Ismail, and Miguel Oliveira. Rather than accepting assistance from other volunteers in managing these tools Peter Joseph has insisted that they remain in these three pairs of hands.

Currently I am witnessing some concerning patterns regarding the means/tools of communication in the TZM global network.

At present the Global Chapters Portal forum is locked; no one can use it. There is, instead, a re-direction for people to use the new Public Global Forum. David Z, a long-term admin and technical support volunteer for the Movement has today found that he no longer has back-end administrative access to the Global Chapters Portal site either. No notice was given.

The new Public Global Forum is also locked; even registration is disabled. When Peter Joseph requested for the Global Core Team to register on the forum in order to populate it, I was the first member to request registration for the site, which Peter Joseph was taking sole responsibility for processing. However, I was never registered.

With regard to the ZM-chapters google-group the TZM Australian coordination no longer has access to it. David has been removed from the ZM-chapters google-group without notice. I had already left the group, but have still been receiving messages - unable to post - due to some unknown error in the system that Miguel has been unable to resolve. As the Australian coordination no longer have access to the google-group this means that TZM Australia no longer have any written means of communication with the TZM global network.

The only means of communication the Australian chapter still has with the rest of the global network is via TeamSpeak, although the effective use of this medium is limited when the chapter has no access to global newsgroups or other means of written communication for the purpose of communicating when meetings are held and what is to be discussed. It is likely that we retain access to TeamSpeak mainly because it is a third-party platform, and also due to the fact that we opted not to have an Australian channel (therefore there was none to remove) and to just use the non-password-protected Asia-Pacific channel for our communications.

Technically this means that Australia have all but disappeared from the global communications network, despite still being linked as an official global chapter on the global website. With the tools/means of communication in the hands of only three people it is all too easy to deny access to the network to those who are unwanted, for whatever reason that may be. This is a matter of great concern for a movement whose very existence depends on effective, networked global communication.

2.1b Structural failures

Without knowledge of the existence of the Global Core Team or who its members are the global TZM network is in the position of not knowing who to contact with regard to most issues and projects. For this reason I felt it appropriate to inform the Australian chapter and Asia-Pacific coordinators of who is who and who does what so that lines of communication and appropriate channels for action are clear. I have raised this issue on a few occasions and was always greeted what I considered to be a paranoid response in that several of the other members of the Global Core Team felt afraid of others knowing about the team's existence. I do not know the reason for this fear as I was always of the understanding that when one has nothing to hide one should not be afraid of people knowing.

Interestingly, when it became known to some Latin American TZM coordinators that I had told the Australian chapter of the Global Core Team's existence some newcomers appeared at our next Global Core meeting. Andres Delgado and Jorge Forero, who were not at that point involved in the Global Core Team, spent a large portion of the meeting - for which Jason Lord explicitly requested that the recording not be shared - criticising me for having divulged this information - what they referred to as a "breach of security". Ironically, these inviduals need to have learned of the Global Core Team from two possible sources - either indirectly from me, therefore meaning that they were angry with me for providing them information that later led to their addition to the team - or that they had heard about it from another team member, and hence were behaving in accordance with the double standards I have so often witnessed at this level.

As a result of a lack of clarity over the TZM internal structure the network has operated at a sub-optimal since inception and this shows no sign of improvement. Many valuable and hard-working volunteers have left the Movement due to frustration with this situation that has led to an inability for many voices to be heard and projects to receive sufficient oxygen to thrive.

2.1c Harassment and bullying of volunteers

Although I have heard, by word of mouth, of many instances of harassment and bullying of volunteers within TZM, I choose here to only detail those instances for which I have hard evidence through having personally witnessed various incidents.

The Colombian chapter has been under fire for many months without appropriate measures being taken by the GCA to resolve any issues that have been raised. Instead of simply adhering to the coordination protocol and chapter protocol with regard to the resolution of any issues it has been the GCA's practice to harass volunteers with the Colombian chapter on a personal level and lodge complaints about individuals with the purpose of eliminating the entire chapter. No official documentation of the process has been provided to the GCA Trello board until the November-December 2012 Colombia Chapter Review, which was difficult to even get the GCA to agree to despite it being simply adherence to protocol to do so. This behaviour is unconscionable, particularly when carried out by an administration that is expected to behave in an exemplary manner.

I have been harassed and ridiculed by members of the GCA - notably Nelson and Jorge, and coordinators of other chapters - notably Andres from Ecuador and Cristian from Chile - in response to my work with the development of the Colombian chapter. Gilbert, self-titled "team head" of the GCA, has also behaved in an unconscionable manner toward me with bullying and threats regarding my work - even during the process of my simply questioning what our approach to the issue with the Colombian chapter should entail. This is a grossly unprofessional form of bullying, and calls into question the appropriateness of these volunteers for roles of coordination.

