
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Neil DeGrasse Tyson on the Venus Project

Neil deGrasse Tyson
to me
show details 11:32 AM (1 hour ago)
>> From:
>> Date: April 20, 2011 7:45:40 PM EDT
>> To:
>> Subject: [Other] Is it true that you applaud The Venus Project?
>> Robert Dobbs sent a message using the contact form at<br /> >>
>> The Zeitgeist Movement has stated that you applaud the Venus Project. Is this true? I find it hard to believe that you would support such nonsense. Could I please get an official statement on your opinion of the Venus Project?
Thanks for your interest and concerns. I don't make official statements. I am not an agency. I am not a political platform. I simply have conversations with people. The relevant exchange follows, in time order. I note that strong philosophies (be they religious or secular) tend to filter what they see and hear such that what's left over supports their world views. Understandable, if not forgivable.
Neil deGrasse Tyson</p>
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From:
>>> Date: April 19, 2011 1:16:21 AM EDT
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [Other] The Venus Project
>>> Jeffrey Stoll sent a message using the contact form at<br /> >>>
>>> Dear Mr. Tyson,
>>> I am currently looking into the Venus Project and I am trying to take a skeptical approach to what my opinion should be of it. I would like to ask a prominent member of the scientific community about their opinion on the project. Thus Mr. Tyson what is your opinion of the Venus Project? Thank you for your time and I apologize for my irregular grammar.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Jeffrey Stoll
> From: Neil deGrasse Tyson <>
> Date: April 19, 2011 12:56:53 PM EDT
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Other] The Venus Project
> I applaud the efforts of anyone trying to make a difference in the world, however unreachably utopian the mission statement may be. -NDTyson
> *************************
> Neil deGrasse Tyson
> Department of Astrophysics
> & Director, Hayden Planetarium
> American Museum of Natural History
> Central Park West at 79th Street
> New York, NY 10024
> On Apr 20, 2011, at 12:01 AM, Jeffrey Stoll wrote:
>> Thank you for responding Mr. Tyson. I was wondering if you have delved
>> deep enough into the project to learn about its concept of a
>> "Resource-Based Economy" and if so I would like to hear from you about
>> your opinion of that single concept. I completely understand your view
>> that with circular cities, no government, and a complete renovation of
>> the education system makes the Venus Project sound like the utopian
>> cities and communes from the various cult-like groups throughout
>> history that have tried to solve societies problems in a similar
>> fashion. Again I apologize for my irregular grammar. -Jeffrey T. Stoll