
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Neil Kiernan v Todd Andrew

Neil Kiernan Stephenson, an At-Large member of the Boston Tea Party and a former Libertarian congressional candidate for Michigan’s 10th district, has attacked me and smeared me consistently on the Boston Tea Party’s Talk list.
These emails, which are already public on the Yahoo Groups’ btpnc-talk list ( a public discussion list), are pretty hilarious and pathetic, although they are , more or less, somewhat intriguing. Since this list is an unmoderated one for members of the Boston Tea Party, I think everyone should be aware of what Neil has been saying:
“There are things I have done for this party as well. I don’t bring
them up in every post like you do your own with your own deeds because
I don’t feel the need to. When I toured my district during my run for
Congress I got people talking about the Boston Tea Party and
Libertarian ideals. And due to my efforts I got our Presidential
nominee into a debate with Chuck Baldwin along with other third party
candidates. And the name “Boston Tea Party” was exposed to thousands
of Ron Paul Libertarians as a true Libertarian alternative to the
theocratic Constitution Party.
I do appreciate the things you have done. But they are in no way a
special license to be a jackass to anyone who says anything you don’t
agree with. People who respond to criticism about their bad behavior
with “BUT I DID ALL THIS OTHER GOOD STUFF!” as if that gets them off
the hook for being an ass get nowhere with me. At that point you sound
like an abusive person who is trying to guilt trip people into
allowing you to be a jerk to them. And that’s lame.”
This is what I said to Jim when he tried to list his accomplishments
as if that somehow justifies him being a troll. Just as you are trying
to do now.
My show has never been a failure. I have had a lot of high profile
guests including Senator Mike Gravel, Russell Means, Charles Jay,
Chuck Baldwin, Ron Paul, every single Libertarian party Presidential
candidate minus Steve Kubby, G. Edward Griffon, Naomi Wolf, etc.
Countless candidates for Congress and Senate. This statement by you
that my show was a failure is, no surprise, a lie. Your skills as a
radio talk show host are equally pathetic. “Let’s….um… say hello
um…. to our very good friend um….” you sounded like Mr. Rogers
minus the ability to speak clearly.
I helped to organize the Revolution March in Washington DC.
I brought Senator Mike Gravel to the Libertarian party, and therefore
got plenty of attention to the Libertarian movement that would of
never otherwise had heard of it.
“You, on the other hand, haven’t written a single piece for any website.”
This statement by you is equally, a lie. I have written dozens of
press releases and articles for Independent Political report, and
recently on Not to mention my own website for Congress.
“You don’t know any of the people with whom I’ve been good friends for
many years and will continue in the years to come. What have you done
in that area?”
I am a personal friend of Senator Mike Gravel, Michael Badnarik and
many other freedom activists. Nice try Todd. I would also hazard a
guess that like me, many of those people are or were your “friends”
are so just because they are trying to be nice to you. That
conversation in the chat room proved what a joke you are in the
Libertarian movement.
“I’ve appeared on other radio shows, online and on FM”
Me too? So what? You are so unbearably pathetic. You want to measure
our activist dick sizes as if that somehow will justify anything you
have done or said. Seriously man, PATHETIC.
“What have you done for liberty in the world of media besides hosting
a radio show?”
I helped to organize no less then three debates, two of which ended up
on C-SPAN. Done anything like that? The Revolution March had well over
10,000 people. Done anything like that?
“Libertarians for Peace(which was stolen from me by Carol Moore)”
I wager it has considerably improved since you lost it.
“I’m now a member of the Free State Project.”
Yep, I got a deal done to give them free advertising. Had them on my
show too.
“I’m a songwriter/composer, an up-and-coming screenwriter (working on
my first screenplay in fact), and I was an actor on stage as well. I’m
looking to get back into the world of acting. I’m also a poet, even
publishing my poems in a high school newspaper. Hell, I’ve even
published my first new poem (since I hadn’t written one in ages) on
the Boston Tea Party site — an anti-war poem. What have you done for
liberty in any of those areas?”
Your school newspaper? Your superior to me because you published
something in your high school newspaper. LOL LOL LOL…. no wait….
