
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Gilbert Ismail doesn't solve world hunger

Chapters Project: World Hunger can be solved

Hello everyone  ,

I have been working on this concept for a while and i think the time is right to throw the idea out and get working on it.

I gladly present a chapter project: World Hunger can be solved

Project introduction:

World hunger can be solved is a proposed chapter collaborative project in which we take a specific issue in society today and put it in a different daylight. The aim will be to do an intensified campaign over a certain time period with the chapters to spread mass awareness and understanding about how we as a species allow each other to starve while the technology available today could feed the world’s population many times over.
With the current number of chapters and movement members we will be able to spread a direct message about our view and direction for society that can solve these problems and help people understand what their role in this situation is.

Means and objectives:

To successfully accomplish the campaigns goals we will utilize packages with relevant and concrete information about technology that is able to produce enough to meet the world food demand if it were utilized on the right scale combined with media and articles that highlight the flaws in the current system that is making it impossible to support such an endeavor.
First and foremost we would be giving away packages with a suggestive name to draw attention of the receiving public. This will be accompanied by flyers / dvd’s and should be leaning toward the positive rather than the negative. Of course we will make sure that the campaign is linked back to by showing a visual logo and text of TZM on these packages and flyers.

The goals of this campaign summarized would be:

1. To spread awareness about technology that could help us a species
2. Try to make people understand why people are starving on one side of the planet and not on the other.
3. Gain attention for the ideas of a resource based economy
4. Increase support for TZM and TVP


To make sure that the campaign will be succesfull, we will run the campaign mainly with the chapters. That means that the international meetings or seperate meetings will serve as the main communication platform for preparations and ideas.

The participating chapters will then be asked to coordinate the endeavour and preparations in their countries. We start globally at the agreed starting date for the campaign and measure the impact and success to the best of our ability. Ideally we will let the campaign run for 2 or 3 weeks with maximum chapter dedication.

Each chapter will gather a team to spread the flyers and materials and contact the local media to gain attention for the campaign. Every week during the campaign we will meet once or twice to measure developments and handle any questions or concerns by consulting eachother.

Media and package

The idea is to create a package with relevant information and give it a suggestive name. Like starvation aid kit or World hunger solution package. Something within this line of thinking and to make it look like a gift.

I have already asked Apollo to design a flyer and we can ask more creative people in th emovement to come up with other clever media to support the success of the campaign.


Flyer version 0001. By Apollo  TEXT is just a sample. Please share ideas.

Your input is needed

To make this project / campaign a success all great ideas are needed. Now is the time to be active in the movement and i know there are a lot of people with great ideas here.

If you have any idea to make this campaign better or expand on the idea. Please reply!

If you have any skills in creating media in any form and have cool ideas. Please reply!

If you have anything else to contribute to this effort. Please Reply!

In Solidarity,

Gilbert Ismail
Int. Chapters Coordinator

Friday, December 11, 2009

Terror DVD student jailed for six months

Bilal Malik sent 'terrifying' film containing graphic images of terrorist acts to neighbours.

"Terror DVD student jailed for six months A Pakistani student at a Scottish university has been jailed for six months for sending a DVD containing horrific scenes of terrorist atrocities to his neighbours.

Illegal immigrant Bilal Malik, 28, admitted terrifying his neighbours by sending them a DVD with graphic images of terrorist acts.

He posted a shocking DVD that showed the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Iranian Embassy siege, bloody war scenes from Iraq and Afghanistan, and graphic shots of dead bodies, through the letterbox of a horrified family.

The practising Muslim, a student at Dundee University, hoped that the explosive film downloaded from the internet would "frighten" the unsuspecting couple.

He now faces deportation to his homeland of Pakistan after it was revealed he has been an illegal overstayer in the UK since 2005.

At Arbroath Sheriff Court Malik pleaded guilty to a breach of the peace charge after allegations of "anti-western sentiment" were deleted.

Depute fiscal Hazel Anderson told the court that Malik posted the DVD to a house in Arbroath on September 2 or 3 last year, after his family home had mistakenly received the couple's mail.

