
StormCloudsGathering says TZM will be violent

Saturday, January 29, 2011

StormCloudsGathering calls out Peter Joseph

Why Peter Joseph advocates TZM


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mistaken Identity: The Wrong Muertos

Mistaken Identity: The Wrong Muertos. (Updated!)

This blog was updated on January 28 and again on March 18. Scroll to the bottom for the updates.
Now here’s an interesting coincidence. I got a message today on Twitter (my feed is from a user I didn’t recognize, alerting me that Peter Joseph Merola, the leader of the “Zeitgeist” conspiracy theorist movement, had made comments on this person’s YouTube channel, or in some capacity connected to his YouTube handle, that he (Merola) had a “file” on me for “cyberbullying and harassment.” The person messaged me said his handle on YouTube is “RonaldoDeLosMuertos.”
His channel is here. It is kind of an amazing coincidence, because he also posts videos critical of conspiracy theories and has evidently spoken out against the Zeitgeist Movement as I have, and he has “Muertos” in his handle. However, it’s not me and I’ve never heard of this person before today. I haven’t watched more than a few seconds of any of his videos, so I can’t comment on them pro or con, except that they appear to be anti-conspiracy-theory.
My real YouTube channel is here. As you can see the word “Muertos” doesn’t even appear in my handle. I’m not very active on YouTube. I have posted only two conspiracy-related videos in the nearly five years I’ve been on YouTube. Both of them are parodies. “Zeitgeist” is mentioned very briefly in this video, in passing, but certainly is not the subject of it. The majority of my videos are related either to my books or to my heavy metal travels.
I’m also aware that a comment was posted about me recently on the Zeitgeist movement forum to the effect that I am supposedly a disgruntled former member of that conspiracy movement. That is not true. A lot of speculation goes on in the conspiracy underground about debunkers, and I’m no different. Like everything else, the conspiracy theorists get this wrong too.
Let me just state some things for the record.
  • I am not “RonaldoDeLosMuertos” on YouTube.
  • I was never a member of the Zeitgeist Movement. I have never registered or posted on their forum under any name. I have never engaged in “sock puppet” type trolling of their forum, which is a common accusation made against posters/contributors to
  • I have never been a member of, or participated in, the “Zeitgeist Debate” group on Facebook or anywhere else.
  • I am not a member of “Anonymous” who is conducting a campaign against the Zeitgeist Movement similar to that group’s campaign against Scientology. I was/am not “Anon4AllOfUs” on YouTube and have never had anything to do with that group except watch their videos once in a while (not all of which I agree with).
  • I have never engaged in “cyber-bullying” or “harassment” of the Zeitgeist Movement. The assertion to the contrary, if it was made–I admit I heard about second-hand and can’t verify it for myself–is simply ludicrous.
  • I have never attempted to “friend” any member of the Zeitgeist Movement on Facebook.
Ironically, despite these facts, my name appears on a list compiled by the official spokesman of the Zeitgeist Movement (who calls himself “VTV”) which definitely appears to be an enemies list. This from an organization that claims they’re working for the better interests of all mankind.
The whole thing is silly, of course, and not very consequential in the real world; arguing with conspiracy theorists on the Internet is a hobby of mine, a somewhat perverse one I admit, although one which I believe does serve some societal good. The fact that these people monitor their “enemies” so closely is, I confess, kind of creepy, though I’m not losing any sleep over it. One of the true measures of whether someone is gaining attention for denouncing conspiracy theories is if the tinfoil hatters push back–a prime example being the numerous death threats hurled by 9/11 Truthers at ace debunker Mark Roberts. So, the fact that they squawk so loud about me must mean I’m making something of an impact.
As always, thanks for reading.
Update 1/28/11
The owner of the “RonaldoDeLosMuertos” YouTube account contacted me and provided me with screenshots of the comments made by Peter Merola, or someone evidently claiming to be him. Because the original video was deleted (in fact I never saw it) the comments aren’t still there.
Here they are:
Again, I had no part in this exchange whatsoever, and knew nothing about it until yesterday. I’ve never even seen the video they were attached to.
I have no idea whether this really is Peter Joseph Merola or someone else, and it doesn’t really matter. Either way you can see the approach used by typical Zeitgeist Movement defenders, which is to attempt to neutralize any criticism made of them and attack those who offer it.
I have never spoken with or corresponded with James Kush (though he posted briefly on and I might have responded to him on that forum). I’m not even entirely sure who he is, though I believe he runs a blog that accuses Zeitgeist of being involved with the occult. I don’t believe in the occult, so I think that’s a silly criticism. But that’s beside the point.
It continues to pass my understanding how the members of this movement expect to be taken seriously as a shining hope for all mankind when this is the sort of behavior they engage in.
Update 3/18/11.
I stated in this update that I haven’t posted any videos on my YouTube channel specifically related to the Zeitgeist movement. That has changed.
On March 12, I posted this video, which is a challenge to the Zeitgeist cult members to read the book Seeing Like A State and explain the glaring defect in their ideology.
As you will see from the comments, the Zeitgeisters are, for the most part, remaining true to form when confronted with criticism of their ideology.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward internet release date