LOL LOL LOL! I am better now…Did you play little league too Todd? I
am also a songwriter, and an upcoming screenwriter, and am still a
stage actor. And a poet. BIG DEAL.
You are so desperate to validate your contributions that you are
inserting your hand deep up into the reaches of your anal cavity all
way back to high school. Got news for you Todd, nobody gives a damn
that you published a poem in your High school newspaper. I worked on
my High School newspaper and the yearbook commitee? So what?
And yes, I did support Senator Mike Gravel. He has never been a
perfect Libertarian, but he has accomplished more for freedom then you
will ever even seen done in your lifetime. He is a hundred times the
man your pathetic persona will ever even come close to achieving. You
are not even worthy to shine the shoes of Mike Gravel. Once you end
the draft, or expose top secret documents proving the government lied
about Viet Nam and risking your life in the process, then you can even
bring the subject up. Until then Todd, your just a useless poser.
Perfect Libertarian? Nope. Activist? Todd you are not even remotely in
the league of Senator Mike Gravel. Not even close.
“Again, Neil, what have you done for liberty? And drop the pretense
and don’t give me “Well, I ran for Congress!”. Whoopee doo!”
LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL! Right…. this pathetic person that you are
brings up publishing stuff in his high school newspaper as a great
accomplishment says “Whoopee doo!” to me running for Congress. Todd, I
fear for your sanity.
“How many people have you educated?”
Well Todd, since you seem to think that the movement is something that
people can keep score on so they can somehow declare themselves a
“winner” in some sort of contest for liberty, I would say my efforts
have likely reached thousands. As I doubt you have any hard numbers
either, why don’t you just get off the cross and stop claiming to be
some kind of martyr.
“Please, spare me and everyone else the sanctimonious bullshit. You
are no better than me or anyone else for that matter.”
Todd, this is advice you should follow yourself. It’s interesting how
you just like Jim are a total hypocrite. You base your entire lecture
on how much “better” you are then me because of… (LOL!) something
you had published in a High School Newspaper (As if that requires some
kind of effort) And then go on to tell me to spare you and everyone
else the sanctimonious bullshit, and that I am no better then you or
anyone else?
Todd. I re-interate. You are an idiot. Please spare us more of your
lies, delusions, and pity-partying.
“Oh, you can keep lying to me, to everyone, and to yourself by saying
that I’m lying to everyone about this. Yet you haven’t been able to
prove a single thing to everyone about me. Why, Neil? Because you have
no proof. You’ve got nothing on me.”
Proof of what? The majority of what I say about you, being that your
an idiot for the way you behave here is obvious, as the proof is in
your statements themselves. Proof that you in your own words said you
were going to “un-resign” from the Michigan affiliate as chair, a
position you appointed yourself to in the first place just to remove
me illegally to pursue as you put IN YOUR OWN WORDS on the Boston Tea
party website “personal feud” with me is all right there. The person
who doesn’t have any proof of allegations would be you and your
equally delusional partner in crime Jim Davidson who lash out with
bullshit allegations hoping to find allies in your quest to get the
guy who told you and Jim what it seems everyone I talk to about you
has wanted to say. Just like the people in the chat room who said it
to you. Seriously man, pull your head out of your ass.
“And, honestly, those people in the chatroom during that LNC
meeting can kiss my white hairy ass (with the exception of Mike and
Lidia Seebeck) for all I care. So stick it where the sun doesn’t
shine, pal.”
Because they told you like it is about you… that sounds familiar…
“Even a prominent member of this party (and I won’t reveal who it is)
told me in private that he thought you were a “douche bag,” pal.
Seriously. You’d be surprised about what a lot of people say about you
in private.”
I saw about thirty people in that chat room say what they thought
about you quite publicly Todd. And they are not alone. In fact other
then Jim Davidson I haven’t been able to find a single person in the
Libertarian movement who thinks highly of you. In that chat room you
exposed yourself to be exactly what you are. A whiny little crybaby
who can dish it out but can’t take it. I find it ironic considering
your obsession with transparency that you want to quote private
conversations with people to make your point. But hey, you recorded
Charle’s Jay’s conversation with you to suit your own political
interests too right? (While ironically looking to pass a resolution
against illegal wiretapping and respecting privacy, ahh the
hypocrisy!) Your such a moron.