He delivered the mail to the right address, and slipped through the letterbox his own parcel, despite not knowing them personally.

The parcel contained the DVD and a message that read: "The post woman made a mistake and you will also because you don't have time to watch this film."

A 29-year-old female occupant found the parcel, opened it, and put the mysterious film into her DVD player. She was "extremely distressed and alarmed" by what she saw and contacted police.

Tayside Police officers found Malik's fingerprints on the handwritten message and after an extensive police search, in conjunction with the Metropolitan Police, eventually traced Malik at his mother's home address in Arbroath this September - almost a year later.

Asked by police about the film - which is called Zeitgeist - he replied: "It is a very convincing film, that Christianity is not true, and is fake."

Defence solicitor Keith Sym said that while his client was a Muslim, he "did not consider himself radicalised."

Sentencing, Sheriff Stein said: "It is clear that there was considerable unfairness to the occupiers of the house and to your mother, who has had to sit through these proceedings. It was your intention to frighten the occupiers of the house and, in that objective, you plainly succeeded."

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

TZM member promotes Scientology video

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Global Redesign Institute was born

"From Earth to Venus" Project: Request for Help / Ideas

As has been denoted previously, as a central focus of the Creative Team, we are working to create a website which can explore two important issues:
1) The Carry Capacity of the Earth in a general way: essentially documenting the raw materials/energy resources of the planet in as much detail as can be obtained.
(A "Resource Database", if you will.)
2) A Virtual Global Redesign initiative where a planetary society is built "from scratch", using the most modern principles of technological application and conservation, in a full systems approach, taking into account the current needs of the world's population.

The former issue is fairly straight forward, as it is a matter of the Team investigating what information is available about the current state of resources. 
A global survey. It was suggested that we consider Google API as a possible "map" program [ ] which can allow us to denote locations of resources or areas of energy concentration. For example, MIT has found many concentrations of Geothermal. These locations and values would be input into our model via a Google API layer.
(If any of you out there have a better idea... let's hear it.)

In turn, using the prior example of geothermal energy, a hypothetical project would be created where distribution methods for Geothermal would also be created. This would be within the Virtual Global Redesign initiative. A sub-team of this idea could work to show the most efficient methods which could be utilized to spread that energy over the adjacent regions, in the most efficient way. Each proposal would undergo a peer review by members. Once accepted, it would be input into our larger database / "design".

I hope these examples are clear. There are a huge range of possibilities here and I believe it is a terrific thought exercise. Again, this isn't about individual inventions- It is about inferential hypotheticals based on the simple notion of maximizing the efficiency of our usage of the planet, without the hindrance of money or the current established orders. 

This is very bold idea and it has never been done. We should start simple. So, I would like anyone who is in programming or engineering to consider this challenge and open a dialog here for ideas about the basics of the website, first. 

Then, my goal is to establish a small group of organizers who can begin giving critical thought/points to the issue, as based on the tenets of The Venus Project.




Goal(s): The goal is to virtually implement an NLRBE in the largest scale possible in a theoretical way
Country: Global
Affiliations: TZM
People: Anna Brodsky aka Anna Brodskaya
Status: Active
Started: 2009
Defunct Website:
Active Website:
Email: N/A
Recruiting: N/A

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Michael Ruppert says he's innocent

 Posted: 5:01 PM September 24, 2009

Former Ashland businessman Michael Ruppert says he is innocent of sexually harassing a former employee and may appeal a state labor board ruling that he pay her $127,713.
Ruppert said the case was based on a deliberate attempt to discredit his work, a movie coming out about his views and his former newsletter, From The Wilderness
"I will always maintain my complete innocence in this matter," Ruppert said. He declined to offer specifics, saying he didn't want to taint a potential appeal.
State Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian this month ordered Ruppert to pay $125,000 in damages and $2,713 in lost wages to former employee Lindsay Gerken, 25. She claimed Rupert fired her from work at his company, From the Wilderness Inc., after she refused his sexual advances. Ruppert said it was his intention to appeal this ruling to a higher court. However, he does not have the estimated $25,000 necessary to pursue such an appeal, he added.
Officials had said they believed Ruppert was out of the country, but he called the Mail Tribune this morning after a story about the state order appeared at He said he had been living in Culver City, Calif., for the last two years.
"Collapse," a movie about his theories about a coming end time for fossil fuels, was premiered this month at the 2009 Toronto Film Festival.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