Zeitgeist Moving Forward Delayed





I find this fucking hilarious. Someone who claims to be against the system of corruption is a hypocrite for trying to scare people with copyright threats and legal action. PJ and his 'agents' have an agenda here, and money is certainly involved.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward leaked

Zeitgeist Moving Forward EARLY RELEASE (FULL)
Video > Movies
2.97 GiB (3191370001 Bytes)
Spoken language(s):
Texted language(s):
zeitgeist moving forward ma igan zeitgeist moving forward now resouce based economy illuminati
2011-01-22 05:32:04 GMT

Info Hash:

(Problems with magnets links are fixed by upgrading your torrent client!)

If you had planned on going to a showing of the movie, I still highly suggest you go out to meet and network with the people in your area so you can start forming connections with other like minded people.

We all need to come together if we are going to bring about the changes we all want to see in the world.

Though the answers or plans to bring about a change in society that would allow us to implement the ideas they present in the movie (ie. a resource based economy), are not present, this movie is still very good.

And a resource based economy truly is a wonderful idea they just leave out the part that says how we get to that point from where we are now. The zeitgeist movement is aimed at education and awareness right now. And education and awareness is VERY IMPORTANT!

There ARE those of us who are already brought up to speed and want to start working to make change happen....

And that is where our project comes in.

We are working on a project that can bring us together in a single platform that we can use to connect all of us in an environment, structured to facilitate resolutions to the goals and objectives presented by the members of the community...and that means you.

We can use an interface like this to find solutions to the problems we must fix first. Because we can not even dream of trying to implement a revolutionary system like a resource based economy until we address the flaws that are inherently wrong with society. They designed them into the fabric of our society and we must now get them out.

Then we can lay ALL of our options out on the table at that time, including the resource based economy and WE as a whole will decide what the best method for empowering the human family and living in harmony with the earth will be.

Please take a minute to learn about the project we are currently working on, to bring a platform to life that will give us the ability to come together, in a single interface, structured to facilitate resolutions, to work in cooperation with one another, to bring about peaceful lasting changes to ALL of the problems we face.

The word government is derived from the two Latin words "guber mente" which mean "mind control".

We are calling this Project Libera Mentem which in Latin means "Free Mind".

You can find out more about what we are working on at

One voice can make a difference........a million voices can change the world!

Everyone needs to hear the message Max Igan has to share with the world! Go to his website ( and watch his movies, read his book, and MOST IMPORTANTLY catch up on as many previous radio shows as you can. He does a great job of explaining how we can handle with living in these trying times.

We are ALL in this together! Do your best to educate the police as it is the peace officer's job to protect the people not enact violence and unjust laws on the public. Most of which are not even laws, they are merely statutes that only have power because we go along with them. We are sovereign individuals and therefore the only laws that apply to us are natural law or common law.

Do your own research...

Know your rights folks!

I think that's going to do it for today my friends. Now enjoy the movie, go out there and connect with your neighbors and check in on the status of our project or register your email address on the website and we will keep you updated. So once we are online you can join the rest of the human family in building our new world.

In lak'ech


Please take this down, you can release it on the 25th but not earlier as the version you have is not complete, it lso contains special watermarks that makes it identifiable to whoever received the dvd.
Legal action could be taken so i advise you remove this torrent for now, its best if its all released on the 25th and not prior, its also best if there are not 2 version so to not confuse people.

Is this not the complete documentary or another version? and whats the difference if it comes out official in 3 days? they will release it for free right, so why legal action? and who can be identified?

Peter made the theatrical one smaller, the internet release will be a bit longer.
Also Peter has made sure that no one releases it online prior to the release date, there is a watermark identification for all the dvd's that where sent to each coordinator.
Yes it will be free, but this release was not to be released online and everyone who received the dvd were warned about it and even signed a contract.
is there a way to flag or report this torrent so we can safely remove it form this site until an official release?
There is no water mark. I signed no agreement. This is the full version they showed at the screening.