“Oh, and Neil, I can see why your wife left you. I can see it completely.”
Funny thing Todd. As much as this is supposed to be some kind of low
blow that is supposed to mean a lot, it just further is “proof”
against you as to how pathetic you are. What would I say in return? I
see why your girlfriend broke up with you? (Guess she got smart)
Instead, what I would point out is that I have since had a very long
talk with my wife, and she apologized for every single thing she did,
and acknowledged that the whole thing was her fault.
So, your Ad Hominem is an epic fail on two fronts. 1. Because you were
so desperate for ammunition that you went there in the first place,
and 2. Because my wife has since realized she was completely wrong.
Todd, I am going to say this again. I appreciate what you have done.
However, NONE of it excuses your behavior. And the fact that you have
to hide behind the things you have done for the party, (including (LOL
LOL LOL! publishing something in your high school newspaper) only
further proves that you are a pathetic person. I don’t dislike you
because you wouldn’t side with me against Jim. I started to dislike
you because you took what was supposed to be a private conversation
where you could of won me over to giving Jim another shot and instead
turned it into what we have now. Well done! Along with that utter
debacle in Florida you are proving to be a stellar force for the BTP!
Keep on trucking Todd! Maybe if you do a few more things for the party
then it will be ok for you to be a total troll. Just a FEW MORE!
See how psychotic this creep is???
UPDATE: The reason I’m posting these emails is to show people the true colors and nature of Neil Kiernan Stephenson, who has levied lies against me, smeared me, and assassinated my character in the BTP, of which I used to be a member. I believe people should be aware of how unstable, irrational, and moronic this person is.
This is a continuation of Stephenson’s rants against me, after I left the BTP:
“Really? What kinds of things, other than brag about your radio show
and host them on a shitty server that’s had loads of problems with
keeping hosts and their guests on the air? How many listeners for
every broadcast you’ve made? How many listeners for your
re-broadcasts? And none of that
“Well-a-lot-of-them-came-from-IPR-and-Last-Free-Voice” crap, ok? We
can do without that.”
I just stated what kinds of things. And every statement you just made
about my radio network is a huge exageration or an outright lie.
Seriously Todd, your radio show was just a nowlive channel. Nothing
glamorous about that. I don’t keep track of over all listeners but the
podcasts usually get to thousands eventually.
“but the bullshit “let’s-dodge-questions-and-fuck-with-his-mind”
claptrap is pathetic and down-right mush. It’s boring.”
Basically everything here applies to you. But I would say that it’s
not really boring anymore to watch you make a complete idiot of yourself.
“But then, what else can we say about a hack who’s only been an
At-Large Member of the BTP for almost three months and, despite voting
on a few measures on the NatComm, has nothing to show for it.”
You are so grasping for straws. Still pathetic. Todd what exactly am I
supposed to have to show for it? There has not been much going on
lately. I don’t think anyone on the commitee has anything signifigant
to “show for it” over the last few months. I suppose your record of
getting people to leave the party and utterly fumbling the Florida
affiliate, and trying to use the Michigan affiliate in your “personal
feud” is what you have to “show for it”.
“Really? Prove it. Give us the names of the people with whom you
spoke. Did you ever give them the website address? Did you give Jim’s
name, email address, and phone number for them to talk to him? Did you
get them to sign up as members of the BTP?”
Yes I did give them the website address. It is utterly ludicrous of
you to think that I have to prove every person I talked to at the
various voter events and door to door I did. Seriously, absolutely
silly. Once again, pathetically grasping for straws here Todd.
“Oh, and about your campaign run, Neil, how many people did you have
on your staff? Who was your campaign manager? How many mentions did
you get in the Detroit Free Press? The News? USA Today? The
New York Times? The Washington Post? Other than a guy you hired to do
webmastering duties, how many people volunteered their time, energy,
money, and effort for your campaign?:
Not sure how any of this is in any way releveant exactly. More Todd
grasping for straws.
I was interviewed on AM and FM radio. I was interviewed for the
Detroit Free Press and a few of the county newspapers. I attended
every voter forum I was invited to. As for who worked for me and why I
don’t really see the point? Who cares? My web staffer volunteered, I
had someone who was my driver. That’s really all I needed.