If you like Apple products, you're in a cult

Thursday, September 17, 2009

RBE trademark attempt

This is a trademark information page for the RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY trademark filed by Fresco, Jacque. The owner filed to protect RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY for Association services, namely, promoting the interests of alternative social sustainability and design. The current status of RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY as of 08/09/2010 is ABANDONMENT NOTICE MAILED - FAILURE TO RESPOND.

Dear Sir/Madam

I represent the Promethean Workers Association (“the PWA”), a volunteer political association based in the state of California with authorized affiliates in Minneapolis and Michigan.

I am filing a Letter of Protest (“Letter”) objecting to the attempt by Jacque Fresco (“Fresco”) to register as trademark “Resource Based Economy” (standard character mark) in the United States (Application Serial # 77829193).

As contemplated by TMEP §1715.02, we note that this Letter is being timely filed prior to the Trademark Office’s Publication for Opposition of the aforementioned applications.

15 U.S.C.§1052(e)(1) prohibits the registration of marks that are generic. Moreover, the Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure states that generic terms for goods and services are incapable of functioning as registrable trademarks denoting origin or any specific source and that such terms are not registrable on the Principal Register or on the Supplemental Register. See §1209.01(c). The TMEP §1209.01 also warns: “Matter which is generic for the goods or services is not registrable under any circumstances.” Genericness of a term sought to be registrered as a trademark is appropriate subject matter for a letter of protest. TMEP §1715.01(a)(1).

The PWA wishes to alert the Trademark Office that the term “Resource Based Economy” is a common venacular term used in the work of academics and non academics alike within the field of Natural Resource Economics. It appears in literature, and articles published both electronically and physically which understand this term as a generic name for a class of services encompassing association services related to alternative social sustainability and as a more generic term for their analysis in the field of natural resource economics.

Resource Based Economy Is a Standard Term used by other entities and individuals for different models of social sustainability and design.

Since the development of Natural Resource Economics as part of Environmental and Life Sciences in academia the term Resource Based Economy or with variant Economics has come to be understood as part of this trans disciplinary field of academic research. Further this term has also become the subject of research and development by entities and individual not associated with any academic body or discipline. Fresco’s Resource Based Economy is a prominent example of one such model of social sustainability in addition to many others.

The PWA is a Volunteer Political Association of various individuals who are developers of Resource Based Economics. The purpose of which is providing free not for profit association services for alternative social sustainability and design available to all. To that end, the PWA develops and provides products and services that enable members of PWA members to further develop their own intellectual material regarding social applications and designs of a Resource Based Economy.

Moreover PWA enables various of members of academic schools of thought and the general public to develop their own ideas and intellectual materials regarding the Resource Based Economy. In addition there is many electronically published works which define different views of Resource Based Economy. Id. See for example, the following website addressing Resource Based Economy.

(Snapshot of website attached here to as Exhibit 1)

The PWA, its members, associates, collaborators, and agents regularly refer to the term Resource Based Economy in connection with the association services they provide. For instance, since 2005 the PWA has been making and distributing its own printed materials discussing social sustainability and design, and more recently has had members going out to schools to setup public display board presentations about “The Resource Based Economy. for college communities in Southern California such as San Diego City College and Southwestern Community College where PWA is also a student organization. Id. See, For examples of display board’s used in these specific association services refer to Exhibits 2-7.

References to Resource Based Economy also appear on the PWA website both in the domain/ address and navigation bar. Id. See., for example, the following website showing this
(Snapshot of website attached hereto as Exhibit 8 )

The Following are examples of Resource Based Economy used as a generic term in natural resource economics.…nomy&redirect=no

(“Wikipedia” redirects Resource Based Economy to its page on “Natural Resource Economics”)

(Snapshot of website attached hereto as Exhibit 9 )
(“the political implications of russia’s resource based economy”)

(Snapshot of website attached as Exhibit 10)…04/robertszalkv3.pdf
(“Addressing market power in a small isolated resource based economy”)

(PDF file attached hereto as Exhibit 11)

(PDF file attached hereto as Exhibit 19)

The above evidence represents merely a small sample of the widespread and generic use of the term “Resource Based Economy” throughout many circles in terms of natural resource economics.