As far as how I obtained this copy of the film, as I was walking out of the films premiere I saw a paper jacketed disc laying on the ground with nothing written on it. I picked it up and said wouldn't it be cool if this is a copy of the movie. Got home fired up the old DVD player and all of a sudden I'm watching Moving Forward.

Thought it would be nice to share it with you all.
The Zeitgeist film series are NOT the movement, they are the artistic expressions and views of Peter Joseph. He uses them as a medium for activism to promote TZM and TVP. He has full rights on the films, and this film has been copyrighted and you are violating that copyright. Peter himself wants it removed, you stole the copy from the chapter who had it, now how the hell are they going to do more screenings? I hope you at-least return it and keep the digital copy.
As far as I can see the last screening was on the 20th. I thought it was about the message and spreading of knowledge and thoughts? I dont really se the argument against this upload.
To the uploader:
I understand you may have thought that by pre-releasing the movie unofficially you are doing good to other people that may have not seen it, but I got to tell you that you are actually harming the Zeitgeist Movement. Was it too much to ask to wait 2 days for the Official Torrent release of the movie? If you are reading this, and still allows you, please cancel this item and please Seed the one that officially will go out in 2 days. Please.
don't listen to the idiots. This will not harm the zeitgeist movement.
I also LOL very hard at the idea of legal action being taken.

If this had have been released earlier, then it may have hurt the theatre/cinema releases, but the 22nd rather than the 25th is fine...

Thank you uploader!
I was expecting a better movie (than Addendum).

A little boring, nothing new. Just the idea to spread the word.
Please - please - remove this theatrical version of "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward". Trust me, I know that you may mean well butΓ―»¿ you are detracting from the official version that is being released by the writer, director, producer, and editor of "Zeitgeist Films", Pete Joseph - who, specifically asked, out of respect, that the film was to only be released through specific "Zeitgeist Movement" sites and mirror sites for statistical purposes. This was requested by Peter Joseph, himself, because the official and final internet release of "Moving Forward" is different than the theatrical release of the film; it is longer, differently edited, and more personal and viewer friendly. Once Peter Joseph releases the final internet version, you may upload and distribute however you see fit. Until then, please respect the film maker's wishes and remove this leak until it is appropriate to upload again. Thank you in advance and thank you for sharing this crucial piece of film making and spreading the truth.

Sincerely, TZM
At the end of the film it says...

" Duplication of this educational film is granted and encouraged for non-profit/educational purposes only."

So what copyrights have been violated?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Peter Joseph on the lack of black people

Dr Merola on lack of black people in Zeitgeist

Why Aren't There More Black People In Your Movie?

I want to make a comment about a certain angle of critique I have come in contact with and expand this rather trivial issue into a more important cultural point which many out there seem not to get even in this day and age. 
During the premiere of Zeitgeist: Moving Forward in LA on Jan 15th, a very kind women politely asked me why there “were not more woman in my film”. I responded to the effect that “well I have to go where the data is.” She, of course, related and I feel her question wasnt as much that she was offended by there not being “more women” in the film, but more to effect that others might feel some sort of bias by the fact. Fair enough, given the culture today. 
So, I jump on a plane and go to New York City for the screenings there at Tribeca Cinemas. After the film ended on Jan 17th I was asked a similar question:
“Why arent there more black people in your movie?” 
At first, I thought he was joking. In fact, I spent a good couple of minutes making fun of the questiononly to find he was, indeed, not joking. He really felt the need to understand why, in his view, there were not “more black people” in the film. So, of course, I explained that race is an arbitrary factor on all levels and that I simply do not recognize race anymore and the idea of “politically correct media” isnt a notion I care about for it is a contrivance which perpetuates a false need to be superficially “equal” as though I should say to myself: “Hmmm the film is good but I think I need more woman, black people, native americans, middle easterners, jews, amish and handicapped people etc.” 
That stated, I want to point out something: Data is data and the people who present it are arbitrary. 
I'll state that again: 
Data is data and the people who present it are arbitrary. 
It doesnt matter who Peter Joseph is what race he is or what his background is – what comes out of his mouth is DATA and each person must compute that data based on the merit of the data itself- not the machine (person) relaying it. The messenger is and will always be irrelevant. Humans are merely vehicles for information relay. They learn they repeat / adjust based on the novel-ness of their life experience/frame of reference/understanding. Those who are biased against data because they dont “like” the prima facie identity of the person or entity communicating the data are engaging in what I call “INTELLECTUAL BIGOTRY”. 
For example, Lets assume I do a movie on renewable energy and the featured person in the work who is discussing various mediums of renewables happens to be a Nazi or a Scientologist or a Christian whatever. Does that mean the info they state is now suspect or biased? Is a film which has a Nazi in it suddenly a “Nazi film” regardless of the context? 
Sadly, this is how many people comprehend in this culture. They don't want to think so they seek to isolate the persons assumed character (race/background/job/whatever) and attack that rather than listen to what they say. And yes, I know, Im Peter Joseph, the “arrogant” , “satanist”, “communist”, “new world order”, “asshole” “megalomaniac”, “cult leader”, “conspiracy theorist.” but hey – guess what: even if all those labels were true: IT CHANGES NOTHING. 
Data is data and if there is anything the public needs to snap out of, its the belligerent bias of the “projected identity” notion that blinds people to actually listening/considering new information. 
Now, with respect to the need for more “woman or black people” in my film I want to make a critical point: It is nothing but a racist/sexist disposition to demand that the vehicles of data transfer in a film or whatever are of a certain origin; in a “politically correct” context. Again Data is data. I call this “reverse racism/reverse bigotry” 
Frankly, it is nothing but biased and racist for there to be “puerto rican day parades” or “Italian American day” It is nothing but biased and racist for there to be “black awareness month” It is nothing but biased and sexist for the idea of the “feminist” to exist in the arrogance it often does today. Arent we interested in equality? If so- it means that you do not promote your “institution” of gender/race/ideology above others- it means you recognize the historical bias against you and work for it to be “neutralized” not elevated in a vindictive/ego sense. 
I remember reading about Martin Luther King Jr.s apprehension to the idea of “Black Power”. He knew. He understood that to try to make your race/sex or the like “outstanding” is equality as biased as the oppressive forces that started the sad trend of inequality we see today. 
Is there a dire need to generate more equality across race, gender and class lines? Yes. But that doesnt mean your race/gender/class happens to be “special”. We are human. Period."
-Peter Joseph