“I only saw that one debate you had (in Port Huron, I believe it was;
could be mistaken), and that was a really lame-ass, cheesy debate
which had no substance whatsoever.”
Todd, your such a liar. Seriously you were excited about that debate
before. But now because I am not on your cool list you decide to say
that it was “lame” and “without substance”. Why don’t you go publish a
poem in your High School newspaper about how lame and without
substance it was. Maybe then someone just might care about your opinion.
“If the BTP’s name was “exposed to thousands of Ron Paul
Libertarians,” how come I haven’t seen a gigantic increase in party
membership? How many of them VOTED for you? If those “thousands” of
Paul supporters were “exposed” to the “theocratic Constitution Party,”
how come we don’t have those thousands signed up as members of the
national BTP and the Michigan BTP?
The majority of Ron Paul Libertarians have either went to the
Constitution Party, or the Republican party. As for how many of them
voted for me, you seem to like asking absurd questions that there is
no way to know the answer to. I had about 5k votes when the tallies
were done, and I came in ahead of the Green Party candidate. That was
enough for me. Still grasping for straws Todd. Just acknowledge that
your pathetic and go away. Please.
“If any of your claims were true, we would have seen thousands of
emails from those supporters. They may have heard about the BTP (maybe
from the likes of you), but they didn’t bother to sign up for a free
account on the Party’s website or even on the Facebook group.”
Would this be anything like the thousands of members that Jim claims
to be responsible for bringing to the party who for some reason never
vote on anything?
It is very possible that they looked at us and didn’t have any further
interest at this time. We are a much smaller party. And if any of them
have looked recently at your drivel it wouldn’t surprise me if they
saw it and wanted nothing to do with the party. Oh wait, we already
know they do that.
Note: (I am not even responding to some of the drivel that came after
that. But moving on.)
“As an out-of-the-closet anarchist (you can have the word
“libertarian,” Neil!), I have no desire to run for office at any point
in the future or anytime soon, nor do I have any desire to apply for
any government-paid congressional staffer or intern position. I have
nothing to lose on that account, but you sure as hell do.”
Thanks for saving us all some serious embarrassment. I for one feel a
lot better knowing that you will never be running for office, because
someone might trace back that you were at one time a member of this
party. And I would have to play damage control explaining that because
we are a party for personal freedom that includes personal freedom for
pathetic losers too. I have nothing to “lose” either Todd. I ran for
office because I wanted to spread the message. Nothing more.
“Boy, you’ve got me all wrong and completely-ass backwards. That’s not
a new thing for you, “Eric,” but yes, it sure is a hoot though.
I didn’t respond to you because of me thinking “I did all this great
stuff in the movement.” I responded to you because I have shitloads of
more experience in the movement than you do. I’ve got approximately 10
years ahead of you in this movement. You’re just a fucking wanna-be
libertarian and a newbie. And the way you respond to my posts makes
you a pussy, boy!! Oh, sure, yeah, “Eric,” you’re a tough bad boy. Oh
yeah, you know how to fight with your words and not your fists.”
UH OH! Are you threatening me Todd? UH OH!
Seriously. I can just get out the popcorn and watch as you tear down
any credibility you ever had. Your expirience in the context of you
being pathetic in human interaction means absolutely nothing. And that
is the point. You can be an expirienced asshole and still be an
asshole. But I am sure your poem in the school newspaper is counted in
your countless years of expirience that you have over me.
Todd, you don’t live that far from me if you want to find out if I
know how to fight with something other then words. So if your threat
is genuine, come on over. “Pussy boy”.
The vast majority of what follows is really lame childish stuff that
doesn’t even warrant a response. I will however make another comment.
“I was never a Gravel fan and never cared for him.”
Another one of those “fair weather lies” from Todd Barnett. On your
OWN SHOW you said that Mike Gravel would of been a good choice for the
party. Pathetic.
“You do them a great disservice by ignoring them and take all the
credit, which is you implied in your above-mentioned crack.”