Additional Evidence of Generic Use

Further one may need do only a basic internet search on the term Resource Based Economy to find several examples of its generic use. Additionally i have enclosed copies of a few snapshots from PWA’s own website, a flier and a PDF of our printed magazine showing use of the term “Resource Based Economy” on page 5 center column by a member of our organization. Further one may need do only a basic internet search on the term Resource Based Economy to find several examples of its generic use.Administrative Response

In conclusion, Fresco has applied to register “Resource Based Economy” for:
“Association services, namely, promoting the interests of alternative social sustainability and design”

However, “Resource Based Economy” is but a generic designation of either schools of thought or analysts working within the field of Natural Resource Economics who are both Academics and Non Academic individuals or entities. Therefore the association services themselves are already the common heritage of many researchers in the field of Natural Resource Economics who already promote the interests of alternative social sustainability and design and therefore cannot be trademarked as the property of one individual.

I respectfully suggest that this Letter of Protest sets forth a prima facie basis for refusal of registration of the above-referenced alleged trademarks, such that publication for opposition without consideration of the issues raised herein would constitute clear error by the PTO. Accordingly I ask the Trademark Office to take the enclosed evidence into consideration and urge the denial of registration.

For further information or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Elizabeth Edwards – Co-International Organizer, Promethean Workers Association (PWA)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The real Zeitgeist challenge debunked


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Peter Joseph couldn't take over the world

Sunday, August 30, 2009

TZM members against global bans

Forum Rules

These rules were written in an effort to help everyone to discuss the specified subject areas, to allow everyone to participate without prejudice or intimidation, and encourage everyone to address debate points to the topics, not to the people.

General Rules

1. Treat everyone with respect. Do not use insulting, derogatory, or any other disrespectful language, even if you disagree strongly, and even if another person has used such language or violated the rules first.

2. Do not engage in ad hominem attacks (arguing by attacking the person instead of addressing a topic), and try not to respond to such attacks, except to redirect the conversation to the topic.

3. Respect the  category deginations such as forum categories, irc channels, Ventrilo rooms, and their descriptions. If you cannot find an appropriate category for something, and you feel that it relates to The Zeitgeist Movement, post a thread in the "Using the Forum Software" category, in the thread "New Category Suggestions - Submit Here," suggesting that a new category be created, here.  For IRC and Ventrilo, contact an operator or admin.

4. Respect a moderator's decision to lock a topic, move a topic, delete a topic, prohibit further chat or move to another room in IRC or Ventrilo. If a moderator moves a topic, it is usually because they feel that the discussion is not relevant to the category in which it was started. If you disagree, take your discussion to the "Using the Forum Software" category, and present your argument for creating an appropriate category for the topic, or contact an operator or admin in IRC or Ventrilo. Moderators lock a topic, rather than deleting it, out of respect for users. Deleting causes confusion, and removes valid content as well as the discussion that they locked. Always remember that the moderator could have just as easily deleted the topic, and may do so if people continue to bring it back. If a topic is deleted, the administrator felt that it was way out of bounds, and it should not be re-introduced. When topics are deleted, a placeholder will usually be left with the same or a modified title, and a note stating that it was deleted (so if you cannot find a topic, that usually does not mean it was deleted).

5. Do not "bump" threads (adding a word at the end to update the time), or repeat posts in IRC or Ventrilo. Users check the "Recent Discussions" to see recent topics, not the topics that you want them to see. If you feel a topic deserves to remain visible, either post a suggestion to the "Using the Forum Software" category, or create a page for it in the wiki. Threads that are bumped may be locked. Similarly, try not to duplicate threads.