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Peter Joseph's Netflix History

Why do TV shows and movies leave Netflix?

Netflix licenses TV shows and movies from studios and content providers around the world, and those licenses can expire if we don't renew them. Though we strive to keep the content you want to see, we acquire licensing rights for TV shows and movies for a certain period of time - not indefinitely - so some titles do leave Netflix. If a TV show or movie you love is leaving, it indicates that our licensing agreement with the content provider is about to end.
  • Zeitgeist: The Movie (2007)
  • Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008)
  • Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Douglas Mallette goes after "Paid Disinformation Agents"

Douglas Mallette blames “Paid Disinformation Agents” for His Embarrassing Outing in Sweden

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

Peter Joseph tries to prepare for backlash

Message from Peter Joseph to Members

Those that have listened to my radio shows might have remembered me commenting many times on the fact that when it came to attacks we have experienced in the past: "we haven't seen anything yet". 

The bored, petty bloggers and various hatefilled individuals who have wasted their time creating anti-z/anti-peter joseph sites and videos are about to be royally trumped by a mainstream media onslaught that will bring the definition of attack/propaganda into a whole new light.

I have been contacted by CNN, NBC, FOX, ABC, AP, Yahoo! and many national/local/international news agencies regarding the comment by Zack Osler referencing a TWO YEAR OLD association of my first film and Jared Loughner. The parroting of this painfully unscientific and idiotic association has resonated across all mainstream outlets. As of now, I am not engaging them for I want the new film to be released before anything. 

After the film is released, I have a feeling we are going to see a huge backlash. The stage has been set... and I want all members to hold strong. Don't let any of this get to you. This is exactly what I have been expecting with regard to the media introduction of TZM and it is long overdue. If it wasn't the AZ shootings it would have been another scapegoat. Just as Wikileaks is now associated with a "rapist"- the Z films and hence the Movement/myself are going to be publicly pegged to "mass murder". This is how the game works and I plan to do a radio show on the history of propaganda in the near future to discuss this historical phenomenon.

After the release, I am going to established a large PR campaign for all press interactions from the Movement and TZM is going to explode with interest.

"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."
-- Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Peter Joseph threatens to sue ABC




It has come to my attention that various mainstream news organizations are beginning to run an association between my 2007 performance piece/film, “Zeitgeist: The Movie” and the tragic murders conducted by an extremely troubled young man in Tucson, Arizona. They are also slowly beginning to bleed the obvious line between my 2007 documentary work, my film series as a whole and The Zeitgeist Movement, which I am the founder. Frankly, I find this isolating, growing association tremendously irresponsible on the part of ABC, NBC and their affiliates - further reflecting the disingenuous nature of the America Media Establishment today.