Wow…. just when I think you could not become more pathetic. You
continue to surprise me Todd. My above crack consisted of me saying “I
helped organize the Revolution March.” Not “I take credit for it” or
“I did all the work.” YOU LIED. AGAIN! Pathetic little delusional toadie.
Once again wading through useless crap.
“I never said I was better than you, Neil.”
That is what your whole post was trying to say Todd. And you failed.
“That implies that I have a superiority complex, which I don’t.”
Don’t recall using that wording. But I do think your an insecure,
immature little toad.
“George Donnelly, your pal,”
Another lie. I don’t even know who that is. If he was in the chat room
agreeing with me that is total happenstance. What is not happenstance
is that there was no shortage of people who thought you were a useless
whiny crybaby.
“People, I think Neil has a sexual crush on me. I think he harbors gay
tendencies towards me..and maybe Mike Gravel himself. LOL LOL LOL!!
Dude, you should try Prozac! I’ve been on that before, and it’s great!
As for Gravel, who cares about him? He’s worthless to me. I wouldn’t
even shine his shoes, even if he awarded me a nice, fat stipend to go
with it.”
I am so happy that a “prominent party member” like Todd Barnett feels
that it is appropriate to insinuate that other members are gay. And
also feels that it is appropriate to insult people on the basis of
them being gay. This is absolutely a positive thing for the party.
I am so glad you resigned from the party Todd. Seriously. I didn’t
seek it, but statements like the one above prove it beyond a shadow of
a doubt. Aside from all of the childish garbage that I didn’t even
bother quoting and responding to, this really takes the cake. Great
move for freedom.
By the way, being in an indie film does not suddenly validate you.
“Yes, you have no proof that I’m lying. The burden of proof isn’t on
me; it’s on you.”
And further from Todd:
“What lies have I spread Neil?”
Todd, you and Jim both had a laundry list of invented conspiracy
theories and absolute nonsense about how I was plotting to destroy the
party, along with a host of other garbage. You still lie constantly.
Like that I have never posted anything for liberty on any website,
etc. The burden of proof was never on you when you made this absurd
allegations. But now you expect me to prove that you were lying about
things that you totally made up? Seriously Todd. Their is no evidence
other then your own words, posted here on this website. Where you and
Jim went about deluding yourselves into believing that just because I
don’t like you I must be out to destroy my party.
You invented a “band” of people I am supposedly trying to take over
the party with.
You insinuated that my involvement with the LP was somehow sinister,
even though Tom Knapp is running for that same party’s nomination.
The list of absolute fiction you tried to spread about me goes on, and
on and on. Pathetic.
As to
A. (In reference to the Justin TV chat) Nothing I did in any way in
that chat room justifies you taking it upon yourself to remove me from
anything. Period. Or putting me on in some kind of trial basis. The
fact that you thought that the Michigan affiliate was ever even
something noteworthy enough for it to matter that you “removed” me
from it points to your delusional nature even further. I didn’t
“conspire” with anyone Todd. You really flatter yourself. I didn’t
even know those people. They all just had something in common, a
hatred of you, and of Jim Davidson. I hate to tell you this Todd, but
your in no way signifigant enough to justify having “conspiracies”
From Todd:
” B.) Inquired about those standards after I did “un-resign” myself
only to see that you would be removed from your position because you
were derelict in your duties as my vice chair and subsequently as my
At-Large Member,”
This is a lie Todd. You made it very clear that you were only removing
me because of your personal feud with me. You stated that in plain
language on We discussed me moving to at large member
from Vice chair, but there was not much in the way of “duties” to
speak of for me to be derelict of, as vice chair or an at large
member. I know you would like to try and lie your way out of the fact
that you were motivated by nothing other then unprofessional childish
garbage, but it’s a little late now Todd. Everyone read what you
posted on, and it exposed you. The fact that you are
trying to lie and cover it up now further proves how pathetic you are.
(Note: Nevermind the fact that you can’t just “remove me”. How very
authoritarian of you.)
“I’m no longer the chair of that party, as my old Vice Chair has
assumed control of the Party;”
Thank the Gods.
