
Monday, March 22, 2010

Peter Joseph decides to create forum test

A message to Zeitgeist - Credible?

jmpeer: “I’m wondering where you get your information?
Where do you publish your sources?
I don’t acknowledge things until they’re indisputably proven,
and unfortunately, your sources, particularly with the debunking of
religion, are challenged quite a bit.
Little bits of evidence, testimonies, and reasoning aren’t enough.
You have to make your case clear beyond all doubt.
Who orchestrates your media and site?
You need to touch em both up.
Your general organization and presentation aren’t too effective,
as shiny and inspirational as you might thing it is,
you really do need to make them less doubtful, more organized, and less sketchy.
You need to actually prove your case and jump on it if it’s worth anything.
Gettin shit across really isn’t hard.”

Admin: “Obviously you have taken little time to review our materials.  Very soon there will be a test to gain entrance into this forum for the sake of making sure these kinds of posts are at a minimum.
The Z Movies are merely inspirations for TZM. You have to actually review our materials to understand what we are doing.
Please review the following before posting more.”

PDF Orientation:…tureE-BOOK-…;id=28&Item
“Until you do so, you really have no busniess being here.”

Then jmpeer: You’re very rude and naive, especially for an admin, to assume I haven’t visited those materials before.  What you’ve suggested is again irrelevant. I’m not talking about your pretty face. I’m talking about the little wart on the side of your pretty face. Perhaps you’re good at reading the context of things since stating it directly didn’t seem to phase you.  Your failure to understand what I’m saying is a problem for you, not for my satisfaction.
Please reread my posts and try to understand what I have pointed out.  And bear in mind your judgement isn’t exactly best when it comes to evaluating yourself, so think as if you were not a member on Zeitgeist.”

Sunday, March 21, 2010

All this has happened before

All this has happened before

All this has happened before and is happening again By Shane Nolan

“The environmental move ment was basically hijacked by political and social activists,who came in and very cleverly learned how to use green rhetoric and green language to cloak agendas that had more to do with anti-corporatism,anti-globalisation, anti – business and very little to with science and ecology..and that is when I left” – Patrick Moore founder and former president of Greenpeace

After finally realising my life long dream to get into college I began writing little tidbits and ideas that had formed in my head over the past year of how my main interest in life, science could be used for the betterment of mankind. This at least more noble rather than for being bastardized for the corruptible ideologies of capitalism and communism throughout the cold war era and again when history repeated itself during the first decade of our current century with the politicization of this field allowing it to be essentially hijacked by both democrats and republicans globally first with the “sexed up” Iraq WMD documents and then the global warming debacle we had .So I did research and looked into new and emerging technologies that relieve the worlds ills from poverty,environmental degradation etc.

Unfortunately as I had just enrolled in a four-year college course and my work suffered to the point that it had to be abandoned altogether. So one idle weekend I was searching for videos on Richard Dawkins (by then I had become interested in the creationism/intelligent design and evolution debate and happened across a video called “The Truth about Religion” on you tube and was amazed at what a steaming pile of shit this was as I was laughing out loud It wasn’t until an idle Saturday in February of 2009 that I watched the same video again to disprove it my self that I found out it was from an internet conspiracy movie called “Zeitgeist”(which I eventually watched in full…and laughed even more) and there was another more factual(I’m stretching the word here) sequel called Addendum.

So after watching Addendum I was enamoured by the Zeitgeist Movements goal and Jacques Fresco since I agreed(and still do) with on some,but not all of the views he had to present particularly on education.Addendum was a relief that at least someone got the concept out.Due to this passion for all the concepts of the movement I had long believed in I became one of those people who used every social networking site,similarly themed videos on you tube and even yahoo answers to defend and “spread the message” of the movie(Addendum only).I was treading that thin line between calm rationality and fanaticism preparing arguments in my head with the adrenaline coursing through my veins .I introduced the idea to my brother who had his own dreams of building his business(I didn’t show him any of the “material” as even I laughed at all of the designs)and he just roared at me for about an hour about it being garbage and even when I told him of the RBE Foundation (which I had joined by then) who were actually serious about this he then laughed in front of my face and called all of us idiots.

