
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Peter Joseph won't oppose one child policy

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

VTV uses ad hominem

An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin: "argument toward the person" or "argument against the person") is an argument which links the validity of a premise to an irrelevant characteristic or belief of the person advocating the premise.

Friday, February 12, 2010

LadyAttis v The Zeitgeist Movement

Greetings from a "non-VPer."

Hello, I have a few questions that I hope you can help clarify (perhaps adjust?).

1) How does an RBE handle the calculation problem? 

To expand on this question here's the problem that see with RBE systems, even those projected in ZG:A. First, you have to figure out what is really valuable to a person? This holds true for each possible case a person could deduce value on their own (aka the Diamond v Water Paradox). Plus how in each case a person could deduce value in relation to other goods s/he already possesses (marginal utility). Second, how do you figure out what should be made in absence of priority measures? However priority is decided; by timeliness, necessity and/or quantity demanded. This particular problem itself is a common one even for factories today (who have internal/interdepartment quotas and queues), which most resolve to produce either a little less or a little more. 

2) How does an RBE handle disagreement from within and without?

Basically, how do you solve issues of domestic and 'international' disputes whether it's over resolves or privileges of access (trade rights, resource rights, and etc)?

3) How does an RBE interact with non-RBEs?

Lets say Earth goes globally an RBE, what if you bump into Ferengi (unlikely, but wth...)? What are the going to be the ab/normal relations with unlike societies per diplomacy?

4) How does an RBE handle secession and/or social diaspora? 

Lets assume that some populations on Earth (or elsewhere) flatly refuse to interact or support an RBE in any capacity. What's the normal/average response to such mass civil discord?

That's all I have at the moment, thanks in advance.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

RBOSE sends letter to Peter Joseph

(OK, here is the part with which we hope let you understand why you act like a last moron [in general and not pointing to any specific person] from our perspective when you talk about tzm)

Working on text to be displayed to users who spam about

This document bellow is meant to explain why we don't want you to bring your crap to RBOSE network. It's build from two parts. First describes how you have been played, and the second explains why we are _against_ what you talk about.

While you probably never gave it a real thought on your own, we decided to help you and we have few questions, for free.


* Have you ever seen any single scientific paper released by tvp since they claim to use sicentific method?

* Do you know anybody who have seen such a document?

* Did you ever aksed about money? Where they are comming from? Before you will have all the asnwers born out of your head alone, without seeing any accoutnting sheet, ask yourslef why you belive in first place in so many things? If one single server at costs about $20 000 a year at, and they are using a separated at tvp, if so many people like moderators, admins, global admins and global moderators, developers, are payed, from where all this money are comming from?

* Do you know what you don't know about this project and why you never asked a question?

* Did you ever realized that you believe in story about central computers told by an older guy who knows nothing about computers? He has no smallest idea about software nor hardware, and you decided to believe in it? How naive  are you?

* In age of remote devices (like mobile phones, laptops, pda, etc.) and distributed technologies, why you would like ever to build a city with a central computer? Why are you advocating organizing a scarce area within city, scarce in volume and limited in space access points, while even today you can simply take a computer out of your pocket and access necssery information? Are you sure you know what  you are talking about? Isn't that you look for new church space?

* Why you support proprietary development, keeping all the hypothetical works of TVP closed, without anyone being able to see anything more that just few plastic toys? Are you sure there is something at all? Do you know anybody who have seen it? Or maybe it's time to relaize that you are prone simply to believes since you assumed something is there without seeing it!

* TVP asks for over $200 for a single day visit at Florida and keep selling all their works, excluding one ebook given for free so you can help advertise it. Many people believe (without seing any accounting information) that they do have finacial problems, and often happens that visitors leave them additional money (like $140 DrSoot). While the whole "center" was lebeled for sell, and big banner was the first thing you see visiting their websie, from a private communication we learned that they obviously do not plan to move to any other place due to the fact that Fresco is to old to start anything from scrach. So did you again just believe in some story becasue you want to blieve in it? If you believe in their financial problems, then again from where are all the money comming from?

