
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Peter Joseph on hate groups

Below is a recent correspondence I had.
After responding I thought it might be good to post. My response is after."

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Hate Groups

Date: Sat, October 09, 2010 7:36 am
"Hi Peter,
I'm sorry to bother you and I have heard some talks about some of the issues your audio show but I wanted to ask you about how we should deal with the people who have websites and forums and post hate speech/lies/video towards the movement, the venus project and even yourself. I recently saw Zeitgeist Addendum and decided to join- i think it is the only direction that makes sense. But, while doing research I found an array of just insane lunatic people that really kinda scared me. I found people who say you are a communist satanist which is pushing satanism on one side... while on another side there are these groups which seem to hate anything without reason the zeitgeist movement does and they post mockery videos/blogs which make no sense at all. Is this the government? I have also been visiting forums such as infowars and they seem to make things up out of thin air with regard to the movement and you. Alex Jones, who has a large following has even gone so far as to call you and the group NWO, which I found to be incredible. I recently emailed him but got no response.
I'm sorry if you have heard all this before but i wanted to know if there was any campaign to fight against these disinfo groups. In the end, I have full faith in the movement and none of this distracts me, but I think others might be turned off if they don't know any better or haven't done their homework. thoughts?"


There is no intention by myself or The Movement as a whole to counter the public display/propaganda issues you have denoted. You have to understand the distorted value paradigm we share at this stage of social evolution and also realize the intense strength of the understanding, intent and hence direction of TZM.
While I used to be bothered by the hate sites/posts/videos and the like, I have found that they are now working in our favor. The general public overall really isn't as stupid and misinformed as the people who produce those propaganda communications think they are. [And no, I doubt it has anything to do with the Government- This is coming from the Self-Appointed Guardians of the Status Quo along with people who have created a grudge against The Movement/Myself for various meaningless personal reasons that have no resolution by their actions]

Those videos and blogs are closed in their view for the most part and serve to satisfy the disenfranchised/confused few who have the deranged need to condemn others for the sake of their own confidence/beliefs/ego. They make them for each other. You will notice that none of the propagandists actually speak of any aspect of The Movement --- they only attack myself in foundation-less ways; make up lies; create erroneous comparisons and the like. They never, ever address the materials and direction - and that proves, inherently, the falsity and feebleness of their sadly self-preserving intent.

I get many emails from people who actually start their journey to TZM with the films, then they pass through the sea of Debunkers and Hatefilled blogs and videos, only to arrive in full-force interest in our direction. It isn't working and never did. Alex Jones, for example, can't even talk straight when he brings up TZM - he just babbles in arbitrary negative rhetoric.

The issue is simple: The detractors have nothing and will never have anything. The train of thought which arrives at the need for a RBE is self-evident - You want to live? You need resources and hence they need to be managed - and hence society needs to be based around them - period. And this direction is currently being reinforced by the failure of the Social System itself which we have been predicting with extreme accuracy. It is simply a matter of time before the tides turn and the masses realize that their survival is, in fact, contingent upon this new sustainable direction.

So- don't let the small things get to you. Stay focused on the big picture. These pathetic attacks are just the beginning of the real attacks that will occur from the mainstream establishment once this idea hits wide. haven't seen anything yet!

Take Care"