By then I had become less fanatical but it finally hit me harder than a Pan Galactic gargleblaster that we’ve already been here before:

Lets run down the list:

1.Wideley released and award-winning movie waking people up to a major problem in the world…check

2.Use of the same debunked graphs and data and Powerpoint presentations….check

3.Capitalising on major social or environmental catastrophe…check

4.Prophesing social/environmental doom….check

5.Reuse of human/animal suffering to reiterate the point…check

6.Unquestioneable self appointed leaders with no qualifications on what they are talking about…check

7.Jet crossing all over the world on other peoples money from luxury standard home….check

8.Using said money to also fund “their research” …check

9.Prophet figure utilising their own company as the only solution through selling products and means of solving the problem…check

10.Same automated emails and messages about being too busy with spreading the message to answer…check

11.Anti-capitalist, anti-corporate agendas….check

12.Hollywood movie about people looking back how “primitive” current society was…check

13.Saturate the market with new and innovative ways of “spreading the message”

14.Oscar win and Nobel peace prize from global awareness campaign …I sure hope not

The truth that most “movementarians” as I like to references The Zeitgeist Movement and all those involved are pretty much spouting the same shit the environmentalist movement have been spouting since Rachel Carson decided to carry out mass genocide in Africa and Al Gore replaced Patrick Swayze as Captain Planet. In fact most of them are pretty much from the same camps(you can move sheep from flock to flock that doesn’t make any less sheep) and wont even admit the fact that they are doing the same mistakes all over again.

This is why most people and media outlets wont listen to them because they’ve had the same shit pushed down their throats already and not because of their “conditioning” or they are “too into the system”. The reality is that people have already been bitten and are hesitant to join or even consider a group that spouts the same notions of activism and some of these “activists” are guilty of this and even brainwashing people into their cult before they consider looking at anything critically [1].

Like most fields of study there are three types of people in the world of science: scientists who are experts in their field and adhere to the stringent protocols of the peer review process and have credentials ,then you have enthusiasts people who are not experts and have no credentials but where its more of a hobby and still are aware of and respect the processes involved ,and then of course there is the bullshitter people who know nothing about anything and show total disregard for the peer review processes, usually out for a buck.

The reality is that the Zeitgeist movies were made for a specific audience ,Jacque and Roxanne have succeeded on grasping the blissful ignorance of the masses with effective teaming with a fellow bullshitter (and a good one too). Unfortunately as usual genuine and well-meaning people are getting hooked into it and this is saddening and like before to see them defending the fanatic and cultish members simply by being there and taking part like any other fanatical activist groups makes it even more depressing. Essentially this hive mind is a mish-mash of creationist and extremist environmentalist ideological nonsense drowning out any progress and reason by making them feel guilty for having a life.

Former members and those working for the RBEF voiced serious concerns about transparency ,organisation and the actual research needed for this to be done repeatedly attempted to get them sorted out and bring them to the attention of the “three stooges” as I like to call them.Roxanne and Jacques cleverly skirted around these issues in every interview they have(sound familiar) [2] ,the RBEF sorted them out (with a fraction of the members and resources at their disposal I might add )and ended up being presented with the threat of legal action and were unable to officially do anything due to pending legalisation. This is contrary to the fact that Roxanne and Jacques even stated in interviews in which they would condone the implementation of an RBE by groups other than The Venus Project [3].

Which brings me to the final point,the truth is we don’t need to go through all this crap.We don’t need to keep coming up with new ways of spreading the message (because like the environmentalist movement the culture it mainly operates in it has already saturated the internet)or do that all anymore because we have research centres,we don’t have to make any more movies or books because there is already a wealth of work about post-scarity societies from Star Trek TNG [4] and Voyager series (every episode available on YouTube for FREE),hints in Douglas Adams [5,6] work and dealt with by virtually every science fiction author from the 60s and 70s.Even I thought up of this without ever hearing about the Technocrats and Jacques or anything to do with The Venus Project which reiterates the point that trade marking is pointless. Furthermore we don’t have to seek much outside donations as if every member were to donate $100(hardly breaking the bank here) they would have more than $30 million to give existing research centres enough to get new automated technologies etc a good start. This is more than enough to get things off the ground (or keep the “Feed Peter & Roxanne fund“ going for very long time).More than likely Jacques figured once he left the Technocratic movement that the idea of a society similar to his “RBE” would eventually come about naturally enough as society and technology improved.After joining up with Roxanne and later Peter he would start all this little business with ensuing legal wrangling bullshit to capitalise on this and invent some nonsense that it was not his idea(along with a plethora of documentaries with people stroking his ego raw).Simply put you have three lump heads who have no clue, they are talking purely for the sake of being credited with something that is not their idea. They simply are more concerned now with their image and ego and preventing anything actually happening and damaging any real legitimate attempts to bring this about if the concept becomes mainstream.

They are wasting peoples time and money by going from city regurgitating the same nonsense and poorly researched materials and what they are doing is cruel  and irresponsible by manipulating those not given the chance to develop their critical skills to boycott and protest( Protest what has managed to elude me) and begin to slide down the slippery slope into fanaticism that led to the current state of groups such as PETA , another group headed by self-appointed leaders and has gone to the extent of supporting and defending terrorism in the form of the ALF.