“C.) Moved to delete blogs from the BTP website, largely in part due
to your dissatisfaction with Jim and your war with him”
It had nothing to do with that. It had everything to do with the fact
that Jim Davidson’s statements on the main site were being taken as
statements by the whole party. Including statements that were being
taken as believing that every American soldier was murdering children
and raping women. I settled for a disclaimer. As that whole incident
proved whether Mr. Davidson intended that meaning or not, it was being
stated that he spoke for our whole party because of those blogs. I
stand by this action. You have lied about my motivations. Again. Big
“D.) Moved for a disclaimer on the website, which Tom intelligently
shot down and put up a disclaimer, only because you whined and bitched
about what members in the blogs say.”
Todd, your reading comprehension clearly needs help. Maybe when you
were publishing poems in the High School newspaper you would of
learned a thing or two. Tom didn’t “shoot down” the disclaimer. He put
it up without a motion because he agreed to it. Moron.
“E.) Harassed me in private, even though I published your venom here
on the talk list”
So this whole thing started with Jim Davidson refusing to stop
harassing me in private email. He stops emailing me, then starts
launching his campaign to make our private problems the whole party’s
business. Then out of the blue, he starts emailing me again, and then
posting the replies claiming that I was emailing him first. Citing
Todd then engaged in this same tactic. I suddenly get an email from
him out of the blue asking me not to email him anymore. Even though I
had never emailed him at all. I responded by telling him not to email
me to get me stop emailing him when I hadn’t been emailing him. He
then started posting the replies claiming that I was contacting him,
when every email he posted was a reply to something HE HAD SENT ME.
Todd, your lies and your delusions know no bounds. If you didn’t want
another email from me, you should of got the hint when I pointed out
to you that I had not been emailing you, and that you should stop
emailing me if you didn’t want a reply.
Seriously man. Pathetic.
“F.) Dissed the BTP on IPR and several other blogs, even though you
remain an At-Large Member of the Party”
Nope. Just dissed you and Jim. Not the whole party. Not even a
signifigant part of the party. Just you and Jim. I know you think you
are the whole party and all, but your not. I explained earlier what my
“dis” was, and how it was not an attack on the BTP at all. Nice try
though. Keep lying, maybe eventually at least you will believe
yourself… if you don’t already.
“G.) Called for moving the meetings to a conference-call-only format
(which would mean party members would have to sit through over an
hour’s worth of recorded discussions on the phone in order to maintain
transparency and openness, which you openly opposed),”
I never opposed transparency and openness. This is the absolute lie by
Jim Davidson that started all of this.
“despite the fact that you didn’t bother to notice that the national
bylaws require the Committee’s deliberations to be open and transparent.”
There is nothing that is not transparent about a conference call
broadcasted live, with archives available. It would ADD to the
expirience because you could listen to the tone of voice and sincerity
of the words of the people speaking. Doug even suggested that he would
like to do it once or twice a year after the fact. Todd, you are once
again proving to be a delusional liar.
“Only those people, with the exception of the Seebecks, told me how
they felt about me, and it proved to me that they weren’t Libertarians
at all.”
For someone who earlier accused me of being a person who thinks he can
decide who is and is not Libertarian. These people are somehow not
Libertarian just because they like most smart people I know think your
an idiot. You have attacked my own Libertarianism on no grounds
whatsoever other then the fact that I don’t like you.
Already covered the “threatening Jim” stuff.
I would still like to point out that Jim also felt I was threatening
to have my mother beat him up.
“As usual, regarding my privately-recorded chat with Jay (which I
destroyed once and for all), you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Seriously, dude. You don’t.”
Ok, please enlighten us? I would be very happy to hear you explain
away why you recorded a private conversation and then spread it to
different members in the party? Seriously. Pathetic.
“You should be fucking grateful that Jim didn’t call the fucking
authorities on you, let alone sue your ass for libel. He would have
easily built a huge-ass case against you. If you made a statement like
that against some other Joe, I doubt he would have been so forgiving.
Fuck, we gave you a free pass on that one, man.”
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH! Seriously, bring it on. The depths of
your stupidity know no bounds. You GROSSLY overestimate how much
anyone would ever give a damn about this.