It appears to have begun with a comment on NBC news referencing my film along with other “influential” films as well, such as Richard Kelly's film “Donnie Darko” and then spreading to ABC News where it singled out "Zeitgeist: The Movie" and the Series itself, stating:

“Osler pointed to an online documentary series called "Zeitgeist" as a possible influence on the man.
The series rails on currency-based economics.
"I really think that this 'Zeitgeist' documentary had a profound impact on Jared's mindset and how he viewed that world that he lives in," Osler said.”

When we reflect on the history of seemingly random violence or other forms of highly offensive, irrational, aberrant behavior, we see a common pattern of reaction from the public and media in their attempt to explain such extreme acts. Rather than deeply examining the Bio-Psycho-Social nature of human social development and the vast spectrum of influences that create and morph each of us in unique and sometimes detrimental ways, they take the easy way out. The first thing they do is simply ignore all modern scientific, social understandings of what generates human motivation in both positive and negative regard, for to do so can only call into question the social system itself and hence the “zeitgeist” (meaning: spirit/intellectual climate of the time/culture) at large.

Generally speaking, it is historically accurate to say that the Mainstream Media simply isn't in the business of challenging the Status Quo. The limits of debate are firmly set. Virtually all ideas, persons or groups who have succeeded in changing the world for the better, later to be hailed as heros in the public mind, started out being condemned by those in the Mainstream Media who latch on to the dominant world view of the time. Even Martin Luther King Jr., a peaceful, loving, wonder of a man who contributed more to our social progress than likely any humanitarian in the US history, was followed by the CIA and publicly humiliated as a “Communist” which he even had to defend in front of a Congressional Committee. In fact, you can rest assured that if King were alive in the current paradigm today and seeking an equal form of justice - he would be given the name: “Terrorist”.

So, again, rather than taking the scientific view, the Mainstream Media often seeks out or implies one point of blame and runs with it. After all, it is much easier, presentable and more simplistic for the public to think that the troubling reality of seemingly random acts of mass murder is the result of a “singular influence” and hence the logic goes that if that one influence is removed, then the world will be back in balance. This gives the public a false resolve and position of focus in an otherwise ambiguous, complex world of social and biological influences. And as far as the scapegoat itself, very often any group, media or dataset that is counter-culture or even hints at wishing to challenge the status quo, is a magnet for such blame.

For example, musical groups of a counter-culture nature have been a favorite scapegoat for acts of murder/violence historically. In 1990, the rock band Judas Priest was actually taken to court for their “role” in the self-inflicted gunshot wounds in 1985 of 20-year old James Vance and 18-year old Raymond Belknap in Reno, Nevada. In 2008, the band Slipknot was publicly tied/blamed to a high-school murder in South Africa. Even the Beatles song “Helter-skelter” was associated to the murders incited by Charles Manson. It goes on and on... and, frankly, it's simply pathetic - avoiding the true nature of the problem - which is the Socio-Economic Environment itself.

Make no mistake: The Social System is to blame for the rampage of Jared Loughner – not some famous online documentary which is known as the most viewed documentary of all time in internet history. Are the other 200 million people who have seen the film also preparing for murder sprees? I think not.

In my new film: "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward", I feature a prominent Harvard Criminal Psychologist by the name of Dr. James Gilligan who headed the Centre for the Study of Violence at Harvard Medical School for many years. In his life work of personally engaging the most dangerous, violent offenders the US system produces, he found some basic trends. The most common is the social issue of “shame”. Our socio-economic system inherently breeds social division and there is a natural demeaning of others generated as a result. It is a scientific fact that mass murderers and those who many just dismiss as “evil” today, are the product of years of being shamed, humiliated and demeaned. Their acts of violence is a reaction from these highly oppressive feelings and the real resolve to such acts can only come from removing the real source of such emotional hurt. You will notice that most other countries don't come close to the level of violence we see in the United States. The US is the capital of violence with 30-300 times more acts of violence than any other country. We have produced more serial killers in America than all other countries combined. Why? You will notice the Mainstream never asks this question.

If anyone would like to understand why more and more people in the modern world end up like Jared Loughner and why these patterns are only going to get worse as time goes on in this system, I suggest the book “Violence” by Harvard Criminal Psychologist Dr. Gilligan.

In conclusion, let it be stated that the Zeitgeist Film Series is about critical thought regarding various social issues which challenge many erroneous notions held as fact in the modern culture. It also explicitly promotes non-violence, human unity and prosperous human development based on truth and science.

Anyone who wishes to really understand the works can view them for free online at and my new film, which will detail how a new, humane social system can work, will be in 315 theaters in 60 countries and 30 languages starting Jan 15th 2011.

I am also in contact with my legal team and considering legal action against ABC.

-Peter Joseph

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Jared Lee Loughner's shooting spree