The bullying of the Australian chapter started much more recently, and was instigated by Peter Joseph himself when he chose to threaten dissociation of the entire chapter on the basis of a single magazine article written by a single individual in Spirit of the Times magazine, a magazine that is not explicitly or officially a TZM publication. After the chapter was given 24 hours to remove the "offending" article or face dissociation the chapter held an emergency meeting to decide our course of action. A decision was made to comply with Peter's demand, and this was communicated in a timely manner. Despite this compliance and careful communication, I was greeted with an emotional tirade by Peter in which he informed me that the future of the Australian chapter was now in the hands of Miguel and Gilbert, and the Australian chapter found itself no longer with access to communication platforms in the global TZM network.

Since this incident things have gone from bad to worse with Peter again threatening dissociation of the chapter should we continue to promote his films via our website and enable their distribution to our active volunteers via the site at cost - which is significantly below the cost charged on Again, no discussion was entered into, and no consideration given to the hard work of volunteers - simply demands and threats were made, without acknowledgement of 3 years of tacit acceptance of the project. Several volunteers wrote to Peter in order to negotiate terms that might be acceptable to all concerned, particularly as this is an issue that likely affects many other chapters, but all of these were greeted with anger and further threats. This situation is particularly intriguing in light of the fact that Jen Wilding, of the US chapter and Global Core, had expressed interest in the project a few weeks earlier, and informed the project's coordinator that it would be discussed at the next US chapter meeting.

Currently the Australian chapter has until the end of January 2013 to comply with this latest demand. The chapter plans to fully comply with the stated demand. However, for many volunteers this is the last straw and many no longer wish to be associated with the global administration as a result.

Many other examples of bullying have occurred, but I will leave it up to individuals to tell their own stories as it is not my place to do so.

2.2 Hypocrisy & double-standards

Countless times I have been witness to breaches of protocol by representatives of the GCA and members of the Global Core Team. These are protocols that are invoked whenever someone outside either of these teams is the perpetrator, yet ignored when an individual in one of these teams perceives that upholding their position is of greater importance than upholding protocol.

It is natural for a volunteer to expect that the global administration and core teams would be the very exemplar of how to behave in a RBE, or, at least, be demonstrating a level of integrity in their efforts to do so. Sadly, I have found the majority of the GCA and Global Core Team to be precisely the opposite of what hard-working and committed volunteers should be able to expect from their administrative support structures.

It is my view that precisely the wrong people are in charge of the Movement's administrative structures, and precisely the wrong type of governance structure is employed. I have attempted to communicate the latter and work in collaboration with the Global Core Team to address the development of our governance structure in congruence with the RBEM. All attempts to approach this topic have been either rejected or ignored by all team members aside from Brandy Hume, who has made the effort to engage and discuss.

With regard to development of the Movement and communication of our message it seems that the administrative structure only wants volunteers to engage with the general public, and not experts in the various fields that could lend credibility to the Movement. My work with my the non-profit organization I have co-founded, called Integrative Services, has been either rejected or ignored by the Global Core Team. This is despite our work with experts in the fields of ecological economics, government policy, architecture, philosophy of ethics, education, and computer programming in our core team. Our core team also includes Murray Lane, creator of the Carrying Capacity Dashboard, and the development team for th world's first open-source knowledge repository (the like of which Jaque Fresco only speculates about). It seemed to me for a long time that we were rather shooting ourselves in the foot by rejecting affiliation or collaboration with such a dynamic team of experts, and after I had worked so hard to establish the credibility of TZM with my colleagues I had to return to them with my tail between my legs and admit that TZM does not have either the maturity or the wisdom to be a suitable collaborator on the global stage of change-agency. I was left feeling as though TZM is a fraud as, in addition to failing to walk our talk, we reject or ignore the very people and organizations who we say we're looking to collaborate with, as though talking and holding screenings of PJ's movies is all we're ever intended to do.

So, I gave up. My efforts are better spent on projects that are leading somewhere, so that is where I will be putting them for 2013 and beyond.

3. Further Information

For anyone interested in gathering a deeper insight into the issues I have outlined, the scientific method of inquiry is a fantastic tool. A wealth of information has been collated and archived, and is available at the click of a button. Please feel free to browse the information contained within these archives in order to gather a greater depth of understanding and familiarise yourself with evidence for the issues I have outlined in this letter.

In closing I would just like to reiterate my appreciation of the hard work so many have put into this shared direction we have toward a more sustainable world. I hope re-engage with many of you in the future, further down our shared path. Should anyone wish to contact me in the future, or as a response to this email, I am available via or

Thank you and take care.

Warm regards & happy new year,

Kari McGregor
Former coordinator TZM Australia
Former GCA representative for Asia-Pacific
Former TZM Global Core Team member
Editor, Spirit of the Times magazine -