“If Lin was wrong about what she “did” to you, Neil, then why is she
still with Matt Harris, the Chair of the Libertarian Party of West
Virginia? Why is she still hanging out with him? LOL Oh wait, isn’t he
your best friend too?? Good gosh!!! LOL!”
Todd, this is once again an example of you being utterly ignorant of
the truth. She doesn’t live in West Virginia. Is not with Matt
Harriss, and hasn’t been for months. (In fact, she has been living
with me for months now.) Matt and I are not great friends. However it
is interesting to point out that even when we were enemies he made a
clear statement on IPR that you and Jim’s allegations against me were
total bullshit.
You admit that it was an “attempt” at a low blow. But you failed.
Utterly. And you “going there” to make a point lead to our secretary
resigning, and will likely further do damage to the party. All the
while humiliating you.
Todd, to say I am glad your gone is an understatement. You are little
more then a sniveling, lying toadie. You say that nobody likes me, I
have yet to hear it from anyone but you and Jim. It was not hard at
all to find people who would come forward about their dislike of you
and Jim however. It doesn’t really matter to me. At the end of the day
you are still pathetic. I look over the time you wasted putting this
little troll comment to words. You ask why I kept replying? Because
you kept lying. Over, and over, and over, and over. And your still
lying, just as you are undoubtedly lying to yourself about it more
now. It seems as though you and Jim being the most obviously mentally
deranged members of the party are two peas in a pod.
Thank the Gods your gone.
Neil Kiernan Stephenson really knows how to “bolster” party membership numbers after his childish, immature, and insecure tirades in his message postings on the BTPNC-talk discussion list on Yahoo Groups. (Obviously, we know he doesn’t, but that’s not really the point, now is it?) Of course, these are more lies and paranoid delusions coming from Mr. Stephenson, but unfortunately, that fact can neither penetrate that mentally-challenged head of his nor stop him from believing in them.
Here’s more of what Stephenson had to say about me in one of his latest posting:
His last post included a host of more fabricated allegations against
me. If he is really done, I am done. But as I pointed out when I
started this, I am not going to sit by and allow him to say these
things about me without hearing about it. He went so far as to call me
gay, and talk even further about my personal life, and my relationship
with my wife. I wager if he was doing either of these things to you
your feelings on it would be a lot different.
This whole thing has not been about the last word from me. It has been
about refusing to back down when trolls step up to try and push people
around. What is utterly ironic is the way that people keep asking me
to stop, which would give them exactly what they want. To silence
someone else by harassing and insulting them until they don’t want to
speak anymore.
I know I have damaged myself in this exchange, but I honestly also
think the party has damaged itself as well. Jim Davidson and Todd
Barnett have both been a destructive force, and from what I have seen
nobody would ever call them on it. It was better for us just to let
them continue to behave this way and not say anything. Pretend that
it’s ok. It’s not ok to me. I watched as Mike Gravel, Ron Paul and
Dennis Kucinich were bullied and attacked by their own parties as
well. I saw Jim trying to do the same thing, and then Todd afterward
and I simply would not stand for it. And I won’t. As long as I am a
member of this party anyone who treats anyone like this will hear from
me. I get emails and phone calls every day from members and sadly
former members who thank me for standing up for them, and standing up
to people like this.
Once they got to the point that they would invent lies and conspiracy
theories I knew our party was in real trouble. I didn’t like them so I
must be out to destroy the party. Then Douglass spoke to Jim about his
destructive behavior and then Jim invented more conspiracy theories
and inserted motivations with him as well. I will not seek, and have
not sought to drive either of them out of the party, but as long as
they behave like this, I will reply. Period.
If you didn’t like what was going on, it would of been a lot better to
intervene with the people who were instigating it rather then coming
after me now for not being willing to put up with it. I respect your
opinion, but people like this don’t stop bullying people if you ignore
them, they just keep picking new targets.
Can we say….NUTJOB???
BTP National Committee At-Large Member Neil Kiernan Stephenson, in a response to former BTP National Chairman Jim Davidson’s comments about him, decides to take a number of potshots aimed at him.
Here’s the entire message in great detail:
I already apologized to everyone else in the party Jim. I have no
interest in apologizing to you as I don’t regret anything I said to
you. And I stand by my decision. Please don’t insult everyone’s
intelligience by trying to claim that you are somehow now the “good
guy”. It’s a little late in the game for you to suddenly be the
“angel”. You started all of this. And you continued to keep it going.