Jacques , Peter and Roxanne have this nonsense that this is somehow related to the civil rights movement(just like PETA) and are yet at the same time pissing on the graves of those who died to make genuine change(still giving people the impression that there is some big bogey man out to get us – the fact that people are still handing out the same shitty first movie strengthens this).The fact that these are same views shared by many of the remaining scientists left in that faux movement and they are not wanting to listen to any of these “dissenting views” clearly shows where they are going by removing the very people who are actually needed. Without stopping this nonsense mark my word it ends up the same as every other “movement” seen so far: Celebrities and politicians joining and donating just to improve their image but again not doing anything at all , complete saturation of the media and it coming up in practically every Disney and Pixar movie .

In order for the implantation of an RBE to be successful or the concept goes mainstream the following must occur:

1)They have to accept the fact that they were never elected into place.Its practically impossible for the entire “movement” to progress with them doing annual promotional work and making all the decisions(it’s also unfair)

2)They have to hold back the advertising campaign completely,as stated earlier if every member donated a mere $100.00 we could get serious funding for existing research centres.Again people hate having rhetoric shoved down their throat without evidence.

3)Any of the proposed cities are not necessary for now at all and both the film and theme park are totally unnecessary

Jacque says never give anyone the right to their own opinion and isn’t in any way exempt from this he should simply say “I don’t know” instead of spouting the rubbish he does (since if people want to get the same information they just have to watch the same lectures, and what the hell does he know ?) the fact that he has no credentials or respect for the scientific and academic peer review process(along with the other two) means that they simply don’t have the right to do what they are doing, and also why moderates and the majority of people in the world will easily see through them once given the chance(you can replace tyranny with another form of tyranny and called it democracy but it’s still tyranny).The three of them preach about the fact that politicians and corporations would be the first in line to prevent this from coming to fruition but the fact is they are the only ones that are stifling progress. This is the real tragedy of it all: the very concept that they say could very well save humanity for the time being is getting dragged through mire for the sake of the ego’s of three very irresponsible and selfish people. Same shit, different name


1. – Look at my group that i posted in the first post in this forum, it deals with exactly the same issues as the zeitgeist yet that first impression is effective in aquiring people. They go in with a more open and curious mind…not a critical mind!

2. – unable to answer basic questions

3. – part one of that particular interview where it is stated.Also unable to answer basic questions again and trying to look smart by talking in metaphorical science majiggy language they also made up.

4. – Examples of a resource based economy in star trek(mistaken for communism in this video).You can as said earlier watch any episode on YouTube

5. – Episode 2 of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy(to be honest most of the stuff coming out the three muppets mouth during the entirety of Z-Day 2010 is equivalent to everything from 3:30 on that video.

6. – Episode 2 of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.Another but less relevant reference in the series

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Venus Project world tour begins


  • New Zealand

  • Auckland is April 15th, 2010

  • To order tickets go here

  • Wellington is April 17th, 2010

  • To order tickets go here
  • Australia

  • Brisbane is 21st April, 2010 (contact: Jakob Maciolek ( ))

  • To order tickets go here

  • Sydney is 23th April, 2010 (contact:

  • To order tickets go here

  • Merboune is Sunday, April 25, 2010

  • To order tickets go here

  • Perth is 29th April, (contact:

  • To order tickets go here

  • Japan is May 8th

  • To order tickets go here

  • India is May 20th

  • To order tickets go here

  • Slovenia is 5th June (contact:

  • To order tickets go here
  • Alternatively go here
  • Due to time limitations this lecture entails the following countries:

  • Italy

  • Austria

  • Hungary

  • Croatia

  • Bosnia

  • Montenegro

  • Serbia

  • Greece is 11th June

  • To order tickets go here

  • Second lecture 20th of June in Athens. Tickets here

  • Netherlands & Belgium is 26th June

  • To order tickets go here

  • Portugal is July 3rd

  • To order tickets go here

  • Spain is July 10th

  • To order tickets go here

  • Austria is July 14th (contact:

  • To order tickets go here

  • Sweden is 24th July (contact:

  • To order tickets go here

  • Denmark is July 31st

  • To order tickets go here

  • Scotland 7th August (contact:

  • To order tickets go here

  • Ireland is 14th August (contact:

  • To order tickets go here

  • UK is 21st of August

  • To order tickets go here

  • Germany is 28th of August

  • To order tickets go here

  • France is 12th of September

  • To order tickets go here

  • Canada

  • Montreal, is September 25

  • To order tickets go here

  • Toronto is October 02 (CANCELLED)

  • London, Ontario is October 09 (CANCELLED)

  • Vancouver is October 23 (CANCELLED)

  • Calgary is October 29 (CANCELLED)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Peter Joseph doesn't know what cults are

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Peter Joseph fails to convert Bob Rivers

Peter Joseph will be a guest on The Bob Rivers Show

Thursday, March 4, 2010