6. Use the forum's feedback system only for signifying that you feel that a post is relevant or irrelevant, and only in extremes. If a post if obviously spam or completely inappropriate, use the thumbs down button. If a post is unusually helpful and relevant, use the thumbs up.

7. Do not post individual's contact information unless it is publicly available (such as for elected officials), or you have explicit permission from the person to do so. Use caution before posting your own contact information such as phone numbers. The private messaging system is the best way to allow people to contact you.

General Advice

1. If there is a "sticky" thread at the top of a category, read it before posting any new threads to that category.

2. Before starting a new topic, search the forum for previous threads on the same topic

3. Avoid "hijacking" another user's thread. Hijacking is taking their thread, and posting your own unrelated reply to it. If you have a new topic, then create your own thread. Similarly, if you create a thread, and decide to introduce a new subject, create a new thread. Doing to will make it easier for others to find relevant topics.

4. Before you ask general questions about The Zeitgeist Movement, the movies, Peter Joseph, or The Venus Project, please read all of the Q&A; content on the main website,, and

5. Many other websites have been created, some of which claim official connection to us. The only web entities produced by us are, and

These rules apply to posts, chats, emails, and any other activity conducted on web site, IRC chat, Ventrilo, the BlogTalk radio chat, and any other medium designated in the future as an "official" platform.

When a user is believed to be in violation of these rules, they will first be warned, publicly, in the platform on which the violation occurred, when the nature of the violation does not require immediate action, and when the violation does not appear to be intentional.  They may also be warned privately, by personal message, chat, or other means.  If violations are repeated after an initial warning, the user will be suspended.  Any suspension on any official platform will result in suspension from all platforms.  The length and requirements of a suspension are at the disgression of the administrator acting.  Reinstatement will generally be granted when the user acknowledges the nature of the infraction, makes an necessary amends, and agrees not to repeat the violation.  Repeated violations and suspensions, which are deemed to indicate an unwillingness to respect the rules, will result in indefinite suspension.

In cases where a user believes that a suspension has occurred due to a misinterpretation, or when a user requests reinstatement, the standard contact form on the main page should be used.  Creation of additional accounts for the purpose of disputing or avoiding enforcement of the rules will be considered intentional violation, and may result in indefinite suspension.

Notices of action taken will be posted here

Rules updated 30 August 2009

Global Communication Site Rules [Forum/Wiki/IRC/Teamspeak]

The Zeitgeist Movement's free Forum/IRC/Voice Chat is made available for Members of The Movement to share ideas. The term "Member" is defined as: "One of the persons who supports a social group and shares common values and initiatives." Please understand that this is not an "open-forum" environment, and that these communication mediums are not intended for the expressions of any persons other than those who support The Movement and communicate in the context of issues related. While constructive criticism with positive intent is always welcome, it is to be "respectful" of The Movement and its Users at all times. The definition of "respectful" lies with the judgment of the Moderators and Administrators in the interpretation of our rules (see below).

We make this explicitly clear because since the inception of this Website and its communication mediums, a relatively large degree of hostile opposition, harassment and spam has occurred. In order to stop our members/users from being abused and their time wasted, we must make it clear that anyone acting in an outright negative capacity against the social direction denoted in our materials will be removed. If you are new to The Movement's ideas and are unclear; have questions or curiosities- then these communication mediums are not provided for your interaction until you agree to “Membership/User” status; this means you have read the materials - watched the videos - and honestly support The Zeitgeist Movement overall, and you would describe yourself as a “Member” to others.

Once again, these services are provided free of charge to those who have positive and supportive intents. They are tools for The Movement Members, not the public at large. Those using these services, which do not reflect this basic disposition, will have access removed.

These rules were written in an effort to assist/protect members in our communication mediums, to allow everyone to participate without prejudice or intimidation, and encourage everyone to focus on civil communication methods.

Please note that all communications may be logged for reference.

Information Flow:
Information flow within The Movement's communication mediums ( IRC, TeamSpeak, Forum,Wiki) works in a Tier System, moving in responsibility from the USER, to the general MODERATORS, to the GLOBAL MODERATION TEAM. The Global Mod team's central role is in navigating/applying administrative issues related to policy.  This team is trusted with the privileged Administrative Access
required to work with problems such as User Suspensions.

