
Saturday, August 22, 2009

VTV tries to create his own RBE


From Wikipedia


Anarcho-Virtualism advocates the abolishment of the monetary system of exchange in favor of a resource based economy, wherein all of the resources of a given community are declared as the common heritage of all of it's people. Like Anarcho-Communism and Anarcho-Syndicalism, Anarcho-Virtualism advocates the abolition of the state, private property and capitalism in favor of common ownership of the means of production. Where it differs from these systems, is that rather then focusing on labor as a means of exchange, Anarcho-Virtualists feel that the need for labor can eventually be eliminated entirely through automation. This school holds to the idea that almost all functions previously held by government can be placed into the hands of machines in a manner similar to Cyberocracy. With computer networks that are designed with sensors to gather data on the status of the earth and the communities on it and react accordingly. This cybernated system would facilitate the rapid transmission of relevant information from the source of a problem to the people or automated machines in a position able to fix said problem, via a system of interconnected computer networks and automated information sorting software, with human decision makers only be called into use in the case of unusual problems, problem trends, or through an appeal process pursued by an individual.
Anarcho-Virtualists disagree with the notion that many Anarcho-Communists hold to that people will spontaneously commit themselves to labor for the betterment of the community, and instead seek to use technology to automate menial labor. Allowing mankind to instead focus on researching and developing better technology to improve the standard of living of all people. Education, housing, food and all the other necessities of life through the intelligent management of resources could be easily provided with the proper application of technology. It is egalitarian in it's approach, utilizing the scientific method to find the best possible standard of living for all of the people in a given society. Anarcho-Virtualists reject any form of social class or social stratification.
In addition, Anarcho-Virtualists believe that the environment must be protected through the use of sustainable and recyclable forms of energy and production. That all goods produced should be produced with sustainability and efficiency in mind to minimize waste and maximize quality. That all communities should be as self-sufficient as possible.
Anarcho-Virtualists feel that capitalism and the motive to make profit that comes with it too often leads to corruption and the creation of social class. Leading to pollution, war, and the exploitation of the workforce. They also point to technological unemployment, that is unemployment created by innovations in automation technology is eliminating jobs at an ever accelerating rate. As corporate entities seek to minimize their workforce and therefore the wages they must pay out of their profits. Free Market advocates have long argued that technological unemployment is a fallacy, stating that any unemployment created by machines will be absorbed by the production of the machines themselves. However Anarcho-Virtualists believe that most of those arguments were made in a time when technology was no where near as advanced as it is today, where machines make machines. Anarcho-Virtualists point out that the only labor force that can effectively compete with an automated machine is slave labor. And that this conclusion has already been reached by profit motivated businessmen who buy their products from factories in the third world where working conditions are extremely profitable but equally inhumane.
Anarcho-Virtualists also feel that laws, force and coercion are not an effective means to effect social change. Challenging instead that all behavior comes from the environment of the person in question. The circumstances in which people currently defined as criminals would be examined closely to determine the root cause of the behavior so as to prevent that behavior in the future. As well as determining how best to help that individual. This school of anarchy holds to the idea that crime is generally a direct reaction to the scarcity of the necessities of life, or through neurosis caused by the stress of that situation. This they feel can be overcome through creating abundance.
Personal choice is absolutely respected in this school of thought, and rather then attempting to forbid certain modes of behavior such as eating unhealthy food or the use of dangerous drugs, research into the effects of such behavior that is untainted by the motive to make profit in selling these items would be made public to discourage these choices.
Education would be centered on the cultivation of creative and analytical thinking, empowering people to be able to solve problems and provide solutions.
Anarcho-Virtualism values the use of the scientific method and logic in all decision making. Stating that the best way for all of mankind to live the best life possible will only be clear through rational thinking that has been tested for it's validity.


This school of anarchy was founded by Neil Kiernan Stephenson, based entirely on the work of industrial designer and social engineer Jacque Fresco of The Venus Project. Fresco has worked as both designer and inventor in a wide range of fields spanning from biomedical innovations to totally integrated social systems. He believes his ideas would maximally benefit the greatest number of people and he states some of his ideas stem from his formative years during the Great Depression.
The Venus Project was started in the mid-1970s by Fresco and his partner, Roxanne Meadows. The film Future by Design was produced in 2006 describing his life and work. To this day he writes and lectures extensively on subjects ranging from the holistic design of sustainable cities, energy efficiencynatural resource management and advanced automation, focusing on the benefits it will bring to society. Recently Mr. Fresco and the Venus Project along with it's solutions for mankind's ills were featured in the film Zeitgeist Addendum.
Mr. Fresco was compelled by his childhood experiences during the great depression to find a sustainable society for all people. In pursuit of this he traveled to an island in the Pacific where there was little to no conflict between the native peoples present due to an abundance of food and shelter. What he witnessed there was a society with an environment that rendered it almost completely free of conflict. With all of the people's needs in abundance, there was no need for competition. Mr. Fresco then went on to research ways to recreate this effect in a modern world through the use of technology to create the same circumstances of abundance.