Your apology was crap. Your behavior afterward clearly showed your
true character.
Let me fix something for you:
Jim Davidson is a tyrannical little jerk. He goes on and on about the
same things without every stopping. He has no courtesy where it comes
to his own misconduct. No doubt he cannot even see his continuing
rudeness as any sort of misconduct.
You went on for WEEKS telling everyone who asked you to stop being a
troll to fuck off, and that they were not the boss of you and all
kinds of other garbage. Have you seriously deluded yourself into
suddenly forgetting that the reason that things are the way they are
right now is because you refused my initial offer of you simply not
talking to me anymore?
Are you forgetting suddenly that you are the one who brought our
personal feud to this list? And to the various blogs?
Have you ever thought of how different things would of been if you had
just left me alone the first time I told you to stop emailing me?
Rather then insisting to make this suddenly a huge party affair, and
attaching all kinds of rampant lies and conspiracy theories to it?
Jim, I am no coward. It’s funny that you whine about me supposedly
“threatening you” on one hand and talk about how wrong of me it was to
threaten you with violence, then on the other try to act like I am not
“man enough” to be violent with you. As if now there is something
wrong with me because I won’t punch you in the nose? So which is it?
Do I punch you in the nose or not?
And lets not forget, I am going to have my mother beat you up
remember? That “ugly threat of violence.”
Also, me refusing to apologize to you has ZERO to do with courage. It
has everything to do with integrity. I will not give you a false
apology. I still fully feel you want this party to revolve around you.
And that you are a total troll who takes out his rage at the
establishment on anyone who happens to disagree with him. As you put
in your mock apology, you are widely disliked in the party and in the
Libertarian movement. This is why.
You haven’t tried to build any bridges. You made it clear to people in
the party that you would not rest until I was out of the party. All
the while insisting that it was me who was trying to drive you out of
the party. Your constant lies and bullshit allegations make it
impossible for me to “build a bridge” with you. Because I find people
who engage in that to be despicable. And now your hoping that if you
try to pretend to be the better man that suddenly everyone is just
going to forget who instigated all of this? I remind you I didn’t even
use this forum until someone on the national level asked me to address
your “concerns” which was a laundry lists of contrived allegations and
outright lies. Made by you and Todd.
In addition, I would also point out that when I would go for a couple
weeks without posting anything, then finally did you just HAD to make
a negative comment. This is what brought about another one of your
“WWAAAAHHH!!!! YOUR NOT THE BOSS OF ME!” speeches when someone pointed
our that you were being a troll.
I refuse to apologize to you for reacting to YOUR extremely rude
behavior by telling you exactly what many people and myself feel about
you. Period. Stop asking. Your never going to get it. I am not a
coward as there is nothing to be “afraid” of. I would say the cowardly
thing would be for me to give a false apology to appease people. It is
ludicrous to imply that I should apologize to you for firing BACK at
you for the lame things you said. You absolutely deserved it.
I also refuse to be “ordered” or “pressured” into making peace with
you. If people think I am a bad member of this party for choosing who
I will and will not communicate with based on their treatment of me, I
think we are going to have a serious contradiction in our principles.
I don’t need to be Jim Davidson’s friend to do my duties as a member
of this party or the position I was elected to.
Here is what I will offer you. Which is what I asked you to do in the
first place. Stop talking to me. Stop talking about me. Stop emailing
me. Stop posting about me. And I will be happy to do the same. I would
like you to cease to exist to me and I will do the same for you. I
realized this was the best solution months ago. But when I blocked
your email and asked you to stop contacting me you decided to goad me
out to fight with you on the blogs and here.
You want this to end? For real? Don’t respond to this post. And don’t
communicate with me or about me any further. Period. And I will never
post another peep about Jim Davidson. And please for the sake of the
party PLEASE stop jumping to conclusions, contriving lies and
conspiracy theories about every party member who dares to stand up to
you. The way you lash out with these insane accusations forces the
person to either spar with you, or allow people who don’t know better
to believe your invented bullshit is true.