Moderator Enforcement Protocol:
The above rules apply to posts, chats, emails, and any other activity conducted on The Zeitgeist Movement's website, IRC chat; Teamspeak.

When a general user is believed to be in violation of these rules, and the user has an honest record of prior use, they will first be warned, publicly, in the platform on which the violation occurred, when the nature of the violation does not require immediate action, and when the violation does not appear to be intentional. They may also be warned privately, by personal message, chat, or other means.

(See below - “Type 2 User”- regarding malicious users, or “trolls”.)
If violations are repeated after an initial warning, the user will be suspended. Any suspension on any official platform will result in suspension from all platforms. The length and requirements of a suspension are decided by the administrator/mod acting.  Reinstatement will generally be granted when the user acknowledges the nature of the infraction, makes all  necessary amends, and agrees not to repeat the violation.  Repeated violations and suspensions, which are deemed to indicate an unwillingness to respect the rules, will result in indefinite suspension.

In cases where a user believes that a suspension has occurred due to a misinterpretation, or when a user requests reinstatement, email
*The creation of additional accounts for the purpose of disputing or avoiding enforcement of the rules will be considered intentional violation, and may result in indefinite suspension. See below for more specifics.

Regarding Suspensions:
The following is to show how Moderator decisions are made as far as suspensions. There are typically three types of Users who becomes suspended either permanently or temporarily:

Type 1”: A seemingly well meaning User who has a “bad day” and becomes abusive. This type of action can be considered a temporal emotional response and likewise a temporary suspension can be initialed. Very often, based upon the discretion of a Moderator, a warning is given in advance, privately or publicly. If this given warning is thus violated, then a suspension will then occur. The length and requirements of a suspension are at the discretion of the Global Moderation Team.  Reinstatement will generally be granted when the user acknowledges the nature of the infraction, makes  necessary amends, and agrees not to repeat the violation.  Repeated violations and suspensions, which are deemed to indicate an unwillingness to respect the rules, will result in indefinite suspension. Also, the creation of additional accounts for the purpose of disputing or avoiding enforcement of the rules, will be considered intentional violation, and may result in indefinite suspension.

In cases where a user believes that a suspension has occurred due to a misinterpretation, or when a user requests reinstatement, they can email for review.

“Type 2”: This is often a New User who registers and immediately posts anti-movement rhetoric, spam or insults. This type of user is suspended immediately. The obviousness of this type of offense is typically very clear and requires little review. An example of such a post/statement would be “The Venus Project is Garbage”. Anyone posting such biased rhetoric will be suspended immediately, without warning, based upon the judgment of the Moderator/Global Mod Team.

“Type 3”: This user is simply a more clever version of Type 2. This type of User works to establish credibility for a given period of time, claiming to agree with The Movement, only to later start undermining affairs that alienating others. This type of user is often difficult to diagnose, so the protocol is the same as with the Type 1 User (above).

Public Notice:
All Suspended users are listed in the Moderator's  “Public Moderation Discussion” Category
in the sticky thread called “List of Suspended Users “.
Each entry will give an explanation/example of the violation/action taken.
In some cases, multiple suspensions which are believed to involve the same person may be summarized into one entry.

Conflict Resolution/Reporting:
-USER to USER: Report the user to the Moderator of the medium. For the forum, this can be done by selecting the “report to mod” button at the bottom right of each thread post.
-USER to MODERATOR: Send any complains about such issues to This team will review your issue and work to resolve it.

General Advice:
1. If there is a "sticky" thread at the top of a category, read it before posting any new threads to that category.

2. Before starting a new topic, search the forum for previous threads on the same topic

3. Avoid "hijacking" another user's thread. Hijacking is taking their thread, and posting your own unrelated reply to it. If you have a new topic, then create your own thread. Similarly, if you create a thread, and decide to introduce a new subject, create a new thread. Doing to will make it easier for others to find relevant topics.

4. Before you ask general questions about The Zeitgeist Movement, or The Venus Project, please read all of the Q&A; content on the main website,