* What means social enginnering? How that ever happened that you started to believe that mass control and manipulation, spin techniques, are postive phenomenas at all? Did you fall from stairs and hit your head into wall?

* Why you are advocating a centalized institution being a merge of production and goverment power with no one being able to make decissions for them selves?

* Do you understend the neuro linguistic programming of which zeitgeist members are victims?

* If this is all about critical thinking and sicentific method, then how that happened you did not see any material released by the zombie movement about critical thinking, neither you did not learn how to use scientific method in your life. Maybe time to relaize that no science had been done, and you just have seen a new "american dream" where refering to science plays a major role, a fallacy so to speak, of acting as a mesage of authoriy. They know, the guy in white clothes in tooth paste adverts looks more serious, so the feed you with some legends about science. You know nothig about it as long you not try it. Like with sex. It's simple but you need to do it yourself to find how it taste.

* Did you ever asked what the founder of the movement is specialized in? You will find politcs, religion, propaganda (what he calls movies, and he is good at it really), and music. *ding* All his life is about politics and relgion and the other mentioned. No science? Yes. (This is the logical answer meaning "no science".) But he has a nice knowlege about the things to make you feel and see stuff somebody may want you to see, and about how to control people through believes and social pressure. (A suggestion here: you probably know more or less operators "and" and "or" or at least you heard about these words, but never payed attention what they mean. When you do that, please maybe try learn about other 14, so you could understood better what people around you are really talking about.)

* Did the leaders of the movement ever address issue of control? You heard stuff about politicians, corruption by money, but did you ever heard about other things which corrupt people?

* How often you hear in your cult circles that you are building free society and not the central control system which will make all the decisions for you?

== Why people building RBOSE are against crap like yours ==

* We are here working with free and open source solutions. Not proprietary ones.

* We work on decentralization, not centralization.

* We stand against control, not for advocating it.

* We build flat relations with people, not hierarchical ones.

* We believe in development speak for itself, not in adevertising.

* We understand what "free as in freedom" means, you get only what "free as in free beer" means.

* We do not operate with money and not sell our products. We do not act last hypocrits saying one thing and doing another one.

* While you look for a way to support corporate industrial power and organize even bigger production entities, we want every single individual, if they only want, to have the production technologies and not be dependent on institutions you advocate. We want every single person out there be able to produce food, shelter, energy, get clean water and satisified all the needs without the social control systems and pressure you want to impose on society.

* We want the wealth to be freely copied by everybody today, not tomorrow in an unknown future.

* While you may not see a problem with your operating system which is not free software, we certianly do. This crap holds you back from freedom, but sadly you are not willing to take the  effort to free your self. No comment dude. 


* So, next point. WHY THE FUCK you want _us_ to support something what we tottally stand against?

* We've been asked by your cult co-members to setup channel for you at our network. Some showed so little understanding that they proposed money for that! But read this at least twice: we will not have space to host your crap. If you want to get rid of insects, then you don't leave open food in your basement, at least if you don't want to build a trap. People here don't like violence, so it would be just a matter of time before your not-thinking fellows would fill the space with adverts outgrowing the smart stuff around. Then you would ask if we could setup our nice bots to get feeds for you from the or enable other features to host more crap.

* Did i forget about the letter to PJ?

* Did i ever asked at tzm to release ban for RBOSE?
  / did i ever were complainin why RBOSE ppl are banned on    any of the TZM platforms?
* What happens if i start a talk in ZM teamspeak / forums that RBOSE is great and ppl should join? (lol GLOBAL BAN)

* Did i ever asked why in zm teamspeak people were banned because they talked about Open source software?
Fianal word:

How blind, naive, or stupid are you? We set up RBOSE to get rid of this crap, so please don't bring it to us, because you will be kicked. There is plenty other space out there where you are free to work on stuff you like, and you should learn how the toilet differs from your bed - not all places are for everything.

If you still really don't get it, please read bellow:

Fukk this shit of yours and please don't argue with us that this is issue of free speech: we setup this project to not talk about this mentioned nonsense.